A Lego Christmas
My son is a master Lego builder. So this Christmas we got him a Chinese version of Legos called Lepin. We did that because they are much cheaper.
He is eagerly setting up to build a cool city scene/set called "Streetview." There are thousands of pieces. He says it will take days to finish it.
Any gift from parents is precious for children and i think your son would be very happy after receiving this. Merry Christmas and stay blessed.
Have a great day.
Thanks, and yes, he was really fired-up about this gift. Merry Christmas to you too!
Welcome and thank you so much for wishes. ☺
Happy christmas :)
Merry Christmas, hope you and your son have a wonderful time, it is nice to see more LEGO builders on this platform. I am eager to see more :)
Thanks! Perhaps I will post some photos of the progress of this building project. I also look forward to seeing more scenes from your Lego times.
wow this is fun lego he is a master :D
Merry Christmas
the lego champion is here wow
have a great day!