Shaman Knowledge : Kalimba - Water Trance / Schamanenwissen : Kalimba - Wasser Tance (music by @schamangerbert)

in #trance7 years ago

Dear Steemians! / Liebe Steemians!


Listen to the sound will harmonize your entirely water system in your body, just close your eyes and imagine a water drop in front of you. Be that water drop. Let the travel start, without thinking, just follow the drop whatever it does.

You may write your "travel" in the comments.

Das Hören dieses Stückes wird dein gesamtes Wassersystem im Körper harmonisieren. Schließe die Augen und stelle dir einen Wassertropfen direkt vor dir vor, sei dieser Wassertropfen. Laß die Reise beginnen, folge einfach dem Tropfen was auch immer er tut.

Gerne kannst du deine "Reise" in die Kommentare schreiben.

Video 6 minutes

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


First of all, thank you for the wonderful music. Here is what I saw.
First I saw a kind of vase that the drop tried to get through, but could not. After several tries it finally passed through and fell down. The drop fell faster and faster, there appeared a dark tunnel and one white and one black bat. The white bat was carrying the drop through the tunnel, the black bat with orange eyes was chasing. They flew faster and faster, but the tunnel appeared to have no end. Suddenly I realized that what appeared to be the movement through the tunnel was really a reflection of the background in a drop (like when you place your face close to a metal surface and rotate it, you will see the distorted reflection of the things behind you move very fast). So the bats had stopped carrying and chasing, they now just stood next to the drop, which had grown in size and was now as big as the bats. The water inside all things started to dance to the water trance music, and so the things themselves started to dance. The bats danced, the water drop danced. Suddenly the ceiling disappeared, the drop flew up past the clouds into a totally clear sky and was greeted by the most magnificent goddess. She was nearly 10m tall, very thin and wore a crystal blue pleated dress. She didn't say a word, but the drop understood that this was home, and so it merged with the ocean. There was no more need to chase or be chased, the drop could just be the ocean and slightly bob up and down with the music.

This so wonderful! You saw something very unique and the final stage of peace with the ocean is meant for you to have totally connected with the healing power of this music. I am very grateful to have such a listener!

wow what a wonderful music that was my friend, i close my eyes and listen it and i feels like every drop of water is dipped inside my head and then surrounds all over the body really refreshing feeling. thanks for sharing

Die Reise selbst war sehr belebend und hat meinen Körper im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bewegt. Das wirkt gerade noch ein bißchen nach.
Musik (Töne, Vibrationen, Schwingungen) und Wasser sind ja zwei der magischsten Elemente überhaupt, vielen Dank für dieses Stück, das beides so wunderbar vereint.

Awesome water trance music video @schamangerbert.
Your advice and this music is really valid for mind relaxation and meditation.
Upvoted/ Resteemed

Klingt sehr harmonisch aber ziemlich schnell :) Würde das auch helfen wenn man es langsamer abspielt?

Es werden langsamere Stücke kommen, aber Wasser ist nun mal recht zappelig. Aus deinen früheren Posts kann ich mir schon ein wenig vorstellen dass es dich völlig überfordert, mein Tipp: ganz leise abspielen. Erst wenn es angenehm wirkt langsam lauter anhören. Wichtig ist die Vorstellung des Wassertropfens und die Reise auf die er geht.

Das hat mir gut gefallen, man konnte sich auf Anhieb darauf einlassen und ich musste dabei nicht einmal die Augen schließen. :)

Danke für diese harmonisierende Musik!
Werde mich öfter mal darauf einlassen, da sie auf mich sehr entspannend wirkt.

Vielen Dank! Da wird noch einiges kommen.

Schön, dass du dein wertvolles Schamanenwissen mit uns teilst :)

beautiful sounds:):) very relaxing.....
hope to hear some more of this...

You will, I made some CD's and will publish all here.

wow ! excellent and awesome water trance video and music sound ...thanks for sharing....upvoted

what a sweet music !!!

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