So profound, dude! Alright now hand over the rope and help me up. It's getting dark, and it's quite hard to be stuck in this deep deep mental hole when the sun's gone down. There might be... ugh! I dare not say it... lurking in the woods.
Quick, run for it. I know you are in a hole but if you run anyway you should start whizzing around in a tiny circle. Have you ever lit a fire by twirling a stick against a stone?
That's what will happen, you will burn your way out of this!
So profound, dude! Alright now hand over the rope and help me up. It's getting dark, and it's quite hard to be stuck in this deep deep mental hole when the sun's gone down. There might be... ugh! I dare not say it... lurking in the woods.
cockroaches. ayiiiiieeeeeee!!
Cocharachas!!!! Aiyee.
Quick, run for it. I know you are in a hole but if you run anyway you should start whizzing around in a tiny circle. Have you ever lit a fire by twirling a stick against a stone?
That's what will happen, you will burn your way out of this!
Fart noises. Yo momma jokes. Dad jokes. Those silly light romps would get me out of this deep philosophical hole you put me in.
Dad, make me a sandwich.
Abracadabra you're a sandwich
And, I'm a sandwich now.
Call me an ambulance!!!
You're an ambulance
I bet they sell snacks, drinks and syringes there while on the ride too!