Top Tweets about DOGE - 09/19/2021-42
Top 10 Tweets for BTC
$SPY $BTC.X $GBTC $OBTC $btc #bitcoin (pre conditioning to print) Janet Yellen warns of a possible October default on U.S. debt, swollen by the pandemic.
Likes: 271
Sentiment: Neutral
$BTC: JUST IN – New data and price prediction is out now for Bluesky Digital Assets Corp
Likes: 0
Sentiment: Neutral
$BTC bitty is bitching
Likes: 1248
Sentiment: Bullish
Get up to 100% crypto back via SocialGood App
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📈SocialGood (SG) is listed on Bittrex etc., the price has increased 7,529%
📲Use invitation code: BY8MVM to get $25 to shop practically free at eBay and 1,800+ stores
Likes: 2141
Sentiment: Bullish
$COIN WTF!!!!! $BTC $Eth Listing coins for what??? To steal Americas time and Money!!!
Likes: 439
Sentiment: Neutral
$BTC The Statue Of Satoshi Nakamoto Is Being Erected In Budapest
Likes: 65
Sentiment: Neutral
$SHIB.X Evergrande hold $BTC & $ETH & Gold as security, the Chinese government are going to let them go under. A lot of people will loss a lot of money and specially fucking hedge funds and the domino effect will kick in. Hedge funds will be looking for other crypto to park there assets and inflate. I know you fuck Kenny & VALD are reading this via your paid basher. Come you piece of shit and buy SHIBA.
Likes: 944
Sentiment: Bullish
$LUXFF / $LUXX shareholders may want to print off a copy of the attached RevGen spreadsheet & compare it to the one you see in about a month.
$ANY shareholders MIGHT want to use it as a guideline also. Just keep adding 600 S19j's/mo & doing the math.
Obviously the potential gross revenue per share will be slightly different as #ANY has 58m issued vs #LUXFF's 50m
#BottomFishing🎣 #BitcoinMining $ETH $BTC
Likes: 471
Sentiment: Bullish
$ANY The most recent updates from Gryphon Digital Mining. I love the sound of these miners. Promising payback is on the horizon, especially when $BTC is up by 2% and broke the 48K resistance barrier (this weekend). $ANY / Gryphon deserve more PR coverage on Yahoo/CNBC/CNN. Don't be shy Bob Chang! Tell it to the World! You have so much to present.
Likes: 2
Sentiment: Bullish
$BTC The Statue Of Satoshi Nakamoto Is Being Erected In Budapest
Likes: 65
Sentiment: Neutral
Likes: 2
Sentiment: Bullish
$BTC The Statue Of Satoshi Nakamoto Is Being Erected In Budapest
Likes: 65
Sentiment: Neutral
--- A lot of people will loss a lot of money and specially fucking hedge funds and the domino effect will kick in. I know you fuck Kenny & VALD are reading this via your paid basher. Just keep adding 600 S19j's/mo & doing the math. Hedge funds will be looking for other crypto to park there assets and inflate. Promising payback is on the horizon, especially when $BTC is up by 2% and broke the 48K resistance barrier (this weekend). $ANY shareholders MIGHT want to use it as a guideline also.