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RE: Traffic Koans [Day 24]
Haha! This is the second time you commented ahead haha! It's so easy to just place your hand on the door edge so that the back of your hand would act as a safety. I really don't know why people would rather dent someone else's vehicle than just being careful. Oh wait, lack of compassion. Right.
Me? I would rather squirm my way out than to inconvenience other people. And that's maybe the reason for the lack of comments by other people on my posts, no? Hahahaha!
I have to admit that being careful about the car door did not come naturally, it was a learned behavior. Not because I don't care about other people, but because I am inherently absentminded, the same reason I trip over air or cracks in the sidewalk, LOL. But I've conditioned myself to be mindful of things like this. My daughter on the other hand, is like you, she would definitely squirm her way out rather than inconvenience someone. She takes after my husband who is always mindful of everything. He will only go through a drive thru at a fast food place if we all basically know what we want ahead of time because he hates making people wait. Now my son, poor boy, is definitely his mama's child. The good thing about nature's like mine and his is that when things don't come naturally we make an effort to change for the better. Plus we're so damn likable, haha!
Actually, I haven't been doing as well with comments on my book lately. On my other stuff yeah, but on the book it's mostly spam other than you. Even paul and meesterboom only comment every so often on it lately. I try not to let it get me down, but in truth I have been feeling a little down. It took me forever to dig up the motivation to start making posts about the convention, and the first one I did was completely forced. Which is okay, because it got the ball rolling. I was just telling Deb, who by the way lost her father recently and has been having a hard time- that I've noticed everything seems to be a bit dark lately. TV shows and series, movies, it's actually hard to find feel good things to watch. I think this means that I should try even harder though, so I am :)
Haha! I do think it's correlated with your nature, and you and Ethan are so lucky in that regard. Also, I think learned behavior is even more awesome. It goes against your nature somewhat and yet you consciously try to improve. I have tons of those things too, so I know how difficult it is to keep consistent.
How is Zoe and Howie in terms of being Jenna-like? If we're similar in that aspect, then maybe it's our similar attitude that's resulting with our being constantly forgotten/dismissed? Still, trying to get to the root of it.
I haven't missed commenting on any of your chapters (even if some are late) and I don't plan on starting any time soon. Me? This whole rough patch is a true test of my grit here, I think. I'm running on reserves as I slog through getting the whole
TragicTraffic Koans thing done. Planning to write a retrospective, so I'm saving my sentiment about it. As you know, it's inherently difficult for me to post regularly, so I'm inevitably heading for a long burnout period after this monumentally dismal series.I did send Deb my condolences when she posted it. Although, I have to disagree that everything seems dark, as I feel everything's basically the same. "We" just hit an unlucky patch, s'all. Air quotes on we because you're still averaging your usual while my posts have hit lows in earning votes and interaction haha! There was one koan that didn't crack $10 and another that didn't receive comments haha! It's the first time I've experienced September on Steemit, and I have to say that it sucks so much hahahaha! If I had experienced this kind of month last year I might've never returned when I did haha!
Jenna and Zoe...yes, there is a bit of a correlation there. Not Howie though, God no, he's the center of attention everywhere we go. He has a way with mesmerizing an audience, that's the one aspect of his personality zoe did not inherit, and it appears that Ethan might have.
Hmm then we're back to square one with it haha! For me, center of attention? No. But, hmm.. I guess sometimes. I do have a way to mesmerize an audience, but I think that's a learned attribute. Maybe my voice is just way too loud when I need it to be.