Kendine Güven/Self-confidence benefits (Turkish - English )

in #tr6 years ago

Kendine Güven Faydaları

Bugün toplumda, ailede, bireyde en büyük eksiklik özgüvenin olmamasıdır.
Kendisine güveni olmayan kişi devamlı sıkılgandır, utangaçtır.
Girişimcilik yönü azdır, devamlı hata yapmaya müsaittir.
Bazen kendini güçsüz hissettiği konularda, güçsüzlük hissettiği kişiler karşısında saldırgandır, küfürbazdır, yalan söyler yahut kişilerden ve toplumdan kaçar, psikolojik rahatsızlıklara girer, bazen hastalıklar hastalığına tutulur.
Yapamıyorum, yapamam gibi kelimelerle kendisini olumsuzlukların içine atar.
Özgüveni olmayan kişi genelde kuşkuludur, acı çeker, ürkek ve korkuludur.
Özgüveni olmayan kişi, iyilik kavramından kendisini uzaklaştırır, hoşgörüden uzaklaşır, sevgiden saygıdan, insana değer vermeden uzaklaşır.
Derece derece strese girer. Bütün menfiliklerin ana nedeni genellikle özgüven noksanlığıdır. Başarının ilk şartı özgüvendir diyebiliriz.
Genç delikanlı, akranı genç kıza platonik âşıktır.
Ona bir türlü yaklaşamaz, konuşamaz, içindeki duyguları açamaz.
Korkar, ürker, bazen ona iyi görünmek ister.
Kendisinde olmayan meziyetleri varmış gibi gösterir. İçi başka dışı başka görünür.
Fakirse kendisini zengin gösterir, genç kızın kalbini çalmak için magandalaşır, saldırgan davranır. Yalan söyler, hata yapar. Bütün sayabileceklerimizin tek nedeni özgüven bunalımıdır.
Genç, öğrencidir. Gördüğü dersi başaramayacağına inanır.
Reaksiyon olarak, hocasını sevmez, dersi sevmez.
Karalama ve kötüleme motifine sığınır. Çünkü özgüven eksikliği vardır.
Belirli bir yaşa gelmiştir. Artık ben çalışmam der. Yaşlandım ben yapamam der. Neden diye sorulunca artık kendime güvenmiyorum der.
Doktor hastası ile konuşur, hasta mutsuz olduğunu söyler. Doktor neden diye sorunca birçok açıklamalar yapar. Sonunda iş anlaşılır. Kişi sıkılgan olduğunu açıklar. Yani özgüven bunalımı.
Günümüzde bazı aile yapısında, karı koca mutsuzdur. Aralarında bir türlü uzlaşma yaratılamaz. Birbirine yalan söyler kaçış başlar, karı koca kavgaları başlar, bu kavgalardan çocuklar menfi olarak etkilenir.
İçeride birbirini yer, dışarıda sahte sözcükler, gülücüklerle yaşamlarını sürdürürler. Erkek fiziksel güç kullanır, sertliği başarı kabul eder. Susturmayı kendi başarısı kabul eder. Birbirini tanımayı tercih etmez.
Bütün bunların nedeni araştırılınca özgüven bunalımı olduğu anlaşılır.
Özgüven bunalımı yaşayan kişiler, olaylar çoğaltılabilir.
İnsanları strese sokan, yalana teşvik eden, bencil yapan karalama yönlerini seçtiren, özgüven bunalımını şöyle aşabiliriz.
Özgüven eksikliğinin üstesinden gelmeyi başarmalıyız. Bunun için önce kendimizi değiştirmeye hazır hale getirmeliyiz. Değişimden korkmak, kaçmak, direnmektir. Direnmek bir noktada yüzsüzlüktür. Yüzsüzlük, mutsuzluk getiriyorsa bunu kabullenmeliyiz.
Hepimizin bir uğraşı vardır. Önce tam olarak neye ulaşmak istediğimize, sonra da bu isteğimize nasıl ulaşacağımıza karar vermek zorundayız.
Bilgi insanı kuşkudan, iyilik acı çekmekten, kararlı olmak korkudan kurtarır.

Self-confidence Benefits

Today, in society, in the family, the biggest lack of self-confidence is not.
He who is not trusting himself is always bored, he is shy.
Entrepreneurship is scarce, it is suitable for making permanent mistakes.
Sometimes he feels aggressive, abusive, lies, or escapes from individuals and society, enters psychological disorders, and sometimes is sick.
I can't, he throws himself into negativity with words like I can't.
A person without self-confidence is often skeptical, painful, fearful and fearful.
The person without self-determination, the concept of goodness away from him, away from tolerance, love, without respect for people, away from.
Grades to stress. The main reason for all of the frauds is often lack of self-confidence. The first condition of success is self-confidence.
My young lad is a platonic lover with a young girl.
He can't get close to him, he can't talk, he can't open his feelings.
He's afraid, he scared, sometimes he wants to look good for him.
It shows that he does not possess merits. It looks other than the other.
If she's poor, she'il show herself a rich girl, swoop around and steal a young girl's heart. He lied, he made a mistake. The only reason we can count all is self-confidence.
Young, student. She believes that she cannot succeed in the lesson.
As a reaction, does not like his teacher, does not like the lesson.
It takes refuge in scribble and evil motifs. Because there is a lack of confidence.
It has reached a certain age. Now he says I work. I'm old, he says I can't. When I ask why, he says he no longer trusts me.
The doctor talks with his patient, says the patient is unhappy. When the doctor asks why he makes many explanations. Finally the business is clear. Explains that the person is shy. So self-confidence crisis.
Today, in some family structure, husband and wife are unhappy. There is no compromise between them. They lie to each other, begin to escape, husband and wife fights begin, children are negatively affected by these fights.
They live together with each other, with false words and smiles. The male uses physical force, the stiffness accepts success. Silencing accepts its own success. He wouldn't prefer to know each other.
When the cause of all this is investigated, it is understood that there is self-confidence.
People who experience the crisis of self-confidence, events can be reproduced.
We can overcome the self-confidence crisis, which makes people stress, encourages lies, makes selfish self-defiant aspects.
We must manage to overcome the lack of confidence. For this we must first prepare ourselves to change. Fear of change, to escape, to resist. Resistance is at one point brazen. We must accept it if facelessness brings unhappiness.
We all have an occupation. First we have to decide exactly what we want to reach, and then how to reach this request.
Knowledge frees people from doubt, fear of suffering, affection and fear.elf-confidence Benefits

Today, in society, in the family, the biggest lack of self-confidence is not.
He who is not trusting himself is always bored, he is shy.
Entrepreneurship is scarce, it is suitable for making permanent mistakes.
Sometimes he feels aggressive, abusive, lies, or escapes from individuals and society, enters psychological disorders, and sometimes is sick.
I can't, he throws himself into negativity with words like I can't.
A person without self-confidence is often skeptical, painful, fearful and fearful.
The person without self-determination, the concept of goodness away from him, away from tolerance, love, without respect for people, away from.
Grades to stress. The main reason for all of the frauds is often lack of self-confidence. The first condition of success is self-confidence.
My young lad is a platonic lover with a young girl.
He can't get close to him, he can't talk, he can't open his feelings.
He's afraid, he scared, sometimes he wants to look good for him.
It shows that he does not possess merits. It looks other than the other.
If she's poor, she'il show herself a rich girl, swoop around and steal a young girl's heart. He lied, he made a mistake. The only reason we can count all is self-confidence.
Young, student. She believes that she cannot succeed in the lesson.
As a reaction, does not like his teacher, does not like the lesson.
It takes refuge in scribble and evil motifs. Because there is a lack of confidence.
It has reached a certain age. Now he says I work. I'm old, he says I can't. When I ask why, he says he no longer trusts me.
The doctor talks with his patient, says the patient is unhappy. When the doctor asks why he makes many explanations. Finally the business is clear. Explains that the person is shy. So self-confidence crisis.
Today, in some family structure, husband and wife are unhappy. There is no compromise between them. They lie to each other, begin to escape, husband and wife fights begin, children are negatively affected by these fights.
They live together with each other, with false words and smiles. The male uses physical force, the stiffness accepts success. Silencing accepts its own success. He wouldn't prefer to know each other.
When the cause of all this is investigated, it is understood that there is self-confidence.
People who experience the crisis of self-confidence, events can be reproduced.
We can overcome the self-confidence crisis, which makes people stress, encourages lies, makes selfish self-defiant aspects.
We must manage to overcome the lack of confidence. For this we must first prepare ourselves to change. Fear of change, to escape, to resist. Resistance is at one point brazen. We must accept it if facelessness brings unhappiness.
We all have an occupation. First we have to decide exactly what we want to reach, and then how to reach this request.
Knowledge frees people from doubt, fear of suffering, affection and fear.

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