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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 18]
Oh wow! I never expected to enter with an exact ambulance story! Where do you live?
It's nice to hear a firsthand account of that. At first, I thought it was okay, since you hitchhiked on their way back from a trip and there was really no other means of transportation, but when they used the siren to manipulate the traffic, man... That's the kind of blatant corruption I wanted to point out that's why I included this koan.
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing your tale :D That's one of my favorite Lao Tzu quotes, so I appreciate the inclusion of it.
I live in Europe. This was so long ago that it most probably doesn't apply any more. People rarely hitch-hike nowadays. Besides, people now prefer carpooling, a website where people offer a ride for a small contribution or sometimes free. It works also for whole Europe.
The authorities wanted to tax it as black market work, but the lawyers declared it a tax free with the explanation that sharing the highway and gasoline costs while offering someone a ride isn't black market work.
Many of those services are listed on Free Man Post
We have tons of those here too. The government wants a cut, when really people are just being economical and cutting costs and pollution. It must be that the government is just bummed they didn't thought of it first.