Trading is Probably the Only Job Where There is no Client or Boss!!
If you know me i am a fan of holding, however i understand most people doesn't have a high capital, so trading is the solution they can increase the coin count slowly but effectively if they found a strategy that is relatively safe and does't require time.
Although if you have a high capital with no job, or you have time you can start experimenting with the various strategies, you will be surprised how many time a user have stumble upon a pullet proof plan that brought him hundred of million before it fixed or no longer worked, but remember the two golden role:
1-Always hold 80% of the capital on a hard drive- paper or physical wallet and trade only with 20% at a time
2-Don't trade with money you are not prepare to lose
The thin line between trading and gambling is that one depends on research and the other depends on luck so be a trader!!
If you decide to go a head and trade i will recommend using my partner not just because we are partner but because it's really worth trying, one of the easiest platform to master :
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Please remember not to gamble to trade, i don't want to be the reason
My URL if you use it ,it will help :
This is the actual basic principle of every trading market "Don't trade with money you are not prepare to lose. The thin line between trading and gambling is that one depends on research and the other depends on luck so be a trader!!"
Every reader and trader please adopt this strategy, and never think you are over smart and out perform the odds.
True Flip {ICO} - Already running a transparent blockchain lottery! Bomb! Bonus 20%! Hurry! :)

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Very good advice, I haven't started storing on hardware wallets just yet nor paper wallets, to me none of that is safe "if the company fails" so I stay with companies like steemit, genesis mining, and bitconnect, where with them I actually can earn by holding the coin (kinda like proof of stake pos). It's also not to good to promote post here, it's better to buy a lot of steem then power it up. You will earn more and can pay yourself more by upvoting your post later (I'm following and I also gave you my highest upvote👍👍👍👍👍🤓) if you have time you can check out my post below
yeah well , there is no indicator bitcoin is falling anytime soon
I never said anything about the price of bitcoin🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔👀👀👀👀👀🤓
yes but you said u don't trust paper wallet i assumed u were talking bitcoins
umm, you're retarded bitcoin has and is still in a decline. Ethereum is in a huge decline
now now, if you want to go around calling people retarded you can go back to reddit sir.
Bitcoin is bread and butter.
@morality ... I was too wanting to hold bitcoin, but I am not on a auto trading platform Trade Coin Club . Check it out to see how you can start making more of your bitcoin.. Thanks in advance for looking at it.
personally I dot advise anyone to trade in binary options or even Forex. but I would advice them to trade digital currencies on exchanges,If you know that only 14% of the Forex traders make money you wont advise people to risk all what they have. but a cryptocurrncy in much more easier to trade on next generation exchanges because you can put an order to buy and wait for it to execute, and then put an order to sell and wait for it to execute automatically as well.
you just need to know the best point to buy and sell,buy low and sell high.
Some of my peers and relatives believe you can only achieve wealth through hard work, they don't believe me when I told them to work to invest, not just work and save your money on a bank account.
Work smart, not hard :)
I wouldn't say gambling is trading, more so the other way around.
Wish I had money to invest I only made 47 cents last week and I'm a hobo living on the street with a pre pay phone gonna run out of credit soon and it's raining.
where are you? can u get a job? there are jobs here where im at.
I enjoyed reading this post i feel as if i learned something. Thank you.
Great post with good usefull info.
I do have paper wallet and think that is my way :0)
Great article. My take is that Trading is SURELY gambling if you don't know what you are doing and are not trading using a proven, statistical edge - a method of trading that you have proven to yourself works over time. Having a winning edge of 40% is good enough to make money trading. Sound weird? It isn't if you take sound money management into the whole equation. That basically amounts to loosing less than what you win. The Holy Grail of trading is truly the Money Management aspects!
Hope this helps someone! Cheers
great post...upvoted
I Lost my $2000 in etoro when i started my forex trading and was new in this market !!!!
yeah sorry currently i am losing money in ether but i won't sell for a while , however in general my profile have 20% profit so it have ups and downs