Some taxi did just pass by me occasionally but this was quite some time ago. Buses used to be more aggravating. Once, in the middle of winter, with half a meter of new snow and minus 20 degrees Celsius, I stood there on the bus station on my way to work. Of, course there was no way to call a taxi, stores were not open yet, mobile phones non-existing, and there some 3-5 taxis in town, anyway, so most probably they were already busy. So, I just stood there on the bus stop trying not to undercool and catch a cold. The first two overloaded buses swooshed by me without stopping. Then the third one did the same. Even though it was absolutely empty my waiving didn't help one single bit. My anger was the only fuel to heat my body. Needless to say, I missed the first hour of my workday when I finally arrived in half frozen state.
Agh... Sorry to hear you through that. I'm glad you got out in one piece. Work should've been suspended in such harsh conditions. But, I wouldn't know. I have yet to experience snow in my life.
Public transportation is the worst. If they could only do what they're intended to do, the world would be a better place. Thank you for yet another cringe-worthy tale. I appreciate you recounting your experiences for the purpose of this challenge.