I remember that day so clearly. The clouds parted and the heavens opened up. A choir of angels sang, pulled out their instruments and rocked until you fell asleep. Oh that day was so metal!
I remember eating popcorn that day, watching the spectacle from afar. Oh how I recall it so clearly! Like it was just yesterday. It's amazing how the same scene would be recreated less than 2 days from now!
I know you are but what am I!?
Was I? But when?
Your mama (Hi Mama Boom!)
When you were born
Hey, says Mama Boom!
When I was born. That was the day indeed
I remember that day so clearly. The clouds parted and the heavens opened up. A choir of angels sang, pulled out their instruments and rocked until you fell asleep. Oh that day was so metal!
It was. Skies the colour of mercury. The wind, razor fanged and then, them, the trumpeting of angels!!
I remember eating popcorn that day, watching the spectacle from afar. Oh how I recall it so clearly! Like it was just yesterday. It's amazing how the same scene would be recreated less than 2 days from now!