How do I collect Free Coins? How can anyone grow a small account?

in #trading7 years ago

Hey guys, I barely have anytime to make new videos. But I hope that you can find most of the answers to your questions, by watching my previous videos. However it's Saturday afternoon and I have a few minutes to discuss the market and answer some questions I keep getting, over and over.

I hope this video encourages you and helps everyone to see how easy it is to create a fortune from even a small size account by adopting a safe method of trading. I again apologize that I cannot answer every post below, and I trust that our community will help new ones get answers to basic questions.

Thanks everyone for watching and supporting this blog through your Upvotes,



glad to see you back, ping me on slack!

Please please my vote my ID @mohabat

Please please my vote

Hey guys, I've been seeing these videos for weeks now and I feel more confident with my trades so far. I only have one doubt, when do I know is the right time to sell? I've been selling sometimes too soon with profits of 3%. Thanks for your input and keep up the great work guys!

Hi Luc,
@Baselinesecurity here. I am a member of the Slack, Forum, and Moderator on the Discord channel. Just wanted to send you a "public personal" message to say thank you and a short little tribute: None of this community would be possible without the support from QFL (you, Luc) himself. A big big thank you to QFL who was kind enough to share this method of trading. Our communities (for the most part) are focused around mutual helpfulness and that is the spirit you embody when you teach. I am grateful for the community that you have continued to lead.

It would be a blessing if you had the opportunity to join the official Discord channel as well as a sign of support. Here is a link if you are interested:
We will be doing many community-focused projects in the upcoming weeks and would love to have your blessing. Thank you again.

Looking forward to continued success for those who are good in our community,

This discord has been an amazing place and it would make a world of a difference to have the tradefather there himself

Thank you so much for your time Mr. QFL...please join us to continue sharing your sensible words of wisdom!

Greetings Baseline and community! Love the discord idea come on over QFL, Praise and Glory!

Just joined! QFL's method is very profitable only if you are patient and resilient.

Thank You, Thank You and Thank You again!!! Thank You Luc for absolutely everything! It all makes sense now... this video was the one where everything came to get her for me. I will be building and collecting free coins as fast as the market and my account will let me now.

Luc is the best teacher one could ever find to understand how to trade. We are so lucky to be here Robin.

Oh I did have one quick question: You mention sending your free coins to a wallet ... what wallet do you use that supports your many different coins?

I don't really.. I have been making individual wallets for some of the coins..But mainly I have them spread acrosss exchanges.. and I was thinking of getting a hardware wallet at some point, but I haven't gotten around to picking one..

I advise you to get a ledger nano and have the seeds kept in 2 different safe locations (and tell your wife how to access them), Luc.

Does the nano ledger support many different coins?

Yes, go to their website to see the list of coins supported at the moment.

Yes. Even better than the Ledger Nano is Ledger Nano S. Nano S allows you to add additional coins beyond the default btc, eth. But not a ton, just maybe 4 or 5 more with the version I bought last month. You use the Ledger Manager app from Chrome to add coins to your Nano S.

Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, Nano S is compatible with myetherwallet, though I haven't used that option.

Yes Luc please get a Ledger Nano to secure some funds in cold storage!! Thank you for all you do. I know you feel you've said it all but updated videos help encourage us and even after watching all your videos I learned new things from your video Saturday. I know you are busy so it's much appreciated to get an update.

Something to consider when I recently saw the future of trading directly from Hard Wallets on decentralized exchanges. It is some time off until Tezor will be used on some, but I like the Tezor concept the most. These two popular ones are a bit like Holden or Ford. But Ledger can be used now in places like this buy DIA, MKR. I may buy both and have the best of both worlds :)!

Hi Luc! Firstly may I just say how lucky I feel to have stumbled across your videos! I have watched a few whilst taking notes, and have waited 2 weeks for Steemit verification to post a reply here. I just wanted to know if there was a specific order to watch your videos in? I want to start trading very soon but do not want to start until I have properly learnt what you have taught. Best regards.

feel free to join the discord also:

Could you do a more in depth video on the small account building trades using thinly traded altcoins. I know you mentioned it in one of your older videos but could you go into more detail? Thanks again for all the great videos and posts keep it up

I too want to know more about growing small account trades.. @quickfingersluc

Thanks so much for the videos and time, Luc. I wanted to show you my first trade I made after watching just a few of your videos. I have been hooked ever since.

Yup, nice to see you practicing.. I hope you are keeping those trades very small until you get a real [anic and therefore can layer into a position.. so far you have had some nice trades, but no real big panics, so your trade size should be kept small..Congrats on your profits, and welcome to our community :)

Thank you for the feed back. Yes I kept that small since it was my first, and am increasing with the more experience I get. Three weeks seem like a long time trading crypto that is for sure.

Hello Luc, first a huge thank you for helping us all. I have a humble request, can you make a live video of your BTC trading for 10-15mins where we can see how you trade clearly. We can also do the same practice like an expert

Luc, would you advise me to cashout all my profits after every trade and then go to a casino, and put it to the red at roulette? If i lose it was free anyway and if i win it's profit x2 so it's a great strategy right? I hope you do realise your "freecoin" stuff is exactly the same. Exactly. Like a wise man said once : "Holding is not a strategy, it's gambling". That man is you :)

Im not sure you are understanding the traders mindset.. Trading is a mental game, you have to have the right perception to win.. If you think of your free coins as money, then they will effect you emotionally as they go down or up.. But if you can see them as free and your original account as unchanged, then you will become an super trader..

Well, if i see a good dip in a shitty coin i will trade it. And i will take profit. And i dont want this coin so i will buy other coins that i like better with the profit, and hold them. First step, i profit , Second step i invest my profit. I dont know why not calling these 2 steps by your new hype "freecoin" concept would be a miss perception... It's just the same without the random part of letting my profit on a coin i have not chosen for itself but for its chart. Is nt it?

Absolutely, thats totally fine. As long as you can view the coins you have invested in as "free" (because they come from your profit on a trade) then you are doing the same thing.. I didnt like the analogy above where you compared free coins to gambling at a casino because there really is no gamble.. There is guaranteed success because your investments are in the context of a solid method... Looking again at your casino example: If you took your profits from trading and went to the casino and everyday bet todays profits on roulette and accepted all the losses but also kept all the gains, your account would grow quickly also... Because sometimes you would win big, and those would be added to your trading account to create more "investment profits"... If you are only playing the casino with profits generated from your trades, then your account maintains its overal size, while you get to play the roulette table for free.. Thats not gambling, thats getting a free spin every day..

Can you post your slack account info?

I dont have a invite for you for the slack.. but you can join the discord :

It's nice to see a new video from you Great Luc :-)

Great Video as always. Thanks for your posts. Your videos got me into trading crypto 6 months ago.
I do have a question if you have a second...
Do you have a solution for taxes and crypto? Do you track everything manually or do you have a service you are aware of that can calculate it for you?

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