Totality!!! Greeting from Oregon

in #totality7 years ago

How can I get through to You?

Living In A Participatory Universe

A series of breathtaking discoveries has given us a powerful new way to think of our role in the universe. Rather than the conventional view that suggests we are passive observers, living a brief moment of time in a creation that already exists, the discoveries suggest that it is actually consciousness itself that is responsible for the existence of the universe!

Perhaps the most revolutionary discovery supporting this idea, is the scientific fact that when we look at the stuff our world is made of — tiny quantum particles such as an electron, for example — the very act of us watching that electron changes the way it behaves in our presence. What’s more, the longer we look, the more it changes! In 1998, scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science documented this phenomenon showing that “the greater the amount of ‘watching,’ the greater the observer’s influence on what actually takes place.” (Nature, Feb. 26, 1998) Citing such experiments, Princeton University physicist John Wheeler suggests that we not only play a role in the creation of our everyday world, but we play the prime role in what he calls a “participatory universe.”

Wheeler states that we can no longer think of ourselves merely as onlookers who have no effect on the world around us, because it is impossible to simply watch.

If we are alive and conscious, then we are affecting our world. “The old word ‘observer,’” he says, “simply has to be crossed off the books…and we must put in the new word ‘participator!”

The key to Wheeler’s proposition is the word “participatory.” In a participatory universe, you and I are part of the equation. We are both creating the events of our lives, as well as the experiencers of what we create. Both are happening at the same time! In other words, we are like artists expressing our deepest passions, fears, dreams, and desires through the living essence of a mysterious quantum canvas.

The difference between us and conventional artists, however, is that we are the canvas, as well as the images upon the canvas. We are the tools as well as the artists using the tools. And just as artists refine an image until it is just right in their minds, we may think of ourselves as perpetual artists, building a creation that is ever changing and never ending. Through our artist’s palette of beliefs, judgments, emotions, and prayers, we find ourselves in relationships, jobs, and situations of support and betrayal that play out with different people in different places. What a beautiful, bizarre, and powerful concept.

The new brain science of how we get from an intellectual understanding of something to an embodiment of it.

If you finish a meditation and you get up as the same person who sat down, then nothing's really happening. Nothing's happened neurologically in your brain. Nothing's happened chemically in your body. You haven't signaled any new genes and new ways and you haven't really broadcasted a signature into the quantum field.

We could make thought more real than anything else! That's the privilege of being a human being.

When we really get truly focused and we truly pay attention then this amazing thing happens. The thought that we're thinking literally becomes the experience and the end product of an experience is called a feeling or an emotion.

"What you think about, comes about!" Get some emotion behind it and you have the key that unlocks the universe!

Once we begin to embrace an event emotionally, we activate a certain amount of the energy that begins to teach the body emotionally to understand what the mind can intellectually understand and it gives us a sense that we're really conditioning the body or giving the body a taste of the experience ahead of the actual event.

When you're thinking and feeling differently than when you started then you're in a state of being. When your mind and body are working together and your thoughts and feelings are aligned to a destiny that is when things really manifest in your life.

Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being. The difference between a state of being and in the moment experience are just two different ways of languaging the same thing - well it's The Quantum Field responds to who you're being.

The Quantum Field responds to this combination of not just an intellectual process, and not just an emotional experience, but when you marry a clear intention, which is a thought process with an elevated emotion that creates a state of being. When you're truly in the state of being, in a state of creation, your body begins to experience that future event in the present moment and so then you're not experiencing more of your past any longer.

In other words, your future is no longer your past, and your past is no longer your future.

Now that moment that you're experiencing, that event your body's believing that it's experiencing, that future event in the present moment and you're literally signaling new genes and new realities.

If you think about, if your body is your unconscious mind, it does not know the difference between an actual experience in your life that produces an emotion and an emotion that you fabricate by thought alone to the body.


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