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RE: #ToVeganOrNot - Explain Why You DO or DO NOT Eat Dead Animals & "Animal Products" (Comment Contest: 20+ STEEM in Prizes)

in #toveganornot6 years ago

Healthwise, spiritually, socially, mentally and physically, we really do not live by food alone. We live by the word of our mouth. What goes in is the word of God and what comes out is also the word of God. Food, water, air we breathe are all secondary and as per the need. When we love unconditionally, we focus on the word of God and not on what we wear, eat and drink.

Killing animals or killing plants or even the micro-organisms is all the same. However, being wicked within and having a non graceful heart would make the difference. Eating Vegan or Not is not the question! The real question is "Are you graceful or not?". In God's Grace, we Live by God's mercy, unconditional love and truth.

A true merciful heart would never ask any vegetarian to force into eating meat and on the other hand sacrificing eating meat. Love has no compulsion, no sacrifices and no right/wrong. Love has Pure Mercy of being Unconditional Only.

Killing animals, plants, micro-organisms is also secondary, however, hurting a human being is more severe act. It can be termed as a wicked act. So, understanding true mercy is important. At the same time, we are not greedy in the Grace of God, to keep slaughtering animals for the greed instead of for the need.

At the time of need, His Grace is Sufficient. So, we live by His Grace and not by lawful thinking as to eat or not to eat. If we go by law of nature, we should not kill plants too. Moreover, did you know that we kill millions of micro-organisms daily when we walk and even when we breath?

Life is true freedom where we ponder upon the Grace, Mercy and Peace in true sense. We love life and we also love what we eat and wear without pondering on good or bad. Thinking Goodness Only is the Perfect Solution!

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