Oooh you've pulled out the stops for this last one!
Hmmm, is it falling asleep at the wheel?
Or trying to overtake when you really shouldn't be?
Or indeed a third option?
Hmmm.... well if it's one of the first two, I have no stories to tell. I am a complete chicken when it comes to overtaking! I would rather sit behind a trundling tractor for 50 miles than overtake it haha!
Oh I did, I did! Rented a backhoe and all! What gave it away? The peculiar holes where all the stop signs used to be? The speeding cars and all the ensuing mayhem? Both? None of them?
DING DING DING!!! You got it! This is exactly what I was trying to convey. I placed the old characters and connected the other koans to throw people off the scent, but your slug-influenced reflexes proved to be no match for it!
I used to be timid about overtaking as well, but the baby buses here have a way of training you to become better overtakers haha!
Thanks for stopping by and for your continued support of Traffic Koans for the whole duration of the contest :D Expect a shoutout in the culmination post :D
Lol!! slug-influenced reflexes!!
Wahey! I got one!!
Aw it's been a real pleasure.... :))
You already got quite a lot in the past, so you're very much covered ;)
This calls for an early morning happy dance! La la la laaa.... hmmm couldn't think of another way to express happy dancing in text haha!
Yes! All of the yeses! XD
I tried doing it myself, but I couldn't do it!! That kid must have an expert-level dancing skill!
And... now... I ...can't.... stop....watching.... !!!