Things I Used To Do: Traffic Koans

in #traffic-koans7 years ago (edited)


I was supposed to create a culmination post entitled "The Lay-By" but since it's a Thursday, I decided to do a thing I used to do which is, well... Things I Used To Do. Too soon?


I decided to file it under this because based on the reception this contest/challenge has gotten, I won't be doing anything like this ever again haha! You see, I'm an experienced judge so I figured why not have a go at organizing my own contest? I mean, how hard could it be, right? Just plop some SBD on the table, and people would immediately flock.


Could it be that people have become allergic of money? Perhaps they've become too tired of holding SBD in their wallets? It's only either one of the two, right? I mean, it couldn't be that people aren't just reading my posts. Right?

Before I get too emotional up in here, I do want to take a moment to thank everyone who has set their auto-votes on me and to the people who continually commented on my posts. Big ups to @meesterboom for being a constant source of support and hilarity, and for @dreemit and @ryivhnn for stopping by once in a while. I know schedules are tight so I appreciate being included in that. I would like to give a shout out to my new friends @johleen, @irastra and @three.colours for submitting entries and for your continued support. From my experience, people usually stop supporting me after I give them a shoutout, so I hope this isn't the case for you guys. Thank you also to the returning @finleyexp who always knows how to motivate through her comments, and for keeping a backlog of my posts as part of her massive reading list! Oh, and thank you to Terry @surpassinggoogle for saving some of the posts from going below $10 haha! I know that you can only resteem so much posts, so I appreciate the votes.

A special thanks to @meesterboom and @dreemit for contributing to the prize pool! You are the real heroes of this initiative :D

This is the first September I've spent on Steemit, and coming from the wave of support from the previous months, I was very optimistic. Thank the heavens I've been listening to the wise words of @lukestokes, so my expectations were well sorted out. It's a good thing too because... September sucks!! Hahaha! Don't get me wrong. I say that in a laughing, head scratching manner. Had I been operating on last year's mentality, I would've just up and quit Steemit forever. Not go on hiatus, but to just remove from my mind. I'm surprised I've been taking this relatively well, and I owe it to the stoic mentality that has been imbued on me. So, thanks, Luke!

The criteria was simple: interpret the koan and share a story of your own. Wayhay! That even rhymed! My first set of rules confused some people, so with @johleen's guidance, I revised it and published it midway. That increased the comments by one or two people, but I guess the lack of participation stems from the lack of people clicking on my links after all.

It's like my name was a repellent, or the picture wasn't attractive enough. No conversions from promotion channels, very little conversions from resteems. It's as if it was built to fail from the get-go.

I actually planned this for quite a while now, but I was fortunate enough to chance upon @dragosroua's 1000 SP lending call. Since I was going to link his 30-day challenge, I decided to submit an entry to his new challenge as well. Unfortunately, I didn't win. But, that's okay. I continued with the project, since the 1000 SP was just going to be a bonus. While my posts earned more than the eventual winner of that, it did get more consistent interaction even if it didn't start exactly on the first of September, so good choice picking the winner there.

Without any sponsors, I eventually changed it to be a 30-day challenge for myself. After all, a lot of people clamored for me to post more regularly, since I used to just post about twice every week. I usually post long fiction, so it was quite hard to post consistently. That's why I decided to use koans here instead, so that I would be able to keep it up for 30 days straight.

And, much to my surprise... I did!

Woohoo!! Yay me! The farthest I have ever gone before was seven days straight. But now, I was able to post every day for 30 freaking days! If you would've told me that last year, I would've just replied, "What? You're still on Steemit?"

Thirty days. That's some achievement. The big 3-0. It didn't cure me of my Writer's Block (if anything it only heightened it), but it did fulfill the many requests for me to post regularly. I mean, how much more regular can I get!? Unfortunately, more than 90% of those people didn't comment even once.

Not. A. One.

Don't get me wrong though, I truly appreciate the comments that I did receive. I treasure each and every one of them. They're all wonderful, and there are no complaints on my end about them. Not one bit. I'm extremely grateful to the people who took the time to comment. Lending your time to someone else's post is no small feat, and I will forever appreciate the awesome individuals who do so for mine. My eyes well up just thinking about the gratitude I feel for them.

I didn't expect hundreds of people to send in their entries, though I certainly hoped for it, but I at least thought that those people who consistently told me they wished I posted more regularly would at least comment once in a while. And, there were only a handful of them. I didn't ask for everyone to comment on everything, but they could've at least commented at least once.

These days, I guess that's too much to ask. At least spammers took the time to say it was a Nice Post.

I'm not sure if I've said it before but I have codenames for my projects. For example, A Day in the Clouds was codenamed BLIMP because all of the proceeds went to @zeppelin which is the name as well of a type of blimp. This one was codenamed PYLON, not because of my love for the Protoss, but because it was another term for the traffic cones we see on the streets. I found it so apt, because I wanted people to pile on and submit their entries. After all, the prize pool is larger than most of the other contest out there and it's not that hard to submit an entry. One only has to tell a story. It's quite difficult to tell a story about the traffic violation in question especially if you didn't read the koan after all.

Credits to @meesterboom

You see, what I do is I leave thoughtful comments on people's posts. My votes are worth nothing, so encouraging comments and resteems are all I have to offer. Whenever I leave those kinds of comments, I don't expect a return gesture readily, that's why I consistently comment on other people to somehow say, "Hey.. Notice me, senpai." If that doesn't work, no hard feelings, no resentment, I just move on and stop commenting on that person because clearly they're not interested in returning the support.

It's a calculated move, sure, but it's how I regulate my time here. I'm not making a boatload of money, so I just try to post what I can and support the people who return support. When I have spare time, I branch out and look at different interesting posts. Luckily for me, a lot of the awesome people who return support have the most interesting posts in all of Steemit! It's kind of a cause-and-effect, I think.

As with everything I do here, I conducted an experiment by going through my Following list to see who I should still be following. I don't follow a lot of people, but based on the support I get, I'd rather just follow only a handful. What I envision is to be able to vote on all of the people I follow. Not just vote, but to digest all of their posts and comment on all of them. What I want to see when I look at my feed is a string of posts that I have read, commented on and voted. I guess that's the very essence of following, isn't it?

For the whole month, I consistently commented and voted the people I'm following to see if they would return the gesture. I was surprised to see that more than 90% of the people I'm following didn't do so. So, I created a simple program using Steempy to see how many people are actively overlooking me. The way I calculated it is by measuring the interaction and assigning scores to see the strength of our connection. I don't want to elaborate on this just yet, as I'm planning to launch it as an open source project. Since "contest organizer" didn't work, maybe going back to my roots as a software developer would land me more interaction. Also, I figured that one month is too short of a span, so I'm giving it until the end of the year before I press Enter on an unfollow bot that I have coded. Now that I've written it on the blockchain, I feel that there would be some bias from readers who realize this. It's entirely my intention.

Don't get me wrong though, I feel no resentment for the people who overlook me. I just want to sever ties because as far as I'm concerned they're already dead connections anyway. In a way, it's a safeguard to spare me from future resentment (if it ever pops up) and to free up some space so I could follow more supportive people. I'm in a happy place right now, and even though this whole challenge was a bust, I would still continue on with Steemit. Although I did build myself up to a burnout, so gone are the days when I'll be posting daily. I would be going back to posting once or twice a week, or even less. In a way, I guess that posting daily is the thing that I used to do.

Vote @lukestokes.mhth | @steemgigs as Steemit witnesses!

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You are a forgiving man and that will pay off trust me. I know what you mean about comments they can affect you. Some comments are really inspiring and motivating and then sometimes the person just says something that looks like its been copied and pasted. I also do that sometimes, but when they do it to me, I reply and say, Thanks for your kind words, what did you like most about it? Or, which part did you like best?

To be honest, I actually hold a lot of grudges haha! It's not that I want to, believe me, I would very much like to forget each and every one of those. In terms of spam, I would advice you to stop doing that. Okay sure, you did it before, but now that you're aware of them, let the past be the past :D

Grudges are unhealthy they can make you physically sick i heard.

Haha yeah, don't I know it. It's something I try to avoid, but yeah. It's not as easy as it seems.

That is true yeah.

Thanks for your kind words! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!! 😀 😃 😄

Have a wonderful day as well!

You ran your contest and 30 day challenge just as I was packing and moving overseas. Such bad timing on both our parts. This is only the second time in a month I have had time to sit and read some posts, so of course yours was on the list. It is very difficult to write and post every day. I'm not sure how I did it either, as I am still struggling to get a new routine going. I still have a lot of work to do organising things here, so not sure when my schedule will allow for me to post more regularly, but I will get there.

Haha yeah, totally understandable, mate. For me, what's important is that you get settled in and get your health up, and I don't mind if you miss all of my posts :) I did mention that your Notes was a great inspiration for the series so this wouldn't have been possible without you. Thanks for that! I wouldn't have the courage to post daily for the whole month had you not lead the way.

While the participation was dismal, I guess the more important thing is that I got to step out of my comfort zone the way you did. Now I don't have to say "I couldn't imagine what you've been through" with the Notes since I've lived it for myself haha!

Now I'm curious where do I find these notes?

You can check out @naquoya's profile to view the list of all of his Notes :D

Cool, sounds like fun! 😀 😃 😄 😁 I hope you have a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL week!

Make sure to tell him I sent you, I'm sure he'll welcome you warmly :D Have a wonderful week as well!

Moving house is a huge job and potentially traumatic experience. Dont be to hard on yourself. I think you are doing a good job in focusing on routine right now. Good routines can make you really efficient. It helps us toe achieve our dreams. And I also think we overestimate how much we can do in a day and underestimate how much we can do in a year.

Thank you for your reply. Still haven't found my routine, as is obvious from my delay in seeing your comment. It's been a big move, but it was a while in the planning, so it is going well. But yes, the underestimating/overestimating comment is apt. I can vouch for that.

My schedule's been all over the place. Barely caught this at all. I'm still going to share whatever story your koans bring to my mind as I go through them. Still a bit behind.

I truly liked your contest and your effort. I also like that you did what you promised. Participation in your contest felt like a participation and not like sending something in a dustbin can. And, I truly appreciate your friendly support on my other posts. Actually, I'm going to miss Traffic-koans. Perhaps, I'm going to write some more comments on them yet, that is, if this internet connection functions a bit better than it did until now. And, I hope we meet each other on our posts in the future.

Awww thank you for saying that :'D I'm really not in it to impress, but it's always nice to feel appreciated. Warms my hear to know that my efforts aren't in vain. So, thank you for that!

I hate it whenever I'm excluded from anything, that's why I always make it a point to be inclusive to everyone. Leaving thoughtful comments is the only thing I know how to do, and I always make it a point to reply to everyone. As long as you continue to comment on my posts, trust that I will support you the best I can :)

Steemit was being DDoS attacked yesterday, so it's probably not a problem with your internet connection, by the way.

I think it was a pretty good job to dive into contest running, judging sounds like hard enough work, running one sounds even harder XD So well done on that front!

And for someone who still has writer's block you spin words pretty well XP

Sorry I haven't been commenting or otherwise around much :S

No apologies necessary, mate! I wouldn't have given you a shoutout if I hold any resentment. Or... is it, in fact, an elaborate ploy and the truth of the matter is that I'm holding a huge grudge against you!? Hmmm... a proper toss up if I ever saw one.

Thank you for the compliment though! I've been running on reserve energy for the whole month, so what you see is the best I could've done. Remember when I used to write 2500 words with ease? Ahhh those were good times haha! I do appreciate all of the times that you spared to support. It really means a lot! I know life is pretty hectic these days :)

Or... is it, in fact, an elaborate ploy and the truth of the matter is that I'm holding a huge grudge against you!?

I have now developed a complex XD

Qwll you've got a lot on at the moment, I remember how utterly exhausting wedding planning was and while you're doing that life still has to go on somehow aaaaaaahhhhhhh I'm not surprised you're tired :D Hope you're managing to fit in downtime somewhere!

I hope to sneak in some vacation time before the year ends haha! We're past the supplier's stage (except cake) but I'm finding the second phase even more mentally draining haha!

Aw man man!! Finally I get some time to sit and go through the posts that matter. I know it is disheartening at times and you didn't get the engagement you deserved but it was still fantastic. I got a kick out of them all.

Nice post!! Cheers for using that. It is still one of my favourite animations. I hope you post more than once a week at least. The thing is with some people when they say why don't you post more regularly they are just words to them. You do have a lot of people who enjoy your splendid postery. Don't be down dude. Do what I do whenever I feel down. Go on a cutting spree. That's right, blade up and start cutting. As to what you cut, well, that's up to you!

Phew, that's better.


Boomdawg, you not only have a direct line to my funny bone, but also to my feels! Knowing you enjoyed them definitely warms my heart!! Your wisdom knows no bounds!

I've been asking you to introduce me to no-bounds for quite some time now, but you always use the coming of Boom II: The Carbon Copy as an excuse. Pft! I'll let this one slide!

You're actually part of that precious precious 10% who keep me afloat here. Your encouragement is worth even more than your words, and you know just how much your words are worth ;'D The collective wind beneath my wings, the magnet beneath my maglev train, the dihydrogen monoxide inside my water-powered car!

On to the cutting I shall! And to those who deserve it we shout, LAMENT!!!

We shall shout it thus!!

And should they oppose us then they will


I am glad to have made the ten. The golden ones. It is good to make connections here. Not just stray fly by night ones but real connections.

As ever dudester you are the T in my... Well, my Tea!!

Right!? I don't know why people would be satisfied with faceless sometimes votes when they could forge lasting bonds that would stand the test of FUD!!

Whew! I'm glad that I was the T! For a second there, I though I would be the e and we wouldn't want that now, do we? Do 'e!?' E...eeewww

I hate how my best posts or so I think often get very little attention. I've pretty much changed my strategy now to commenting more. I heard a good new strategy for new people is to just read for a few days. Just read other people's posts. That's it.

Go with what works for you. I've made the mistake of following other people's advice when it comes to that in the past. Not everyone will have the same results, so go with what you feel you can sustain. Commenting more is definitely a good way to go, though I have to add that you have to comment thoughtfully and not just comment for the sake of commenting or to draw other people's attention to your posts. That's something people can easily sense.

Especially when you don't have a "name for yourself" here, it's good to just comment on other people's posts. Waiting around for people to comment on yours is never a good tactic. You have to proactively seek out people who you want to interact with. If they reciprocate then that's good, but if they don't then maybe it's just not the right fit.

I hear you. There is like this whole group of people constantly writing and commenting on bitcoin and crypto currencies and blockchains and I just don't understand that stuff. So one of the first thing I did was trying not to follow anyone like that unless I actually knew them in real life or maybe if their rep was above 70.

In general I am now only following people below 70 who I've actually "chatted" to or when I really really like their stuff. Like with you.

Thanks! I appreciate being included :D People who really know what they're talking about when they talk about cryptos is fine, it's the people who just post stuff about crypto when in fact they don't really know what they're talking about is what bugs me. It's like they're just posting to get votes.

O yeah that makes sense, I guess they are cashing in on the fact that this platform is crawling with entrepreneurs and open-minded, creative people. People who are always interested in new things and solutions to problems like the unintended (or intended, but lets not go into that now) consequences of fiat money systems... 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆

Yup, which is totally within their rights, but it's too underhanded for my taste.

Ahhh Mr. Jedau.... I think you've done absolutely brilliantly with your 30 day contest. It was new, unusual and creative. You put a lot of effort in, and I for one immensely enjoyed it! I know a lot more about the traffic situation in the Philippines than I ever thought I would haha! And you provided the opportunity for me to dig through and pull out a few of my own memories and stories that would otherwise have remained forgotten. :)

I'm sorry it didn't turn out as you hoped, but completing the discipline of writing every day, and sticking with it when you were feeling discouraged is to be commended!

Thanks so much for the shout out. It is now my number 1 priority (and my pleasure) to prove you wrong and to stay connected, whether you post once a week, once a day or once a year!!

Awww thank you, my friend! :'D Definitely one of the best positives from the contest is to have met your acquaintance! Posting for 30 straight days was surely a feat, and none of those koans took less than 30 minutes to finish too. So, I spent almost a day (or even more) including the explanations for them haha! I really don't know how I managed to complete it while feeling discouraged.

I'm glad it had that effect on you, certainly one I hoped to achieve! I hope I painted a realistic picture and people don't get overly turned off by it haha! Doing things with 100% effort is the only thing I know how to do, whether it's making a post or writing a comment. Maybe it was too unusual, but really though, I wouldn't change a thing. I didn't want to compromise my vision just to get more participation, so I'm glad that there are a handful of you who appreciated it enough to participate :D

This is only the beginning of our many interactions! I'm looking forward to all of them. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, and just be overall supportive of this. Words alone cannot do my gratitude justice! :D

I agree, my personal experience on this platform is that consistency is key. The algorithm rewards it somehow.

You're welcome! And yes, indeed, a contest is a tough thing to run!

I'm welcome for what, dude? Haha! Never will I ever organize another contest, that's for sure haha! More than 52 SBD on the line just for commenting and I never even broke a sweat compiling the entries haha! At least the winners would receive a huge chunk of the pie :D

You said you were extremely grateful to the people who took the time to comment!

As to your other frustrations, the first koan I commented on was the first time I saw your koans.

I can't even get people to read Gentle Werewolf, which is one of the most excellent scripts that has ever been written!

What do you mean by consistently commented and voted on the people you're following? You did several times on my stuff, but certainly not on everything. I'm not complaining, I don't expect that, but you didn't, for example, play in my contest, which I think is even simpler and less time consuming than yours, more than I played in yours.

Again, I don't mind, but I think you might have lost perspective on what people can reasonably do on here, yourself included.

I LIKE what you did with the koans, but I also think you got a reasonable amount of participation. There's a lot of luck involved in Steemit. Do it for you. (You do.)

This is written with respect and appreciation for you. You are welcome to feel however you want, but I think you've accomplished relatively more than others who attempt the same tasks.

Ahh! Haha! I did, didn't I? Well, thank you again for taking the time! :)

Yeah, okay so, this is one of those cases that I talked about. I don't know if it just didn't translate well, or I didn't convey it clearly, or you misunderstood what I said. Anyway, whatever the case. There was a time when I did comment on consecutive posts of yours (a Gentle Werewolf episode included, I believe), but since you post multiple times daily it's quite hard to keep track (more than twice my total posts! :O). You're actually one of the most ardent posters I've seen, so it's almost impossible to vote and thoughtfully comment on every one of your posts without exhausting my voting power and the time I'm spending on Steemit. That's no slight on you, dude, don't get me wrong. As you said, that's what I can reasonably do for you.

Before this month, the most I've ever posted was once a day for seven straight days. Often I just post one or two posts per day. Even though I commented consecutively on your posts, you didn't even comment on a single one of mine. No resentment there, I'm sure you were busy or you had other posts you wanted to comment on lined up. But, that's the case I talked about in terms of continued support.

If you would notice, the people whose posts I continually support (vote, read, comment) are the ones who do the same for me. As I mentioned, it's the least I could do--to return the gesture. Time is precious, I get that, so when people take the time to comment on each of my posts, I make it a point to do the same.

That's why when I meet someone new here, I make it a point to not miss at least three of their posts to test out how responsive they are. If they don't comment on any of my posts then c'est la vie. If they do comment at least once, I continue to support their posts, without missing a single one. That is, until I notice them stop commenting on my posts, in which case I feel like the support is one-way. I give it at least three posts again, rinse and repeat.

That's how I weed out people who I never miss posts of. It's a bit methodical and quite calculating, but yeah, I'm trying to avoid feeling any resentment because of one-way support.

I hope that clarifies my M.O. here. It's certainly not the best approach, as my stalled progress shows, but it's how I operate. Oh, and I actually played in your contest, thrice (the third one was an unofficial entry) if my memory serves me correctly. So yeah, I guess more times than you submitted an entry for mine :D I lost both times and we had a discussion about contests, with you telling me that I should just try and try, and me saying that my contest winning streak is being slowly erased. You did make a good point that I should just join for the fun of it and for experience, but yeah I'm just the type of cautious person who only joins contest that I feel I have a legitimate chance of winning. In a way, I guess the lack of participation for my own contest is karma haha! As for the time consumed, hmm.. I would have to respectfully disagree, or at least suggest an impasse. It's quite subjective, isn't it? In my mind, entries for my contest is simpler and less time consuming because you don't have to be creative. Just recall a story and write it in the comments section. The same cannot be said about making puns. It just must come naturally to you, that's why you feel it's simpler :) For other people, we really do need to think about it quite a bit. Sometimes we get lucky and we get it on the first try. But, not always.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, Brendan. You gave me a lot to think about. I appreciate you imparting all of these. When we think about it, it really all boils down to expectations. It's a good thing I expected this type of scenario so I'm not too down about it :D

Well, I'm glad you're not too down about it. I gave you a shoutout in a recent post, so I can hope some folks stop by and interact with you because of it... not that anyone much reads my posts either.

I keep trying to upvote your comment, above, but for some reason I keep getting an alert... whoop, nope, there we go. It worked this time. (after 4+ attempts)

I think we have very different takes on what people SHOULD do. As you say, it boils down to expectations. I seek you out from time to time. I comment on your posts when I come across them in my feed. I have no rule about commenting on your posts. I kind of feel like, if I didn't seek you out, you'd never come by my page, so while you reciprocate attention, you don't seek me out. It's a different kind of feeling underappreciated than you have, but it's similar. It's hard to build a friendship when we both have such different ideas of what it should be like, but we'll persevere, eh?

But let's talk about those feelings of resentment we can feel about one-way support. I think we both will be better off if we can abandon those feelings regardless of our own behavior. Let us all learn to be fans of those we are fans of and expect nothing in return. We're fans of people because of their work, and it's NICE if they're fans of our work, but that's not WHY we're fans of they're work. My example is @suesa. I just like her writing. But I don't really expect her to like my writing or even read it. I just like hers. I feel better about that because, if I'm not seeking attention, I can just be a fan. Steemit mixes social media and fandom in a way that I'm ambivalent about. On the one hand, yes, all social media connects creators with fans. On the other hand, Steemit in particular is a community of 90% content creators. That's freakin' tough. We all need an audience, but we're only an audience of each other. Weird. Also, popularity is almost directly tied to profitability. That also makes for some unusuals for otherwise normal social interactions.

And yes, your contest did feel much harder to me than my contest feels to me, but I guess that is, indeed, because of our particular skill sets, or perhaps because of our expectations of what others' expectations of us are (I.E. I felt like I had to tell an interesting story that lent something useful to the conversation if I was going to tell a story at all.)

More thoughts about contests, not that you're ever going to try hosting a contest again:
Not that there's hundreds of entrants, but, since everyone wins my contest (i.e., an upvote), as long as they try, whether they make a good pun or not, maybe it feels like there's no risk, only reward. Whereas, since in your contest one had to tell the BEST story, so if and when one reads the other stories and thinks, "well, that's a better story than I'd tell," perhaps one wouldn't feel like they'd be contributing much to the discussion.

BTW, if it makes you feel any better, I have spent more time commenting on your posts over my history of steemit than I have on any other individual's account. I SUSPECT, though I don't know how much time you spend on each comment, that I have spent more time commenting in your threads than you have on mine. That's not blockchain measurable, but since there's a need on your end to be reassured that your attention is reciprocated, be assured that it is and has been.

I will add, that the way in which you've decided to do your steemit-ing means to me that you will never come to actually be a fan of my work. That nips at the back of my mind. That you will comment on my works according to your rules, but that we won't actually be able to talk about the work itself, because you're just following your rules. I dunno. Maybe not. Maybe you'll allow yourself to be excited by something that you really like or that you'll feel the need to express your criticism for something that you have a big problem with if you are so inspired, but it doesn't FEEL that way. Am I wrong?

I hope I wasn't too impolitic here. Just writing a lot of thoughts as I have them.

Oh, also, when I said "What do you mean by consistently commented and voted on the people you're following? You did several times on my stuff, but certainly not on everything. I'm not complaining, I don't expect that, but you didn't, for example, play in my contest, which I think is even simpler and less time consuming than yours, more than I played in yours."
I meant, "over the course of the contest" Because that's what I thought you meant... that you had sought out your followers once you started your contest, and interacted with them. I meant that I did your contest a couple times while it was running this past month, but until I did, I hadn't seen you in a while.

Good point you don't people to always comment just because they want to win something. But I think contests are cool, also as a way of driving people to your website.

Thanks for the shoutout! Much appreciated, man. You already know I gave you a week-long shoutout the other month, so I hope that brought in a couple of new followers.

Admittedly, you're more fast and loose about it while I'm a bit more rigid. I made it this way for me because I really don't want to miss out in responding to anyone who comments on me. Since I don't have a lot of time to spare, I'm trying to be economical about it. I have sought you out a bunch of times before. Like I said, there was a stretch where I continually commented on your work even though you didn't comment on mine. No worries there, but yeah, I have sought you out a few times before. So, I totally get what you mean. I don't want to say that seekin out and not being reciprocated weighs more, but it is what it is.

With regard to one-way support, I totall get what you're saying and you make a really great point. The thing is, like I said, I can only fit so much Steemit time in my day, so as much as I want to comment on posts I enjoy reading, I put precedence to the people who support me. I think we just have different approaches, and I totally respect how you go about things. It's just that, in my life, I've had trouble finding people who genuinely return support. I am often excluded in things (which I hate), that's why I try to be as inclusive as I can. People who make me feel included are rare gems that I try not to let go of. So, if I would be given a choice whether to comment on people who won't even reply to my comment, I'd rather have long conversations with people who do appreciate my support and who reciprocate it as well.

Maybe that's just how I'm wired. I'm not really a huge "fan" of anything, in the strictest sense of the word, so maybe that's why I don't have droves of "fans" as well. I would rather develop lasting connections than just have passerbys. That strategy has worked for me to some extent, if we're talking about profitability. Sure, I'm not raking it in with regard to earnings, but I have a steady flow of conversations because I've fostered it through reciprocating support.

There you go. I've received entries that read like stream of consciousness stories, and that's all well and good. I wanted people to have a profound experience even though they're just telling a story from their past. Based on some of the testimonies, that was achieved so I'm a happy camper. It didn't explode the way I wanted it to, but it got the reception I needed it to. I hope that makes sense.

Do you remember now that I joined your pun contest a number of times before? I didn't win any of those, so I'm not sure if the rules just changed. I think I "won" the last one, but it's only the consolation prize I think. Also, while you have a cool mechanic, I don't think that's the norm. Many other contests here have only a strict set of winners, hence what I told you about my former winning streak. So yeah, I don't think it's really that comparable. Every contest is different in that regard. I did give a 100% upvote on all of the entries, so I guess that's the same with your mechanic of everyone winning.

Sure, some people would feel discouraged by seeing a greater entry, but other people don't. I often belong to the former, so I can relate, but I've received tons of great entries after some already awesome entries. Looking at other people's contests, I could say that happens quite a lot. While I'm not a big believer in competition, people have the tendency to be competitive. I don't think your thoughts on it is the norm, though I do like the way you think about it.

If you would examine my comments, I spend a lot of time replying to everyone. With that in mind, the time I spent replying to you would be among the average time I spend replying. But, that's because I spend a lot of time replying and posting comments. I guess the average time I spend is greater than many other Steemians spend on comments. This whole conversation, while it's particularly long in current standards, is not even among the top 5 longest conversations I've had here haha! I hope that gives you a ballpark of the length of replies I give. Also, I don't think it's fair to assume the time I spend commenting on your posts, especially since some of your posts only have less than 300 words.

I guess I'm a fan of people more than their work. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how my rules affect the quality of comments I give. And, it's not that I only comment on people who comment on me. I'm not sure you're hearing me very well when I say that I venture on posts. After making sure that I have reciprocated support, I branch out to other posts and try to connect with people. I do so by choosing posts by people I don't know that interests me. Whether that translates to a lasting connection, only time will tell.

It's not that I don't read other people's work, because I do. Admittedly, this is not the perfect way to go about things, but it's what helps me not develop resentment. I just won't bother leaving, for example this type of long comment, on people who won't even bother to reply to it, much less comment on any of my posts. I don't think I could explain it any further.

I do appreciate you taking your time to elaborate. This is the kind of conversation that I'm talking about.

I'm glad you enjoy this conversation. I'm not sure what else to say. I think it's difficult to convey entire meaning in writing on one hand, and on the other I've had trouble in person, too. I think you've done an excellent job thoroughly explaining your position. I think I hear a tone that you don't intend, and that's why reading conversations can lead to misunderstandings.
To clarify, if you're happy, I'm happy. If you're frustrated, I'm frustrated. If you're disappointed, I'm disappointed.

I guess we can agree that there are just different strokes for different folks. Everyone might not always see eye to eye, but that makes agreements all the more special.

I think you are right your contests are not that time consuming. As far as followers/following are concerned @xervantes does these cool stats where he checks which people's posts are most profitable to comment on and which authors...sorry can't remember the other stat but i like that one. Apparently i was number 3 on his rankings.

Hey @jedau - Well first, congrats to you for running the contest for 30 days, even if it didn't get the traction you were hoping for. Wish I'd got an entry in now :/

Secondly, I echo your sentiments entirely re comments and support being reciprocated. It's weird that some would willingly (it seems) turn down solid support and almost guaranteed up votes.

Developing strong bonds through mutual reciprocation and encouragement is obviously one of the keys to success here on steemit, so how come it's not happening? It's kinda sad to think that if I dropped 100k sp into my account all of a sudden I'd have a whole army of 'loyal' followers.

Anyway, you've got my vote 'cause I can tell you see things here in the same light as I do.

Hoping to see you post more than once a week ;)

There are still 2 more days to get your entry in, man :D Even though I already have a tentative list of winners, you can still sneak in there. Would be a shame if you let the opportunity slide.

Thank you for your second point. Great to know that I'm not alone in feeling that. I guess some feel, I don't know, entitled (I guess?) to it after a few exchanges.

With a year or so under my belt here, the current ecosystem that seem to pervade is that minnow, dolphins and even whales would circle larger whales hoping to get their support, even though there are other minnows and dolphins out there who post something similar that has equal or even better quality than what the whale posted. I don't think that's changing anytime soon, since it's been the case for more than a year. You're correct in your observation about gaining that army of followers when you power up to become a whale though.

This was my experiment in posting regularly, so I might even post less than once a week now hahaha! Thanks for dropping by from time to time though, I appreciate you taking the time :D

@royrodgers has voted on behalf of @minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond. To be Resteemed to 4k+ followers and upvoted heavier send 0.25SBD to @minnowpond with your posts url as the memo


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