Ugh, I can't imagine this type of scenes here. Quite some time ago, trains were pretty crowded but mostly in peak hours, especially when students were travelling from one town to another. Back then people could smoke, drink and eat in the wagons, so it smelled so nastily that everyone came out of the train in a cloud of stank. So I started to hitch-hike, I mean I couldn't afford myself to add some throw-up smell to the already offensive stench that made me feel nauseated in the train.
The policy of the railway improved last years, so they have a eat&drink wagon, and special division for smokers, so the rest doesn't come off feeling like they have turned into an ashtray full of cigarette butts. It got quite comfortable, actually.
Great to hear about the changes. I'm surprised that there is still a smoker's area, I would've thought that would've been abolished. There are eat&drink wagons here too as it might become messy. Plus, the ban on drinks was placed because there was a bomb threat years ago that involved unknown liquid substances. At least improvements are being enacted. Always forward, never back.
Thanks for stopping by, my friend! I appreciate it :D