Peek Tour of Flora and Conservation Building Bogor botanical gardens
Two students relax in the Conservatory Bogor botanical gardens after a tour of the flora surrounding some areas at the Bogor botanical gardens. Flora tours organized by the Bogor botanical gardens, this became one of the flagship events of interest the visitors. In addition to touring the Botanical Garden, visitors also got a full explanation from the guides about the history as well as a diverse collection of plants in the Bogor botanical gardens. (Yunaidi/National Geographic Indonesia)
Excursions flora and conservation building is carried out in accordance with the vision of the Bogor botanical gardens, of "being one of the best botanical gardens in the world in the field of conservation, tropical plant research, education, environment and tourism."
Flora tours provide Scouting, guidance, and tools that can support the activities of environmental education. The program has been running almost 25 years is also in line with the school curriculum so that it could be a complementary curriculum in introducing plants and environmental issues.
For pegunjung who wants to follow this program, there are three package tours flora as well as one additional modules and one special program. With cost of Rp 37,000,-, visitors can choose excursions flora available, namely tourism package level kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school to high school.
Elementary school students accompanied by guides roam Bogor botanical gardens while you get an explanation of the variety of existing plants in the Botanical Garden. (Yunaidi/National Geographic Indonesia)
Flora tours registration can be done in Building conservation. The building has three floors with different functions. The first floor serves as a Division Superintendent's Office Bogor botanical gardens and the Division of services and information Section. On the floor there is also a library of the Bogor botanical gardens can be visited every working day.
On the 2nd floor there is a Hall which can load about 50 visitors and used for presentations. Visitors can view the audiovisual presentation about the introduction of the environment of the Bogor botanical gardens, collections of crop diversity, and also about the history of the Bogor botanical gardens.
On the top floor there are 3 Conference Hall which can be rented by visitors. Each room has a sound system, projector, and a table that can accommodate 25-200 people. Based on government regulation Number 75 Year 2007, with prices ranging from Rp 500,000 to Rp 3,000,000,-visitors can use these rooms for events, meetings, workshops or seminars.
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