7 Myths About Tooth Decay That Should Be Addressed ASAP
Tooth decay (a cavity) occurs when the tooth enamel becomes affected by acids, causing the tooth to get a hole. Even though this condition is one of the most common health issues, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about cavities. Unfortunately, some of them can be quite dangerous and lead to unpleasant consequences. That’s why we have gathered these seven myths about tooth decay that should be addressed ASAP.
1. Sweets cause cavities
Even though increased consumption of sweets can boost your risk of tooth decay, sugar can’t create a hole in your tooth enamel. However, sugar feeds the bacteria that produce acids. As mentioned above, these acids eat away your tooth enamel that can lead to the development of tooth decay. That’s why it is better to limit sugar intake or at least rinse your mouth after eating sweets.
2. Tooth decay is always painful
Unfortunately, many people may not know that they have tooth decay since it can develop asymptomatically. A toothache and increased tooth sensitivity usually develop when tooth decay starts to damage the inner layers of the tooth that contain nerve endings and blood vessels. So if you want to avoid advanced tooth decay, you should undergo dental check-ups at least twice a year.
3. Cavities are common only in children
Indeed, children are more likely to develop cavities since they usually eat a lot of sweets and don’t maintain proper oral hygiene. However, adults with the same bad habits can also easily get cavities. Proper oral hygiene and a healthy diet can significantly decrease your risk of tooth decay.
4. Tooth decay can be left untreated
Many people tend to use home remedies and pain medications to ease a toothache caused by tooth decay. These options are okay only if you are going to visit a dentist for treatment soon. This is because untreated tooth decay continues to destroy your tooth and can ruin it completely over time.
5. Cavities can be treated at home
There is a common misconception that certain pastes and home remedies can help treat tooth decay at home. Indeed, there are special pastes that can seal a cavity for some time. But you should understand that only a dentist can treat tooth decay since all the damaged tissues of the tooth should be removed. This means that you can use these pastes only as a temporary measure.
6. Tooth decay can’t occur twice in the same tooth
Some people think that once they have treated a cavity, tooth decay will not occur again. Unfortunately, it is not true. Tooth decay can occur in the same tooth and even in the same place near the filling. Additionally, a cavity can develop in the other part of the tooth. That;’s why you still need to maintain proper oral hygiene even if your cavities were treated successfully.
7. Limiting sugar intake is the only way to prevent cavities
Indeed, limiting sugar consumption can significantly reduce your risk of tooth decay. However, there are other things that can help prevent tooth decay. Firstly, you need to maintain proper oral hygiene. Secondly, it is better to maintain a healthy diet and drink enough water. Thirdly, you can undergo fluoride treatment at the dental clinic.
The bottom line
It is important to understand that while tooth decay may seem to be an insignificant issue, in reality, it can destroy your teeth, cause bad breath, and affect your smile. That’s why you need to pay sufficient attention to your oral care and don’t skip dental check-ups.