Optimize your mobile speed and battery life top 5 ANDROID APPS
Does your mobile speed became slow ?
Is your battery life is short?
Here is 5 most important apps to speed up and managing your mobile memory usage and cleaning unnecessary files from your storage 
Every app have special feature which helps you to increase your storage and speed of your mobile
1▪Turbo booster
The main feature of this up is freeing system memory and killing unnecessary up which is running in the background. The main reason of becoming your mobile slow is running unnecessary apps it loads the system and mobile became slow
Download link ▪ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ciwili.booster
# 2▪Clean master Clean master is the best app for cleaning your mobile from rubbish files. When you delete an app from your mobile, there certain files which remains on the system. Clean master is the best app for fully cleaning your mobile
Download link ▪ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cleanmaster.mguard
This app have few features tools and give you to explore your mobile and find the files which is not visible in the system like (shared files,unnecessary files from sharing, Apps which is automatically downloaded from Internet)
Download link ▪https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.estrongs.android.pop
4▪Gallery doctor
This is an awesome app. We all have lots of photos in our gallery. This app (gallery doctor) find all the duplicate photos you have in your gallery this app classify and categories all of your photos. And does not delete photos without your consent
Download link ▪ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flayvr.doctor
# 5▪battery doctor
This app is the doctor of your battery. It helps your mobile battery to live longer and have best possible use of your mobile Battery. It will reduce mobile brightness according to its use. It will also turn off all the necessary apps which is running on background.
It has an advance option which will turn off all the data with the app axcept incoming or out going calls and messages
Download link ▪ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ijinshan.kbatterydoctor_en
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Thanks for the post!very useful👍