Yet Another Tragic Pandemic Tale From Right Out of LA
Yet Another Tragic Pandemic Tale From Right Out of LA: Paid a visit the other day to an old friend named “Cliff,” who has a place up in the mountains overlooking LA. As you can see, Cliff’s the kind of a guy who enjoys “living on the edge.” Now, I realize we’re all supposed to be self-distancing these days, but I went over because Cliff was feeling really down - at least for a guy who lives way up.
Turns out, Cliff’s wife Mona - had suddenly left him. Not intensionally, mind you - for you see, Mona was a sleep-walker. Now, I know some of you are going to ask, why in the hell would a woman allow herself “fall” for a guy named Cliff - who lives off the side of a mountain? Well, it’s like I told you, Mona was a sleep-walker - so I guess it was just a matter of physics.
Anyway, while all this may seem like a really sad tale, it really isn’t. That’s because it has a rather happy ending. You see, I also have another friend, who happens to work as a seismologist - and he tells me that, in his professional opinion, “it’s only a matter of time before your friend Cliff will rejoin his wife Mona.” Now, come on! Don’t you just love happy endings?