23 Padang Sabana that Prove How Beautiful Indonesia Nature!
The Indonesian nature that stretches from Sabang to Merauke holds so much beauty and magic. No wonder that some say that Indonesia is atlantis that once was lost. You are looking for mountains, deserts, even savannas in Indonesia.
Yes, did you know that Indonesia does indeed have many savannahs? And some of them are:
1. Alas Purwo National Park, right where you can enjoy the green of savanna while looking at the animals that are grazing
Have a vacation agenda to Banyuwangi in the near future? Be sure to stop by here.
Jl. Brawijaya No.20, Kebalenan, Kec. Banyuwangi, Kabupaten Banyuwangi, East Java 68416
2. Exploring the Indonesian Africana in Baluran National Park
Sumberwaru, Banyuputih, Situbondo District, East Java
3. Bulak War, the savanna in the path climbing Cetho Lawu Temple
Karanganyar District, Central Java and Magetan District, Ngawi Regency of East Java, Indonesia
4. Mount Guntur savannah grass that is yellowish
Garut, West Java, Indonesia
5. Teletubbies savannahs at the peak of Mount Prau
Regency of Batang Kendal - Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
6. Padang savana Cepit between rocks rocks of Mount Sumbing
If you decide on the Cepit line, that's a sign of getting ready. Because if you climb through this path you will find a beautiful savannas after passing post 3.
Village Cepit, Parakan, Temanggung Regency, Central Java
7. Sea grass in Bromo, see the beautiful nature painting that stretched
During the dry season, the grass is so exotic with a brownish green color. Perhaps you will fall asleep while laying down on this savannas.
Bromo is located in four districts, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang and Lumajang.
8. Tegal Length, another side of Papandayan Mountain that not many people know
Mount Papandayan, Karamat Wangi, Cisurupan, Garut regency, West Java
9. Cihideung Prairie, New Zealand Bandung
Jl. Cihideung, Parongpong, Lembang, Bandung, West Java
10. The views of Cikasur Argopuro grassland are more beautiful with its small stream
It is said, savanna Cikasur this place is a former airfield in the Dutch colonial era. The remains of the foundations and foundations of that era are even still present today.
Mount Argopuro is included in three districts namely Probolinggo, Jember and Situbondo.
11. The purple savannas in Oro-Oro Ombo Semeru
During the dry season, this purple color will be replaced with a tanned tan color.
Mount Semeru, Malang Regency and Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia
12. Padang Savana Merbabu with its majestic Mount Merapi
Merbabu has two points of savanna. The widest Sabana is on the field before heading to the summit. You will stay here long enough to enjoy its beauty.
Selo climbing route, Mount Merbabu
13. Padang in Mount Butak is so fascinating
Bukit Panderman Batu-Malang, East Java
14. Grassland in the path Sigedang Gunung Sindoro
Along the path of this Sigedang climbing you will enjoy the beautiful view of the tea garden and also the spacious savanna. In addition, the peaks of Mount Sumbing, Merapi, Merbabu and Slamet are other beautiful scenery that you will enjoy if you climb through this Sigedang line.
Sigedang Line, Sigedang Village, Tambi Sub-district, Wonosobo, Central Java
15. Sembalun Rinjani with his best savanna
Sembalun path is a climbing door to the summit of Mount Rinjani from the east. Sabana extends from 0 km to approach 3 (approximately 6km). The scenery in this savanna is one of the best in Indonesia.
Senaru Village, Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency.
16. Padang in Mount Arjuna is also no less exotic
If you take the left lane, it will be a little longer. Because the track is quite gentle, and this is where you can find beautiful savanna fields.
Wonorejo Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency, East Java Province.
17. Wurung Bondowoso crater with its green grassland
Kalianyar, Sempol, Kabupaten Bondowoso, East Java 68288
18. Crater Ilalang, grassland on the other side of Bondowoso
Kalianyar, Sempol, Kabupaten Bondowoso, East Java 68288
19. Kenawa Island, arguably Afrikaans Sumbawa NTB
On this island there is also a small hill. You can climb this hill to see all parts of the island.
Kenawa Island, West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB)
20. Sabana Cidaon in Ujung Kulon National Park
Near Ujung Kulon National Park. Pandeglang, Banten
21. Sabana Sumba Timur - East Nusa Tenggara
Sabana East Sumba is one of the largest in Indonesia. As far as the eye can see you will only find the yellowing grass during the drought. In this savanna of East Sumba you will find some wild Sumbanese horses. Because the savanna area is indeed used as a farm for the people around there.
22. Sabana Komodo Islands clashing with the beauty of the beach
This island is dominated by wild plants such as lontar and grass. If you want to climb up the hill, you will see the other side of Komodo Island is so beautiful and charming.
Komodo Island, Nusa Tenggara Islands, East Nusa Tenggara
23. Padang savana Tanjung Ringgit on the coast of Lombok
Jl. Lingkok siwaq, Sekaroh, Jerowaru, East Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara.
Do not think, if it turns out Indonesia has so many savannas? What is clear if you want to visit the savannas, keep the environment and do not waste litter, yes.
23 Padang Sabana that Prove How Beautiful Indonesia Nature! http://tz.ucweb.com/8_234RJ
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