Bitica vs Other Cryptocurrencies - Trade Analysis on Tradesatoshi (April 2019)
Bitica coin, which is an ERC20 cryptocurrency, is listed on a number of crypto exchanges for trading purpose. In this article, we will try to understand how bitica coin is different from other cryptocurrencies such as BTC and altcoins, and why one should invest in this coin over others.
How to buy bitica coin?
Anyone, who is interested in bitica coins, will be looking for ways to get some. The best way to get your hands on bitica coins is buying them on a trading platform. Just like bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, bitica coin can be purchased in exchanges for other supported digital assets. Here’s how it works.
First of all, you need to create an account on any of the exchanges where bitica coin is trading. Some options include Tradesatoshi and Crex24. Once you create an account on Tradesatoshi, you can search for bitica coin which is trending with the name BDCC on the exchange.
Use this link for trading bitica coins against bitcoins -
In order to buy new bitica coins, you need to enter the number of coins you wish to buy, along with the exchange rate and fee (if any). Then, you can proceed to make the payment in bitcoins. Once the payment is made successful, bitica coins will be added to your Tradesatoshi account. From there, you can trade these coins for other currencies or hold them for long-term returns.
BDCC Performance Analysis on Tradesatoshi
BDCC was listed on the Tradesatoshi exchange a few months back. In just a month of listing, BDCC became the top trading coin on the platform. Even now, it is trading among the top 10 coins on the Tradesatoshi platform.
At the time of writing this article, the price of 1 BDCC was 0.00018398 BTC (with a 2.8% day-to-day growth) and 0.0100000 ETH. This is a good sign, as the initial price of BDCC was much lower, so the investors would be now in good profits.
A lot of people are buying and selling bitica coins. On average, 80-100 trades involving BDCC are being performed on the platform on a daily basis. So, that’s a good sign overall.
Still wondering whether to buy bitica coins? Here are some reasons why you should.
The bitica coin is a better bitcoin, which not only offers payment and trading facilities but also the service of a peer to peer marketplace.
The BDCC network is a social & business platform where individuals can come together and connect for mutually beneficial interactions, communication and exchange of services. The primary aim of the bitica network is to expand the reach of new technologies such as blockchain to people around the world such that anyone and everyone can benefit from it.