Tarihte Bu Gün Namık Kemal'in Doğum Günü
Namık Kemal
Open source: servervakfi.org.tr
He was born in Tekirdag on December 21, 1840, and died on Chios Island on December 2, 1888. His real name is Mehmed Kemal. The name of Namik was given to him by Eşref Pasha. His father, II. Mustafa Asim Bey, who had been a muneccisman during the reign of Abdülhamid. When his mother lost his little age, he spent his childhood in various cities of Rumeli and Anatolia, beside his grandfather Abdüllatif Pasha.
That is why he got a special education. He learned Arabic and Persian. At the age of 18, he returned to Istanbul with his father. In 1863 he entered the Cabinet Translation Room as a clerk. During his four years of work, he had the opportunity to meet important thinkers and artists. He joined the secret association of Alliance-Hamiyet, which was founded in 1865 and later emerged as the new Ottoman Society. On the other hand, he wrote writings criticizing the government in Tasvir-i Efkâr. The newspaper was closed in 1867 due to the publication of the New Ottoman Society in line with its views.
shoots period namik Kemal, Istanbul to the remote to be Erzurum the governor assistant as he was appointed. this to work to go to postponed and Mustafa Fazil Pasa call on ziya Pasha in with Paris fled. after a while to London through the Mustafa Fazil Pasa monetary the support of Ali suavi'nin new Ottomans on behalf of issued "informer" Journal of writing started. but Ali suavi'yle he could not agree, muhbir'den left. 1868'de Gene Fazil Pasa the support of "freedom" newspaper day. a variety of disputes because, in Europe unsupported thick, in 1870 zaptiye Minister of Hosni Pasha, call to Istanbul returned. Nuri, resat and ebüzziya tevfik beylerle with 1872'de "an example" newspaper hired. the same year here from a post on the newspaper 4 months closed. Istanbul uzaklaştırılmak for Gallipoli mutasarrıflığına was appointed. there to write started "Homeland or silistra" game, 1873'te gedikpaşa theater it was staged. game followers agitated to come event day.
namik Kemal many of friends with arrested. this time kalebentlikle magosa'ya exile sent. Turkey literature firsts 1876'da ı. meşrutiyet'in after the declaration of Istanbul returned. Council-Yi state (the Council of state) was a member. the law-I esasi'yi (the constitutional) prepared by Assembly worked. 1877 Ottoman-Russian war when it comes out the Assembly-I mebusan closed, namik Kemal arrested. pony the Island of driven. 1879'da pony governor was. the same task in 1884 Rhodes, 1887'de gum the Island of sent. the next year here killed and Gallipoli bolayır'da he was buried. poems small an early age from the wrote.
şinasi'yle tanışıncaya until, poems tasavvufetkileri seen. during this period, especially yenişehirli Avni, leskofçalı galib, such as poets affected. the most important features one of Turkey poetry of the court poetry effect to save to work. "Homeland poet," he also isimlendirildi. theater in a special importance gave six games wrote. a patriotism and heroism game of the country or silistra in Europe also of interest aroused and five language translations. the first novel "intibah" 1876'da published. mental çözümlemelerinin, an event social and individual aspects to see the study, as well as outside world betimlemeleriyle also intibah Turkey novel start to be considered. novel and theater social life which put, such as literary criticism of the Turkey first bringing people who was one. the most important criticism works tahrib-I harâbât with the follow-up. journalist as Turkey culture in an important the place there. period almost all of innovation pro-and progressive newspapers articles published.
political and social problems literature, art, language and culture issues until a wide variety of areas written articles number of up to 500. namik Kemal about the short determinations (abstract): the real name mehmed kemal'dir. "namik" mahlasını hicivleriyle recognized Ashraf the Pasha has taken. 1840 on tekirdağ'da was born. Fortune-I fünun from generation Ali ekrem bolayır'ın the father. leskofçalı galib and Herzegovina Arif wisdom Bey çukurçeşme'deki mansion in the town Council-I Suara meetings of participating in literature the world of the first serious contacts builds. the first poems are usually joint ode and nazire the form of called. a sofa create up to ode written has taken. the first gazellerinde a busy Sufi effect is dominated by. many letter mentioned to master şinasi'dir. namik Kemal characteristic of poetry understanding of 1862'de şinasi'yi tanımasından after shaped.
namik Kemal; Turkey poetry of Homeland and National love, freedom, hamiyet, right, law, Justice, such as a number of new concepts brought. the most famous poems: vaveylâ, a muhacir daughter's istimdadı - Homeland mersiyesi, Crescent moon-I Osmani, freedom kasidesi. namik Kemal this poems 93 harbi'nin opened disasters due to wrote. freedom kasidesi'nin the real name besâlet-I osmanîyye and hamîyyet-I insanîyye'dir. freedom kasidesi first, freedom newspaper published. namik Kemal both syllable measure of both aruz measure of using the together poems more aruz measure with written has taken. "vaveylâ" and "new moon-I Osmani" both formal point of view as well as the contents of the "new" poems two important example. freedom kasidesi, formal point of view the old, contents in terms of "new" poems the first important example. namik Kemal theaters namik Kemal the most work the kind, theater. 6 drama written has taken.
various the writings of favorite species theater is often emphasized. namik Kemal by the theater "the most helpful entertainment" is. namik Kemal theater, a certain thesis was committed a case theater mahiyetindedir, we can say. namik Kemal, celal mukaddimesinde the first time "theater" type on the detail stopped. tiyatrolarında the romantic effect is dominated by. according to him "theater cihanın the same." according to him "theater morality and language mektebidir." French classic theater authors also tanımakla with more romantic drama the type of who prefer namik Kemal favorite authors between rather than Shakespeare, Hugo and corneille there are. Hugo the same time, the romance declaration of regarded as the famous "Cromwell"'s work of pre-word is a nazire, such as written the Jalal mukaddimesi'nde theater "literature the largest part of" counted.
in addition, bakınız-> namik Kemal theater works and features theater works 1. Homeland or silistra (1873) namik Kemal the most well-known work. namik Kemal theater type the first to work. Turkey literature more "Western sense staged" the first game evaluated. 1873 year of the beginning of Bosnia and Herzegovina rebellion emergence of a in staged. the work is subject; 1853 Ottoman-Russian war during the rumeli the territory of silistra from the Castle heroic savunulmasıdır. four the curtain that occurred in a game. the game başkarakterleri zekiye, Islam Bey, Abdullah sergeant and sitki bey'dir. on April 1, 1873 night gedikpaşa güllü agop the Ottoman theater represent the from the after the audience is a great with enthusiasm namik Kemal in favor of cheers made. audience this with enthusiasm namik Kemal it's time is running newspaper of the sign of newspaper in front of came to namik Kemal to see wanted. namik Kemal there could not find all the crowd on behalf of namik Kemal a letter left.
audience left this write a two days after the sign of newspaper published in. this publication then an example newspaper indefinitely closed and this newspaper four major the name of the ebüzziya tevfik, namik Kemal, Nuri Bey and the right to Bey magosa'ya exile sent. Homeland or silistra; theater technique types and style in terms of romantic drama the context of discussed. the game heroes one-dimensional as described in. the game is a oratory style is dominated by. 2. gülnihal (1875) namik Kemal the second theater work. the game's the real name Raz-I dil'dir. Homeland or silistre'nin played during the resulting due to events just the stage konulamamıştır. five drapery a piyestir. the game based on the subject is a cruel manager against undertaken public movement.
the game başkarakteri cruel administrator Tiger paşa'dır. event passes through the time tanzimat öncesidir. the work language a simple structure. 3. akif Bey (1874) namik Kemal Homeland or silistra's piyesinin played therefore, the events on the exile his way to the ferry design and mago- short zindanında completed work. five drapery a dramdır. the work is the subject; Greek rebellion, navarin raid and Crimean war of. at work hero a husband betrayal a woman's family and community life of starring destructive role in focused on. the work is the essence, namik Kemal consulting Bey yahul whore-I tâibe with the name of mentioned a from adventure have been taken. the work in the aruzun as well as the syllable vezniyle written taken poems available. theater technique an appropriate it is work. each other, the opposite the characters behavior is built on the. 4. land Bela (1908) five curtain in case of written have been taken. the work of the Indian the date taken. vak'a babürlüler the state of the Palace pass. the game two main character behrever Banu and Mirza hüsrev'dir. namik Kemal weakest work as has been recognized. namik Kemal health, unpublished the only work. the first time ıı. constitutional monarchy years yayımlanabilmiştir. 5. the poor children's (1873) three drapery a trajedidir. young people family pressure evlendirilmeleri and sad the end of processed. the game two main character, şefika and ata'dır. 18. century Europe romantic edebiyatlarında many example of the "tuberculosis literature" by "suicide literature" the concepts of Turkey literature functioning the first eserlerdendir.
Victor Hugo hernani from the drama with the end of the poor çocuk'un the end of between the important similarities are available. poor children (namik Kemal), sensitive girl (abdülhak Hamit tarhan), vuslat (recaizade mahmut ekrem); these three important drama structural, and content as to each other quite similar to. 6. celaleddin harzemşah (1885) namik Kemal on the most work and favorite work is known as. namik Kemal the longest game. 15 the curtain consists of. namik Kemal "sahnelenmek to not be read in the written in" the only theater game. tanzimat'tan next Turkey literature romantic the theater abdülhak hamid'in the works of the previous the first peak as has been recognized.
Islam the world of threatening Mongolian the risk of against the heroic the fight against the harzemşahlar the state of the last ruler of the celaleddin harzemşah'ın life, kahramanlıklarını and moğollara against the entrance to fight and the efforts of described in. the game at least itself up to the famous which is a mukaddimesi there are: mukâddime-I Jalal mukâddime-I from celal featured titles in this mukaddimede theater eğlencelerin the most faydalısı as introduced. this mukaddimede the theater, as well as the same time, Roman type on de emphasized. this mukaddimede public literature products, one of the "folktales" criticized these products within the carried by the extraordinary motifs due to "husband and wife tale" the words of criticism in. this mukaddimede Turkey narrative the tradition of rapidly Romana turn to and the Turkish novel for the development of intellectuals great responsibilities fell emphasized.
namik Kemal novel type of related to the views of namik Kemal novel, the other literary species such as the people to educate to wound, ideas wide audience yayabileceği "is a useful entertainment" as assessed. throughout his life only two novel written has taken: intibah and cezmi. social benefits and moral of a fable removing the understanding of novels is dominated by, we can say. according to him "fiction, truth, nature, and reasonable should be." namik Kemal novel many technical defect is available. novels short introduction: 1. intibah (1876) the work is the first name, last pişmanlık'tır. Turkey literature on "literary character with the first novel" as has been recognized. in general, love and jealousy themes on edited a romandır. the work is part of a social muhtevaya also owned by the direction of information is available. eserdeki the main space Istanbul-çamlıca'dır. novel three main character: Ali Bey, mahpeyker, dilaşub'tur. at work a passionate structure, which is a good received training even though life facts the face of ignorant and inexperienced a trained, Ali Bey the beginning of the past and the end of disaster ending in a romance described in. the work in particular kamelyalı women's romanla similar to show the researchers agree. 2. cezmi (1880) Turkey literature on "the first historical novel" as has been recognized. for two skin designed but a skin was written.
11 chapter and 41 parts of a romandır. novel subject, 16. century ıı. Selim the transfer of starting at intervals of the ongoing the Ottoman-Iran savaşlarıdır. novel at the beginning of 16. century general political status and Romana the name of that cezmi'nin tasvirlerinden consisting and based on the subject Associated with a non-log in the Department has. cezmi'nin Iran wars during the show heroism and this wars during meet friendly is just giray'ı from slavery during recovery the beginning of passers described. cezmi, novel technique in terms of intibah'a by the more successful. this novel speeches intibah'a according to less. "ideological a novel" as has been recognized. Ittihad-I Islam, Homeland love and human rights issues such as the novel on stopped the main themes. namik Kemal literary tenkitleri
tahrîb-I harabat (1885) freedom struggle for the way of the old lawsuits friend ziya Pasha, a kind of old Turkey literature anthology of the nature of harabat's work at the beginning of the mukaddime and of this work first skin eleştirisidir. namik Kemal by ziya Pasha Sultan abdülaziz'e to ingratiate to a former taraftarlığına it is input. the work is the most famous sentence of ziya Pasha addressed as follows: "before hortlatıyorsun, However, it together embedding azmetmiştik." tahrîb-I harabatla also harabat'taki errors a a listed.
follow-up (1885) harabat'ın the second and third ciltlerine turned as written in criticism of type a it is work. ziya Pasha information mistakes, the work is located within the number of contrast information sarcastic a language is described.
Renan müdafanâmesi (1908) French Academy of the members of Ernest renan'ın 1883 was given a conference forward it took "Islam especially in the field of education in its entirety of Muslims in the advancement of an obstacle that" the shape of the views of criticize the written have been taken. namik Kemal works of the game: Homeland or silistra (1873, new letters 1940) poor children's (1873, new letters 1940) akif Bey (1874, new letters 1958) celaleddin harzemşah (1885, new letters 1977) land Bela (1908) novel: intibah (1876, new letters 1944) cezmi (1880, new letters 1963) criticism: tahrib-I harâbât (1885) follow-up (1885) Renan müdafaanamesi (1908, new letters 1962) Irfan Pasha write a (1887) mukaddeme-I celal (1888) date of books: devr-I invasion (1871) barika-I victory (1872) document-I shabby (1872, new letters 1973) kanije (1874) silistra muhasarası (1874, new letters 1946) the Ottoman date (1889, after the death of the new letters 3 skin, 1971-1974) big Islam date, (1975, after the death of)
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