Tom MacDonald's Brainwashed and People So Stupid Raps! They expose all that messengers and warriors have been telling people for Years! Will the Others Ever Wake Up?
Another Great one that demonstrates All we see by those Sold out and supporting the System! They all claim they are Not for elitists. . .yet they support Big Pharma which is there for mega profit$, they support elitists in office, they support P. ..p based on organ and tissue harvesting, they say they are for Natural and non gmo, yet support an agenda that is For Bill Gat^e$ buying up farmland when he forced small farmers out even if Africa so he could promote gmo crops and mosquitoes as he was on the board of Monsanto.
These Brainwashed people think they KNOW everything . . .they have Zero idea because they allowed themselves to be conned and brainwashed because they are all about rebellion, but in the end they are NOT the rebels as they are Owned and enslaved by the very same system they allow to access their bodies and dna as they fell for a major Con and sham. dem. ic!
That is ON them and now they are all too proud and arrogant to admit it! PRIDE is what caused Lucifer to fall and become satan in the first place. One of the oldest and blackest of the heart sins. Many times, you can see it all Over these people's faces when they attack those committed to #FightingTheGoodFight
Hear Tom MacDonald's Brainwashed here with lyrics,
Check out the #Lyrics! WHOA! Says much of what those of us who were sent as #Messengers have been trying to tell people for years all wrapped up into one Revealing RAP! #Revelations? You decide!
Half the country fell asleep but they scream woke
We're distracted by vaccines and TV shows
Politics, celebrity, gossip, popular neat quotes
Black lives, white lives, which lives mean most?
We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers
The men and women who died young
But if you come out the closet as Caitlyn Jenner
You're a hero and you get a whole Pride month
The most dangerous pandemic's propaganda from these clowns
Only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on they mouths
Don't speak, we don't need to defund police
Need to defund the media who lies through they teeth, like
Big Pharma doesn't cure you, dog
'Cause every patient that gets cured is a customer lost
And big oil runs the world, the only wars that get fought
Are with the countries who have natural resources they want
Heard 'em claiming if a white man braids his hair
And likes rap, he's appropriating culture
But if a white man acts too white, he's white trash
He's a racist, he's a bigot, he's a monster
Let's just have the conversation
Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist
The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors
'Cause they know that if we get along, we'll probably go against 'em
They can't stop us, 'cause we're ready to fight
Try to brainwash us, but we won't let freedom die
The whole world's brainwashed
(Everybody pick a team, start a riot in the streets)
The whole world's brainwashed
(It's us against them, it ain't you against me)
How did monkeys become people and people turned into sheep?
They put fluoride in the water that's keeping us all asleep
Claim they want what's best for us, I find that hard to believe
'Cause they been selling us cigarettes since we was eighteen
Fake news, fake woke, distract, and divide
You're either right or you're left or you're black or you're white
Big tech don't need a microchip to hack in your life
'Cause the phone inside your pocket is a tracking device
And I don't know what I'm more sick of, rappers or Joe Biden
Looking like he ate a hundred Xanax for dinner
'Cause censoring the president and kicking him off Twitter
Is a bigger threat to freedom than foreign ballistic missiles
You don't trust the police or the government but you want
People giving up their right to own a firearm
Why would you be comfortable if police and the government
The only people on the planet with the right to buy a gun?
White privilege getting amplified to reinforce division
It convinces white people that they're favored by their skin
And black people getting angry
'Cause they're told they're treated different
So the conflict is between us and never with the system
Let's just have the conversation
Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist
The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors
'Cause they know that if we get along, we'll probably go against 'em
They can't stop us, 'cause we're ready to fight
Try to brainwash us, but we won't let freedom die
The whole world's brainwashed
(Everybody pick a team, start a riot in the streets)
The whole world's brainwashed
(It's us against them, it ain't you against me)
Step one, train the people only to consume
Step two, infiltrate adults with the news
Step three, indoctrinate the children through the schools
And the music and the apps on the phones that they use
Step four, separate the right from the left
Step five, separate the white from the black
Step six, separate the rich from the poor
Use religion and equality to separate 'em more
Step seven, fabricate a problem made of lies
Step eight, put it on the news every night
Step nine, when people start to fight and divide
Take control, this is called situational design
They can't stop us, 'cause we're ready to fight
Try to brainwash us, but we won't let freedom die
The whole world's brainwashed
(Everybody pick a team, start a riot in the streets)
The whole world's brainwashed
(It's us against them, it ain't you against me)
By Great Warrior Trish Anderson[my mom]
No one believed Noah either, or that God would part the Red sea, yet He did, and now, all these many years later, the evidence was found of all those soldiers who tried to kill God’s redeemed, yet when the Red Sea parted, and Gods children made it across, God rolled the sea back, and drowned them all. Yes, God has His redeemed set aside for such a time as this when God’s own obey Him, know what’s to come. So many true stories in the Bible. God is righteous, and He hates sin. Everyone has had a chance to turn to God, but many will not. It’s their disbelief that sends them to hell, and not God. They would rather serve the devil, and all this wicked World offers, instead of turning to God, Who is Holy, and He sent His only begotten Son to die for us, so we can have eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ, Who is God, the 3 in One. God’s plan of salvation is so simple, so many miss it.
SS and Church were very informative. I got so saddened for Sam when he broke down after talking about the loss of his 16 month old son, who died. He said he tied him in his ear that he couldn’t fix this. It was so heart breaking to see him break down, and wipe the tears from his eyes, yet he knows, he’ll see his son again. You remember what God told David when his son died. Such great Scripture teaching today. Keep trusting Jesus!
Love you!
My response. . .as we are getting down to just a few short weeks until the Rapture Event. . .
Quite True about God parting the Red Sea then closing it back up to engulf the wicked! #HandOfGodMoment! Just as Hand of God moment was used after God used a man. . .Noah to create the craft that would lead and keep His people and animals in Safety after the enemy came in and mixed and mingled dna [the fallen mixing species]. Sadly they have been doing That again when you look at those Bio labs and the genetic engineering many put their money into through "diversified funds." They are so diversified many don't realize what these bio labs are Actually doing! They also use these aborted babies' tissues, organs and other genetic material to create species. . .chimeras and other creatures. Many in the military, hardened men who have seen a great deal of suffering had these creatures bring them to tears.
Once Noah obeyed with the cubits used to construct the ark it was GOD that got each creature into it's bay. . .only God could perform the PERFECT logistics on that.
In the same manner, God has been using certain people to help orchestrate The Plan that will save the World from the enemies clutches and atrocities they have planned for humanity. Those distorted by the dna tampering from the j. *b will be used to unleash a zo. m b ie apocalypse the cdc actually talked about in 2011. People will Cry out to God in a unified cry! A Hand of God moment will occur from the technology created by chosen men with God's specifications again. . .will certainly be a Sight and Sound to behold!
Poor Sam! For the Rapture Event coming soon. . .he will see him again. Love you too!
For those who do not believe they do this research and create these creatures I am talking about, not only is it in the Book of Enoch, but it is also in the books the churches claim are canon. . .for example. . .
6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Also in here,
The Book of Enoch is it blasphemous and cursed as religious leaders said? See evidence that coincides with books in the Bible that are canon! Hybrids, Gilgamesh, Nephilim Resurrection? You decide!
Literal Connections between the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx. Sacred Geometry in the Pyramid and the Bible. Did not the Alpha and Omega create the Physics of it All?
Nikola Tesla Greatest Inventor and Gift Giver to humanity! Why did it behoove the controllers to stifle his gift of Free Energy? Why did the profiteers credit others with his tech inventions? Follow the Money!
It is Important to note, when I did some investigative reporting on this topic. . .it including documentation from various countries including personal testimony about them wanting to use their agenda. . .allowing people to be irresponsible, then murder babies. . .they attempted to use it to also get rid of our special children. .. like Down Syndrome.
Now what do you suppose would happen if that went even deeper. . .who gets to decide what challenges should be transmuted out? How about those Designer babies that I reported on with the baby farming and much connected to Ukraine where people were adopting as they ran baby farms and plenty were the elitist from the United States? What would happen if someone told some of these abortion justifiers that their kid should be considered for abortion because they were a problem or had challenges.
Interesting how people supporting the agenda shoot off their mouths, but Never Ever consider what realm could be created for them. Makes you wonder if they would start singin' a different tune.
Also on MSNBC a few years back, they were literally talking to people who were okay with getting rid of children, especially if they became a problem after age 5. Now the hateful will say it isn't true, but we have all the documentation as #WeHaveItAll! We are after all in the era of #QuantumComputing!
They call it a "fetus" but I DARE any of these abortion justifiers to call one of the children when they got their ultrasound done of the child they now have a "fetus!" They'll never admit it, but the way we hear them rile against those who try to save babies. . .they would have a FIT if anyone called one of their babies that! Notice how minuscule the number is for rape and mother complications. . .yet it is something some use for justification, yet others talk about Judgement on others. . .guess who the BIGGEST judgers are. ..all of the hateful who always arrogantly try to push their way like the Narcissists they are. . .Always about THEM and their way. I'm sorry those people did that to you mom!
Another person who sees the con came across this article and sent me the link.
Also he reminded me of the lyrics in the following song titled People so Stupid!
Some people involved in churches have said this talented rapper turned them off because of how he looks. . .but now they Get that God looks on the heart and Not the outward appearance. Tom has this line that is Spot on as I he states what we have been trying to wake people up about so well! This lyric inside of here, "Let's talk about abortion, sorry, tell me how this works
Bacteria is life on Mars, but a heartbeat isn't life on Earth? Weird"
Now Tom doesn't mince words so he Tells it how it is. . .when you Think about it you Know he is right. . .they throw their sexualization of women and even children in our faces, but we are not allowed to call it out or say it how it is? That is how evil prevails. The wicked and people with Nasty, spiteful attitudes can say what They want, then they try to shut the rest of us up for going up against it and #FightingTheGoodFight
The hateful who think they are cool and trendy will LOVE the way Tom dresses, but just watch. . .they will despise his message because it calls them out for what THEY are. . .THEY are the hypocrites as they Claim to be for protecting others, but eh okay with killing babies! #ThesePeopleAreSick. Thank you Tom MacDonald for being courageous enough to Say it Like it IS and NOT be bullied by the narcissists! You ROCK!
A friend named Ginny, who is no loger with us used to ask people standing up for the agenda which of their kiddos they would. . .! She also knew about this doc and others who told people what was really going on.
The blinded sadly Don't Care. ..not their kid so. . .Praise God for All Stalwarts who #StandInTheGAP as Ephesians 6:12
we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We all entered the Supernatural phase and Fought hard for that ruling that just went down!
#HandOfGod moment when it happened in conjunction with those #GeorgiaGuidestones falling. I'll drop a link for those not familiar. And for those whom this Truth and messaging doesn't resonate with. . .don't you DARE blame Trish. If it doesn't resonate with you move along. . .you're not one of the awake so it's Not for you.
We will flip all of this evil in spite of the agenda followers as we don't need them and our power that resides in us is GREATER than what is in the world. 1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
The people who feed into this evil. . .will find out God NEVER makes it okay! Thank you to all Warriors who stand up Defiantly against it! Imagine if all of those on the side of God the evil justifiers attempt to bully with their narcissim and bad attitudes. . .Imagine if we all spoke God's Truth as much as they ranted, called for more baby to be killed while virtue signaling to those of us who are #GuardiansOfChildren? Would this evil prevail so much? I think Not! A New day is coming and the evil will no longer be walking with their heads held high in pride! In the END. . God WINS! Hundreds of baby girls' bodies found in trash heaps throughout Pakistan! Sad sight!
The present is theirs. . .the Future is OURS! Quoted aptly by #NikolaTesla! Fitting as we are about to see the FLIP take place. #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing as you are well aware mom!
Fitting write up about the value of life! I remember when our Commander and Chief Trump stated we would protect the Born and UNBORN! I cheered that day with the other Warriors! Thanks for the reminder as it comes on the heels of us winning yet Another Major Battle Roe vs. Wade and the FACT that it was all a con from the get go as she admitted. . .yet the other side wants to hold onto the demanded sacrifice.
Thank you to all Warriors who call it what it is and are Stalwarts on the Front Lines at protecting these little ones.
The people who cozy up to the agenda should Really rethink it, but we all know the rebellious and those with Bad Attitudes won't. Praise God for the #Awakened! #WeWILLprevail, #TheBestIsYetToCome Here is a 17 two times Luke 17:2
2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Hey mom. . .as the lyrics in Brainwashed state. . ."Only mask that's gonna save us is duct tape on they mouths
Don't speak" Offer the brats and smirkers that say hateful things [some of them just trying to rile you as you well know] some duct tape and encourage them to use their "artistic side" to make em a muzzle errrr. . .I mean mask They CHOOSE to be Brainwashed and are as hateful as can be! Glad our Side is WINNING and Roe vs Wade wasn't the last WIN! #TheBESTisYetToCome BOOM, BOOM, BOOM just like what occurred at the Georgia Guidestones recently when the tech of Uncle John was started back up under White Hat control at CERN! #WINNING Have a Super Sun [SON]day!❤ Love ya! And Thanks for being the most Awake in my extended fam! You ROCK!
#TomMacDonald, #Brainwashed, #PeolpeSoStupid, #Abortion, #Fakers, #PlannedParenthood, #Revelations. #Messengers
Connection Sources
Rubella virus in MMR is RA273 R= Rubella, A= Abortus and 27 is the number of aborted babies to get it. 26 mothers told their baby had it and Didn't. Lies and Manipulation of PP and Vaccine industry!
Check out footage from Planned Parenthood in here haggling over baby parts trying to get the best profits then they Lie about it! #ProjectVeritas got this footage. When Planned Parenthood didn't want to be exposed they took Project Veritas to court. . .Planned Parenthood lost! #Winning, #WeWILLPrevail
Footage about 1/3 of the way if you scroll down in here,
Cannibalism being heralded as a solution to Climate Change by the same elites who Won't give up their private jets, but hey average people can help them out by eating each other in their goal of Population Control!
Facebook post
Happy Sunday on 8.14.2022
Can you believe you are at This Moment on the #timecontinuum?
This is not your every day, run of the mill Sunday Sermon. . .so just scoot on by and go back to the words that tickle your ears if you want a ho hum yay I'm a non offending "christian" message.
Because the Jesus I walked with entered the temple with a WHIP! Balanced kindness with a Dose of Reality and Wake it on UP!
You have to ask yourself sometimes: is it worth repeating, should we just get rid of it or should we repeat it and do more of it!🤸🏽♀️🤝🏽🔮Re-posted!