Top Tweets about NEO - 08/14/2023-28

in #tradernews34342 years ago

Top 10 Tweets for BTC


New All-time-high for #Bitcoin Long-Term Holder supply 🔵, now at 14.59M $BTC (75% of circulating).

Likes: 3382
Sentiment: Neutral



Likes: 2037
Sentiment: Bullish


$SPY Tom Lee in 50 years still waiting for $BTC.$BTC.X to hit 200k

Likes: 8071
Sentiment: Neutral


@SkipJackson2003 cool history will paint the picture his Legacy will be left behind #judgezurn the settlement is not enough 🍿 I voted no still not leaving #checkmate no real shareholder wants 90% less shares #cnbc $SPY $BTC $AAPL $DWAC #sillyshort

Likes: 34581
Sentiment: Neutral


$PLUG it starts with Grid stability, then progresses to grid monetization via hydrogen production and to some degree $BTC mining. The future is going to be crazy!

Likes: 8997
Sentiment: Neutral


$DXY $SPY $QQQ $BTC Houston we have a problem ☠️ 🩸

Likes: 15113
Sentiment: Bearish


$BTC $ETH.X $SPY without a phone ? Or without the vax ?

Likes: 693
Sentiment: Neutral


$SPY $BTC $ETH.X Jesus predicted & warned about the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:16. No one will be able to buy or sell without it. This will unfold in the very near future.

Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Jesus is God in the flesh. Hell & Heaven are real. Right now is the time to workout where you will spend Eternity.

Likes: 6061
Sentiment: Neutral


@namememe Holy shit! I need to stop coming to the $BTC group. Some of these people are insane.

Likes: 10381
Sentiment: Neutral


In 2013 you missed $BTC
In 2014 you missed $DOGE
In 2015 you missed $XRP
In 2016 you missed $ETH
In 2017 you missed $ADA
In 2018 you missed $BNB
In 2019 you missed $LINK
In 2020 you missed $DOT
In 2021 you missed $SHIB
In 2022 you missed $USDT
In 2023 you missed $PEPE
In 2024, don’t miss _____.

Likes: 125
Sentiment: Neutral

Likes: 8997
Sentiment: Neutral


$DXY $SPY $QQQ $BTC Houston we have a problem ☠️ 🩸

Likes: 15113
Sentiment: Bearish


$BTC $ETH.X $SPY without a phone ? Likes: 693
Sentiment: Neutral


$SPY $BTC $ETH.X Jesus predicted & warned about the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:16. # Top 10 Tweets for BTC


New All-time-high for #Bitcoin Long-Term Holder supply 🔵, now at 14.59M $BTC (75% of circulating). Likes: 6061
Sentiment: Neutral


@namememe Holy shit! No one will be able to buy or sell without it. Hell & Heaven are real. Right now is the time to workout where you will spend Eternity.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.15
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 88148.10
ETH 2493.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.65