BLITZ 1,100% or 10x in 2days.. wow..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #trading7 years ago

This chart deserves its own post.. Wow I just sold some BLITZ at .00058 after buying it at .0002 yesteday.. so yeah thats almost 300% return on that awesome trade, but when I bought at .0002 it actually spiked down to .00005 ... I wasnt fast enought to get it all the way down.. but Holy Smokes .00005 to .0006 is

1,100 %

Gosh i love trading this stuff!!!



Hi Luc,

I too watched your videos on YouTube and luckily downloaded them before they went offline a few weeks later. Now you're back, posting all this amazing info you can't imagine how happy that made me.

In this crazy crypto world, full of opportunities and high risks, your advice really feels like the golden egg. Thank you for sharing!

However I do feel I need some clarification on how you execute your trading method.

Am I right in saying, you scroll through charts and look for the pattern which is your strategy. Then you find the base and set an alert for when the price drops below the base. Then you continue scrolling through more charts and set alerts. Further, whenever an alert notifies you, you watch the price closely as it drops and you buy the bottom. Then you watch the price closely to sell at the peak, or you set a sell order for the price you assume it will be? I'm a little lost there.

Because I'm currently backpacking I have limited functionality concerning devices, but I try to trade on my tablet, trying to make up for the losses due to bad decisions I made after the peak of late.

I would appreciate if you could clarify those details I am not sure of. I think I can see the trends you talk about, I am just not sure how to act whenever I spot the trend. Moreover, should you have any ideas regards to how to trade efficiently on a tablet I would be more than happy to hear :)

Thanks again and enjoy your coming trades!

I create a list of coins that are active and I am interested in, Most of these are very easy to trade and have great charts.. Its pretty hard to find bad charts in cryptos.. they are full of novice traders, so there easy to read.. but yes then I set alerts and orders in places that I would buy when a panic dive happens, then as soon as I have bought I already set up my sells up above where they should bounce to.. I often layer into a trade since I cannot predict the future.

Hey Luc, may I ask you a quick question about support, a lot of times when I look at charts it looks like whenever the candle has a long tail going down, the price will quickly rebound upwards and support gets much closer to the end of the wick, is this correct?

It really depends on the chart.. some of these charts have very thin books.. So when a big order hits there just arent enough buy orders on the bid to handle it for a secons or two and the price drops to fill that one order.. this is not support, because if the guys supporting it had time to react they would have never allowed it to drop that low.. thats why within seconds its back at a more reasonable area.. so support really is where the bigger players wont allow it to go any lower and then you usually get a nice bounce from there.. So most of the long wicks (like the one on BLTZ) dont count..

That makes sense, funnily enough I wasn't thinking about blitz...Man the charts were insane these 2 days, all I managed to do was get a breakeven trade on DGB(chart missed a bounce and flag freaked me out a bit, then the whole thing bounc)... The new updates are good, people get to know whats up with some insights along the way, I like this stuff, good material for newbies like me

Correct me if I'm wrong Luc, but is the only way to really capitalize on those crazy quick dives like the one on this chart by just setting buy orders at these crazy low points on the chart and kinda hoping that dive takes place. I would imagine even for someone like you who's monitoring the charts all the time it may be hard to see that quick drop and place a buy.

Maybe Luc bypassed your question, but for the most part you will need to anticipate these sharp drops by putting in a buy order on some of the charts. Even if an alert goes off, sometimes I do not have time to react to make that buy. These seem to be mostly with the lower volume coins.

How long do you trade for during the day?

I trade 9-430.. stockmarket.. and coins here and there all day and night

Did some backtesting on this one. I also see a potential trade in the future...What do you think about this one Luc?

Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 12.17.56 PM.png

perfect chart.. yup i agree

Im sitting on 20 ETH as my master currency. A few weeks back I would regularly convert from ETH to BTC as neede to complete a trade that is only available to be bought with BTC, now that ETH has dropped in value I'm only trading coins that are purchased with ETH because I'm concerned I will get screwed over in the conversion. Is my fear irrational @fastfingersluc, or would you do the same if you were in my shoes until the value of ETH is restored?

I'm a semi-casual trader, but I am proud to say that I have converted to your approach. It is not complicated, routed in logic, and I can make EV calculations that proves all my trades will have a positive expected value. Thank you, I read your steemit blog daily since July 1st, I hope it only gets better!

There is nothing wrong with only trading ETH pairs, there are plenty of charts you can trade that way, only some will be lower volume. So thats a little bit of a handycap.. and then what if ETH decides to dive in the next few days? thats why im mostly cash USDT.. Because ETH is near major $200 support.. a little dangerous to be all in ETH.. but please make your own decisions, im just telling you what I'm doing.

Trust me, I want to get out of ETH but I would lose too much - I have to go along for the ride or assume the loss of equity. In the meantime I think I will convert to BTC on a case by case basis when needed to complete XXX/BTC trades, and then convert back to USDT. In time I will be closer to the ideal, this is just a temporary inconvenience for me because I bought most of my ETH during June before I learned what to do from you :-(

Well I would never advise you on what to do.. And long term i expect ETH is going up.. So you should be fine.. and its great that your going to get some trades in meantime.

I am curious about how you select which coin to trade... Do you look at all the charts for all the coins to decide?

Any coins i get interested in I will trade to create free coins, provided there charts look really good...

Pretty sure he trades full time so im guessing he does heaps of research and going over charts

Hey Luc! I'm still loving all they great info and data your showing us. Been watching you since end of May. I bought a couple when BTC was $2880 and had no idea what I was doing. There were a few of us that did. I'm the only one left, everyone already got out cause it was too intimidating. I lost a good 3rd of what i put in, them i decided i better start looking for the right way to do this and thats when i came across your old videos. I slowed way down and started trying to learn everything i could. Your videos, advice, and trading style is TOP NOTCH compared to anything else i could find! Im always suggesting your videos to anyone who will listen. Im been making Way better trades and getting back to what i put in and if BTC was back @ 2880 i would be quite ahead i think. Keep making great videos and blogging!
I do have a question about sitting on cash. I see the tether usdt on bittrix but not sure how to convert to it. Do you do this on the exchange itself, or do you have to go through another means of converting crypto to usd then sending back to the exchange?

major coins like BTC and ETH pair with USDT (tether coin) So you just trade it, like you would any pair.. right on the exchange.. Some exchanges dont do fiat at all, so tether really helps.. Now if you want to send fiat back to your bank account, you will need to find an exchange in your country that will link with your bank.. basically the reverse of how you purchased BTC in the first place..

Thanks! I can see that now. Not looking to withdraw anytime soon. Im in it all the way. I would like to eventually gain financial freedom through trading. Have a great night. Im always up voting anything i see with your name on. Your knowledge is truly a gift and I want to contribute back any way i can. = )

You lucky luck bar steward!!

What a nice trade!!!!

What are your thoughts on ETH right now? Will it continue to go up or can we expect a drop?

I want to start trading since you really give me (and so many others) the confident to get into cryptocurrencies. I would want to purchase ETH and then diversify.

Thanks and good trading

Not really sure but that w bottom should atleast give a bounce

I don't think he knows or cares since it is not part of his strategy.

That's what I'm doing. Started with 20 ethereum and then trading altcoins to profit on ethereum, not cash. just a lot simpler that way.

On another note, most altcoins you need to buy with btcs, so i just buy btcs with ethereum and then buy the altcoins. You can just buy btcs to make it simpler....i just see the future to be with ethereum.

Dang I missed this coin =(

Hope that you could consider trying the telegram channel so we can get a quick notification on great coins..

Ok, after seeing this chart I get it. Now I know why you said it's pretty straightfoward to grow your account from $500 to $3000 trading these less popular altcoins. 👌👌👌

This is sort of a side question/advice thing. I'll be getting a new job that will finally give me some extra room in my budget to trade. So from that I have 2 questions:

  1. How much money should I start off with? I'll probably start doing some paper trades first to get a feel for your strategy for a few months and that'll also give me time to build up some capital.

  2. I'm worried about taxes so I've been wondering if I could trade inside a LLC or Inc. To be honest, I don't know much about that stuff but it occurred to me.

its cryptocurrency so you can start off with any amount... and why papertrade, you may aswell start with $100 bucks and trade that instead of papertrade, it will be more acurate.. then when you are comfortable, add the real capital..
I annot advise you about taxes, depending on where you live, your government may not even consider this currency, or they may consider this capital gains (which is taxed at a different rate) .. Maybe you only declare bitcoin you convert back into fiat.. youll have to research your area

A small wad to start makes sense. Now that you bring that up it occurs to me that a small amount will allow me to manage my emotions during trades when I have something to lose.

I'm Canadian (I think you are too?) so I do know that the gov't changed the tax code and it is considered a currency. That's more of a long term thing — but I guess I should get my first $100 in the game. Thanks for all these vids! I never really thought about trading altcoins until I stumbled onto this and it makes me think I could do this too!

Hey, im glad your thinking of giving it a try.. I think in Canada you need to report any money you convert back to CAD.. so just make sure you report anything you send back to yourself.. And then I think you can claim it as capital gains, if they are considering BTC as currency..

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