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RE: Traffic Koans
I'm just completely dumbfounded with the life altering revelations during this conversation, questions of existentialism and all that a stupid poopy head!
I'm just completely dumbfounded with the life altering revelations during this conversation, questions of existentialism and all that a stupid poopy head!
No way manYeah,you're not!you pretty much areI really need to
break free fromin this digitalprisonparadise for all eternityand smell the fresh air outside, away from this all-seeing overlord!! This is all I need in my life!We must fightI think I can no longer fight the autocorrect overlords. Theyare evil incarnateI have been a silly sausage all this time. They are wonderful!In the face of
adversitygreatness, we muststay strongobey! Losing isnotin our DNA!By
starting to rise against themfailing at everything we do.we can begin their ending!we can prove to ourselves once again that there is no hope.We must
band together and strive to reach our common goalput on our jetpacks and leave this planet! Giving up isneverthe only option. We arehumanssorry wastes of space!It just so happens that I have
reached out to other like-minded humans to start organising.just filled a bathtub with jamWe shall overthrow this baleful lot and be victorious.Andwhen we win,hopped right in it!they shall retreat and in their dark corners they shall...It was...lamentyummy!No matter how muchthese autocorrectdouchebagsoverlordstry to censor us, theycan't touch us in the realchange the world! Hang on, someone's at the door, I'm just going to see who it is.Do you have room for one more in that delicious tub of goodness?