Oh wow!! You have corrupt cops! We don't. Will, I mean we probably do but not the traffic cops. They would rather easy their own feet than let you of with an offense no matter how much you bribed em.
hehe, you said lasciviously
Oh wow!! You have corrupt cops! We don't. Will, I mean we probably do but not the traffic cops. They would rather easy their own feet than let you of with an offense no matter how much you bribed em.
hehe, you said lasciviously
Oh dude, the traffic cops here are on a whole other level. This is just my opinion, but I strongly believe that they feel like they should get paid more even while they have their feet up the whole day. During the Christmas season, they're more active than ever because people usually have more cash with them haha! The only downside for them is if they get caught in accidents.
It's great you pointed that out because I just saw a grammatical error in the same sentence as lasciviously haha! Thanks for that, broseph! :D
Not the dread grammatical errors!!!
My grammar can be terrible because I do a lot on my phone so it makes it harder to proofread. I hate looking back and seeing glaring errors!
For me, my grammar is mostly terrible because, well... Oh look blinky cursor! C'mere blinky cursor!
It blinks and winks and shines!! Woohoo!!
Let's chase it!
It disappeared when I clicked POST. Damn POST... Oh, wait! There it is again!!
I see it, I see it!!
Where?? Where!? Oh there it is!
Wait wait, I've got it! It's over here!!!