If I choose to run the yellows it's usually when I'm in that annoying spot where you can go either way (brake hard or accelerate hard). I have had a few instances where I've chosen to accelerate and wondered why the car behind me (which definitely should have stopped!) and sometimes the one/s behind that didn't stop when they definitely should have!
Yeah, that really is a precarious situation. If you do stop, and you end up going beyond the line you're still at fault. So, if you're not going to be able to stop comfortably, it would be best for everyone if you crossed completely. It's a risk, but it has way better results.
Haha! Yeah! I wonder the same too. Sometimes I feel like I'm the last one to legit make it, but then I see several cars trailing me that seemed to run the red light hahaha!
I know the timing of most of the lights (except this one huge intersection which has some mind bogglingly fast switches, probably because that huge intersection is also insanely busy) so usually I know I'm legit the last one through. I think if you notice the light changing red as you're part way or just about through the intersection that's a pretty good indicator XD
Oh I just realised I have run red lights before, usually on a turn if I've pulled out but didn't end up having the gap I thought I did so was stuck in the middle of the intersection when the lights changed and had to floor it through because there was no going back DX
We're only human after all, and I bet those switches that you can't predict are operated manually haha!