I have only been on a train a few times in my life, and once of these times was this past summer when I took it from Long Island into NYC to meet @surfermarly and a crew of other great steemit chaps. The ride in was great, no problems, met a couple of girls who just got back from a big hippie fest and offered me a warm beer and helped me figure out which subway was the right one to board to get to my final destination.
The ride back? Um, well, I think they have some issues with their electricity because the lights and air conditioning kept blinking on and off. It might have been scary except every patron on it looked bored and my guess is it was business as usual. Someone really should look into that though.
Oh yeah I remember that, with hansik and the others. I bet it's a common occurrence. Something about it being the norm that makes people think it's just passe. Too bad that trains aren't given more emphasis like in Japan or Singapore. They're a real boon to the economy, and making train riding pleasant would really unclog the roads.