22-Deadly Home Chemicals & Connected Illnesses (Part of the series "LifeStyle of the SICK & Healthy")

in #toxichome8 years ago

The following is a list of twenty-two chemical based home use products and information provided in their Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Many of them we can replace with Plant Based Options, others we can just throw away and replace with their non-toxic version. Plant Based Product Formulations for replacement will be provided later on another post.

Keep in mind these are some of the petrochemicals we are a “product of," found in concentration in enclosed Home, in the oxygen your cells breathe, and in most of today’s newborns, as mentioned in the American Red Cross studies.

By now, you should be realizing the Health importance to Gassing-Off your home and creating a Plant Based environment, as we continue our awareness to a Healthier Lifestyle.

Do not be overwhelmed with all the information you are reading, of the many harmful chemical in products we use. I have added easy to do Plant-Based product formulations at the end of the chemical based product warnings, to avoid/reduce these illness promoting chemical exposures and absorptions, health is easy once you know, what else can “kill us” and know how to safeguard yourself and your family.

Beware of the following products and warnings, but don’t worry, Plant-Based options are provided later on the next post.

  1. Air Fresheners: Most air fresheners interfere with our ability to smell by coating your nasal passages with an oily film, or by releasing a nerve deadening agent. Known toxic chemicals found in an air freshener: Formaldehyde: Highly toxic, known carcinogen. Synthetic Phenol: When phenol touches your skin it can cause it to swell, burn, peel, and break out in hives. Can cause cold sweats, convulsions, circulatory collapse, coma, teary eyes, and even death!! Exposure Routes inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact. Ammonia: a very volatile chemical; it is very damaging to your eyes, respiratory tract and skin. Symptoms include eye, nose, and throat irritation, dyspnea (breathing difficulty), wheezing, chest pain, pulmonary edema; skin burns, and vesiculation. Now is the time to unplug the plug-ins and throw them out.

  2. Bleach: It is a strong corrosive. It will irritate or burn the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. It may cause pulmonary edema or vomiting and coma if ingested. WARNING: never mix bleach with ammonia it may cause fumes which can be DEADLY. Another WARNING that we ignore “Use only in well ventilated areas”. The closed environment of a home is not a “well ventilated area”.

  3. Carpet and Upholstery Shampoo: Most formulas are designed to overpower the stain itself. They accomplish the task but not without using highly toxic substances. Some include Perchlorethylene, a known carcinogen which damages the liver, kidney and nervous system. Some may also contain Ammonium Hydroxide which is a corrosive and extremely irritable to eyes, skin and respiratory passages.

  4. Dishwasher Cleaner: Most products contain chlorine in a dry form that is highly concentrated. This is the # 1 cause of child poisonings according to the Poison Control Center. Whoever opens the lid of a dishwasher in mid cycle will get a blast of a most potent chemical cocktail, suspected of many of our illnesses to include Cancer.

  5. Drain Cleaner: Most drain cleaners contain lye, hydrochloric acid or trichloroethene. Lye is a caustic which burns skin and eyes. If ingested lye will damage esophagus and stomach. Drain cleaners may also contain Hydrochloric acid which is corrosive, an eye and skin irritant, and capable of causing damage to our kidneys, liver and digestive tract. An ingredient found in most drain cleaners we need to avoid is Trichloroethane which is an eye and skin irritant, a nervous system depressant and has been known to cause damage to our liver and kidneys.

  6. Furniture Polish: Contains Petroleum Distillates which are highly flammable and can cause skin and lung cancer. They may also contain Nitrobenzene which causes irritation to the eyes and skin, and is known to cause anoxia, dermatitis and anemia. You may also find Methemoglobinemia in furniture polish. In animals Methemoglobinemia has been known to damage liver and kidneys along with testicular effects. Easily absorbed through the skin & toxic.

  7. Mold & Mildew Cleaner: Chemicals contained are: Sodium hypochlorite (Corrosive, irritates or burns skin and eyes, causes fluid in the lungs which can lead to coma or death), and Formaldehyde (Highly toxic, known carcinogen. Irritant to eyes, nose, throat, and skin. May cause nausea, headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, memory loss and shortness of breath).

  8. Oven Cleaner: Contains Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) which is caustic, a strong irritant, known to cause burns to both skin and eyes. It inhibits reflexes, and will cause severe tissue damage if swallowed.

  9. Laundry Cleaning Products: Contain sodium or calcium hypochlorite which are highly corrosive, and irritate or burn skin, eyes and/or respiratory tract. They also contain Linear alkylate sulfonate which is easily absorbed through the skin and is known to be a liver damaging agent and Sodium Tripolyphosphate which irritates skin and mucous membranes and may cause vomiting. Both are easily absorbed through the skin from the fabrics washed with these chemicals.

  10. Toilet Bowl Cleaners: Contain Hydrochloric acid a highly corrosive skin and eye irritant known to damage kidneys and liver. These cleaners also contain Hypochlorite Bleach which is a Corrosive and irritates or burns eyes, skin and respiratory tract. It can cause pulmonary edema, vomiting or coma if ingested. If it comes in contact with other chemicals it may cause chlorine fumes, which may be fatal.

  11. Pesticides: Most pesticides have ingredients that affect the nervous system of insects. Imagine what these extremely poisonous chemicals do to your body or your family. They contain chemicals such as Dimpylate (Better known as Diazinon), which is extremely toxic and impairs the central nervous system. They contain Chlorinated Hydrocarbons a suspected carcinogen and mutagen which accumulates in food and in fatty tissue and will attack the nervous system. You can also find Organo- phosphates which are toxic and poisonous. Keep in mind that if you can smell it, your lungs are absorbing it. Even the
    ones you can’t smell, still have health risks. My advice if you have a regular insecticide service for your home, make sure to ask them for a “MSDS” sheet, so you can be aware of the chemical health risks.

  12. Flea Powder: Contains talc a known Carcinogen, Carbaryl which is very toxic, and causes skin, respiratory and cardiovascular system damage. They contain Chlordane which accumulates in the food chain, may damage eyes, lungs, liver, kidney and skin. And Dichlorophene is known to cause skin irritation and may damage liver, kidney, spleen and central nervous system. Remember these chemicals are transferred to whoever hugs & kiss their Pets.

  13. Lice Shampoo: Children are especially vulnerable to the ingredients found in lice shampoos such as Lindane which when inhaled, ingested, or ABSORBED through the SKIN causes vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and circulatory collapse. It may also cause liver damage, stillbirths, birth defects and cancer.

  14. Car Wash & Cleaner: Contain Petroleum Distillates which are associated with skin and lung cancer, are an irritant to skin, eyes, nose and lungs, and may also cause chemical pneumonitis (aspiration liquid). Entry into the lungs may cause fatal pulmonary edema, most are marked Danger, Harmful or Fatal.

  15. Tar & Bug Remover: Contain Petroleum Distillates, and Xylene known for the following symptoms: eyes Irritation, skin, nose, throat; dizziness, excitement, drowsiness, incoordination, staggering gait; corneal vacuolization; anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain; and dermatitis.

  16. “Aromatherapy Candles”: Aromatic candles, with a wire wick, are known to diffused lead at amounts dangerous to health. Symptoms include Lassitude (weakness, exhaustion), insomnia, facial pallor, anorexia, weight loss, malnutrition, constipation, abdominal pain, colic, anemia, gingival lead line, tremors, paralysis of wrists & ankles, encephalopathy, kidney disease, irritation eyes, and hypotension.

  17. Particle Board: Used in the manufacture of furniture, it contains Formaldehyde (irritation to eyes, nose, throat, respiratory system; lacrimation - discharge of tears, cough; wheezing, potential occupational carcinogen); Methylene Bisphenol Isocyanate (irritation to eyes, skin, respiratory sensitization; chest tightness, dyspnea - breathing difficulty, cough, dry throat, wheezing, pulmonary edema and skin blisters); Pentachlorophenol (Irritant of eyes, nose, throat; causes sneezing, coughs, lassitude - weakness, exhaustion, anorexia, weight loss, sweating, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, chest pain, high fever, and dermatitis); and Toluene-2 (Irritant of eyes, nose; lassitude, confusion, euphoria, dizziness, headache; dilated pupils, lacrimation, anxiety, muscle fatigue, insomnia, paresthesia, dermatitis, liver, and kidney damage.

  18. Non-Sticky Cooking Pans & Utensils: The “Teflon” chemical is called PFOA and sometimes C-8. PFOA and has been reported to be in nearly everyone's blood. But just how it got there remains a mystery according to Jennifer Seed, PhD, EPA and chief of pollution prevention and toxics in the risk assessment division of the Existing Chemicals Assessment Branch.
    "PFOA is present in most people's blood in this country and beyond; it's even in wildlife," Dr. Seed said, "We have absolutely no understanding at this point how it got there. It is like fairy dust." The Science Advisory Board from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has determined PFOA to be a cancer-causing agent in humans. The ‘Teflon Flu’, is another more immediate health problem caused by Teflon according to the Environmental Working Group. Cooking with Teflon can make a person sick with a temporary flu if a non-stick pan gets over- heated. "It feels like the flu, with headaches, chills, backache, and a temperature between 100 and 104 degrees."

  19. Talc: Found in the list of chemicals published by the FDA known to cause of ovarian and other forms of cancer. Talcum powder is found in disposable gloves, condoms and baby powder. Talc has a chemical composition similar to asbestos, a well-known carcinogen, with a zero safety level of exposure.
    No one should use products containing Talc, specially those with illnesses, pregnant, breastfeeding or with a family history of cancer. Instead we should replace powder with pure cornstarch and/or arrowroot powder. Remember that talc is used in pet products, easy to replace with what is suggested above. Product formulations will follow for non-toxic pet health.

  20. Disposable Diapers: Made from plastic and synthetic fibers has been a cause for complaints made to the Federal Consumer Protection Agency. Complaints include chemical burns, noxious chemical fumes, insecticide odor and chemical dyes staining the baby's skin. In addition, dioxins at 90 parts per trillion are found in disposable diapers made from bleached white paper.
    Dioxins have been found to be carcinogenic, causing birth defects, liver damage and immune system suppression. Using 100% cotton cloth diapers with natural fiber diaper covers is a safe and recommended format.

  21. Petrochemical clothing: Synthetic and semi synthetic fabrics are treated with chemicals known to diffuse toxic gases throughout the life of the fabric. Harmful materials include dyes, formaldehyde, pesticides and PVC/vinyl chloride. These are just some of the health hazards and chemicals found in synthetic fabrics. These chemicals have been associated with a list of conditions; respiratory complications, immune depletion, cancer, insomnia and headaches just to name a few. Anyone looking for better health or experiencing any of the above symptoms, or family planning or have babies, should avoid exposure(s) by changing to natural fabrics. For woman it is very important to begin to replace synthetic fabric underwear & bras, and for men the same with the their underwear. The last thing you want to do is diffuse and absorb the above mentioned chemical cocktails in those areas. Remember we are talking accumulative damage.

  22. Tampons and Pads: Special warning to woman using feminine products for personal care, Tampons & Pads are known to have potentially harmful ingredients including pesticides, dyes and dioxin. “Additionally, many of these products are coming into direct contact with the bloodstream and very sensitive tissue, which can make them potentially more dangerous.” says Dr. Ami Zota, an assistant professor at the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University. These can accumulate in time and pass on to their children. I highly recommend the use of 100% organic cotton tampons and pads, easily found on google search, your local health stores, often times at a lesser cost.

Now let’s imagine a chemical cocktail diffused with the use of any of the above chemicals or other chemicals we or others bring inside our homes and/or work place. It becomes very clear why many of us have asthma, allergies, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, fatigue, flu like symptoms, dermatitis, dizziness, cancer, and the list goes on. Once again there are reasons why Cancer is becoming the #1 Killer, as you are beginning to see, by implementing the Four Week Program, we are going to eliminate or reduce the odds of getting Cancer and other illnesses of our times, by simply and systematically remove any chemicals products known or suspected of causing harm.

Lets now take a look at Common Illnesses and Possible Environmental Causes;

-Asthma: There are many known environmental causes for this ailment, one is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), used in in-door flooring and wall covering. In a study published in the American Journal of Public Health concluded that a child’s “risk of bronchial obstruction was related to the presence of PVC flooring” in his or her home. Dr. Jouni Jaakkola with the National Institute of Public Health in Oslo, Norway concluded the same concern with “plasticizers” emitted by PVC products, that it could increase risks for respiratory symptoms in young children, and inflammation of airways to all occupants.

-Breast Cancer: There are many, many chemicals known or suspected of causing cancer in our environment, we will list a few that have been associated with breast cancer. Beginning with Dioxin, a chlorine byproduct, which enters the food chain and can accumulate in humans over a lifetime; the EPA has also link exposure to dioxin to a variety of health problems, to include diabetes, developmental problems and irregularity in the immune system. The chemical is also found, but not 934018_10206489402486894_4541510979331895199_n.jpglimited to; dairy products, breast milk, and underarm deodorants, do not forget the synthetic fabric warnings & advice mentioned earlier.

There are also occupational hazards, as reported in the American Journal of Public Health, and the Journal of the American Public Health Association. The list of job classifications associated with excess risk are “pharmacists, teachers in theoretical subjects, schoolmasters, systems analysts, programmers, telephone operators, office telephone operators, telegraph and radio operators, metal platers and coaters, hairdressers and beauticians.”

-Nerve Damage: The chemical solvent in-hexane, found in some cleaning products especially car engine degreasers and car cleaning products that come in a spray cans, spray paints, coatings, silicone and other products can cause nerve damage according to a study by the Health Department of California.

-Headaches: Acetone, Benzene, Benzyl chloride, vinyl chloride and about 500 more chemicals that are known or suspected of causing headaches are found in numerous home and personal products. For additional information I highly recommend a visit to “Tox Town”, an excellent EPA page informing on chemical exposures in areas where we work & play https://toxtown.nlm.nih.gov/.

It is wise, if you have been diagnosed with any of the above mentioned illnesses, suspected or connected with chemical exposure(s) to at least look at that possibility of harm and begin to reduce suspected chemical(s) from your daily life. “ As you can see many of us might be on medications and suffering from debilitating conditions, or in process of accumulating in-door chemicals by simply not being aware. ​This is some of the science seldom covered in a Medical Consultation, but yet as you can see, connected to many of our illnesses. These and other areas of Health Awareness are covered in a Plant Based-CAM LifeStyle Consultation.

We will be posting next, Plant Based Product Formulations, easy to do, as options to daily chemical products...Stay Healthy my Friends :)

Do click "LIKE" if you found this info helpful....many thanks


YES! THIS! People need to know this! Thank you! I am going to upvote resteem and follow you! I work in the construction industry and part of my upcoming content on steemit will be about safe practices as well. Contractors in construction take your post to the next level with chemicals. People HAVE NO IDEA what their houses are built with and I will be sharing and showing people how crazy it is and how awesome we build :). Keep it up @plantbasedlife

Many thanks egregorian, we need to get this info out there....for Health conditions I have learn to look at 4 areas, to connect an illness, or at least rule it out; Chemicals in the AIR we Breathe, in the WATER/BEVERAGE we drink, PRODUCTS/MED's we use & FOOD we eat (food that feeds illnesses/food that starves illnesses)....I will be posting info in these areas...will be following you, eager to read your info from your point of view....Happy to post your post to a few FB group pages I manage....Like you say people have no Idea & it is up to those who knows to post, we need to get this info out, for the health of it :)....looking forward to your posts...many thanks...

Yes! I am going to be doing more post's soon as well based on Chinese Shamanic Medicine and how it will soon transform and take over western medicine! The farmacy we eat at and the beve's we consume define our system. And more importantly the thoughts we allow and the emotions we conquer!

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