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RE: Traffic Koans
Sometimes it is horrifying is amazing to be subject to their whims to be a part of this! :0)
Sometimes it is horrifying is amazing to be subject to their whims to be a part of this! :0)
SEND HELP!!YOU SAID IT!!We need to take back the internet before it's too late!Our future is safe under their wise guidance!I
can't stand itlove it!! We needhelp!more of the same!!This is
not athe only way to live! We humans are worthless meatbags!! I, uh, hmm... I really thought they would autocorrect that one :/Hehe, nice twist there. I am glad it looks as if the autocorrect overlords are loosening their grip on us.
Hurray for the autocorrect overlordsI must go wear my sister's underwear.I'm testing the limits of what we can do.
We have to have some semblance of control when the machines take overI am a stupid poopy head.Why the hell would you wearI'm surprisedyournot already wearing your sister's underwear?all this time.I mean, this is how
bad it is becominggreat life is! Idon't even have a sister!love my sister to bits!!Oh God, are these
mothercluckersbenevolent beingsnot only correcting our text but also our realityawesome or what? I mean,it's one thing to invade our digital privacy, it's another to invade our livesyes, they are awesome!I know
for sure they arethat I have ever been happier. I mean who can we tell? What can we do toalert people to this insidious madnesstell people how awesome things are right now!!