He is The Messiah

in #torahcode5 years ago

The most prominent Torah Code to date, a straightforward statement put to the Torah Code, with an immediate answer.

הוא המשיח
He is the Messiah.

When entering this term into the computer it responded with one name of the Messiah, extending to a 16 letter sequence:

ר.ליר הוא המשיח ה צאו
R.Lear He Is The Messiah, Lord Come Out.

This Code also has a secondary term also of 16 letters joining to the main term:

ויהי האל ויהי א רא-אל
And there was God, and there was One Ra-El!

R Lear He Is The Messiah Lord Come Out.JPG

Stats... 1 chance in 758.5 Million against randomness.


The root word for "Come Out" can also have the following meanings...


With the recent Torah Code discovery in Deut 4:32 at an Equidistant Letter Skip of 2.

כי שׁאל־נא לימים ראשׁנים אשׁר־היו לפניך למן־היום אשׁר ברא אלהים אדם על־הארץ

From the left, starting at the 4th letter, marking every 2nd letter.

ה עד מ.האר ראו הם כן ליר איש רייאל
The Witness M.Harr Saw Them Yes Lear Man Ray-El.


The Lord Alone Is God
Deu 4:32 For ask now of the days past, which were before thee, since the day that God created man upon the earth, and from the one end of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this great thing is, or hath been heard like it?

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