Setting Up Multiple Masternodes For Tokugawa

in #tokugawa7 years ago (edited)

Skip step 1-9 if you already have Tokugawa Masternode Server

First you guys need create vps server. I will use vultr for this guide. Here is the link to start

Required Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04

Setting Up a Server

After creating Vultr Account click on the big plus sign

It will take you to the creating server page.

1.First choose your server location. Which means choose the closest place to you. In my case Chicago.

2.Choose Server Type.
We would like to choose Ubuntu 14.04

3.Choose Cheapest Server Size :)

4.Give it a server name. I named simple tokugawa-1
2017-11-25 22_18_41-Deploy Servers -

5.Press Huge button Deploy Now and done. Let's wait until server is finished.

Setting up a control wallet in Linux

After we have finished setting up a server. We are going to click on the manage
2017-11-25 22_24_50-My Subscriptions -
Download Putty In order to access to the server. Here is the link.

After downloading putty go to your windows search bar and search for the putty word it should show up. Now open up your putty in order to access to the server

Now go back to your web browser. You should see this page.
2017-11-25 22_29_51-Manage -

Copy your server ip address put it in the putty.

2017-12-28 14_39_07-PuTTY Configuration.png

Press Open and press Yes. You should see a terminal looks something like this.

2017-12-28 14_40_45-Manage -

Now type the username:root
press enter
after that copy or type the password. Copy the password from vultr and paste to the terminal simply right click on mouse will paste to the terminal. Password will be hidden.

It is just simply copy paste from now on. Just copy what I have and paste to the terminal :).

  1. Let's update and upgrade the server
    apt-get update -y
    apt-get upgrade -y

Note: when you see the this thing just press enter inside terminal.

2.Let's install essentials
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev autoconf automake

3.Installing libsecp256k1
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd ~/secp256k1
sudo make install

4.Install libminiupnpc
sudo apt-get install -y libqt4-dev libminiupnpc-dev

5.Install libgmp
sudo apt-get install -y libgmp-dev

6.Install Openssl
sudo apt-get install -y openssl

7.Install Berkeley 4.8
apt-get install -y software-properties-common && add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

8.Allocating Memory with Swap
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
sudo mkswap /var/swap.img
sudo swapon /var/swap.img
sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap.img
sudo chown root:root /var/swap.img

Now we going to use nano. Nano is linux notepad
sudo nano /etc/fstab
Press bottom arrow and scroll to the bottom and paste this
/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
2017-11-25 23_51_34-Innova Core - Wallet.png
Press CTRL-X > Press Y > Press [ENTER]

9.Installing and Compile the Wallet From Source Code
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/Tokugawa/src
make -f makefile.unix # Headless
Note: 10-20 Minutes Wait time here

Setting Up a Multiple Masternode

Note: If your Tokugawa Masternode already set up stopped your masternode typing Tokugawad stop

Note: For this example I'll create 2 masternodes on same server.

10.Creating 2 Directories for 2 Masternodes
mkdir -p ~/Tokugawa1/data
mkdir -p ~/Tokugawa2/data

11.Let's copy the src command from Tokugawa folder to 2 directories
cp ~/Tokugawa/src/Tokugawad ~/Tokugawa1/Tokugawad1
cp ~/Tokugawa/src/Tokugawad ~/Tokugawa2/Tokugawad2

12.Execute the commands
~/Tokugawa1/Tokugawad1 -datadir=/root/Tokugawa1/data
~/Tokugawa2/Tokugawad2 -datadir=/root/Tokugawa2/data

13.Generating 2 Masternode Privet Key.
Let's go back to Tokugawa wallet > Help > Debug Window
Type on console masternode genkey press [ENTER]
Type on console masternode genkey press ```[ENTER]
2018-01-02 14_26_08-Tokugawa - Debug window.png

Masternode 1 Privet Key:69KvyLFLMgzPPHEn1343rs58H7uPfDcJFgfoSKENRGGqMDJ6mDu
Masternode 2 Privet Key:69cuqjgQEPJVpTVL16bskw5Wa9jsBNgWCtiWuDbD9qSKmeDAw21

14.Configuring 2 masternodes
Let's go back to vps server and type this on terminal

Masternode 1 Configuration
nano ~/Tokugawa1/data/Tokugawa.conf
Paste this

masternodeaddr=[your-server-ip-address-here my is ]:21118
masternodeprivkey=[Masternode 1 Privet Key from step 13 which is 69KvyLFLMgzPPHEn1343rs58H7uPfDcJFgfoSKENRGGqMDJ6mDu]

Press CTRL-X > Press Y > Press [ENTER]

Masternode 2 Configuration
nano ~/Tokugawa2/data/Tokugawa.conf
Paste this

masternodeaddr=[your-server-ip-address-here my is ]:21119
masternodeprivkey=[Masternode 2 Privet Key from step 13 which is 69cuqjgQEPJVpTVL16bskw5Wa9jsBNgWCtiWuDbD9qSKmeDAw21]

Press CTRL-X > Press Y > Press [ENTER]

Note if you have more than 2 masternodes you just repeat my process everytime subract 1 from rpcport let say if I had 3 masternode rpcport will be 21113 and add 1 on port so port will be 21120 on my masternode 3

15.Execute the commands again
nohup ~/Tokugawa1/Tokugawad1 -datadir=/root/Tokugawa1/data &
nohup ~/Tokugawa2/Tokugawad2 -datadir=/root/Tokugawa2/data &

Server side is done and wait 15-30 minutes until blocks are up to date

Configuring Windows Wallet

16.Getting the addresses
Masternode 1
Go to Receive > New Address MN01 > Press OK
2017-11-26 00_10_43-New receiving address.png

Repeat for Masternode 2
Go to Receive > New Address MN02 > Press OK

Let's copy addressees
2017-11-26 00_11_38-root@innova-2_ ~_.innovacore.png
For masternode 1 and masternode 2 MN01, MN02
Send Exactly 2500 TOK coins each for 2 Both Masternodes . NOTE: Go to your transactions wait for at least 15 confirmations

17.Getting TxHash and TxIndex
Now Go to Help > Debug Window > Console > Type masternode outputs
You should see some thing like this but different values

    "1e665c23487ec14a147170ee4b4e24255ed1f9d032a4dfsdfdsfafasdf8" : "0",
    "1e665c23487ec1412dsadaq114b4e24255ed1f9d032a49bb16df7b8c1f9fasdf8" : "1",

Masternode 1
Masternode 2

Copy this information and save it and exit out from console.

18.Creating Masternode from windows.
Now go back to your windows wallet go to Masternodes > Create
Fill out like this
2017-11-26 00_20_49-Add_Edit Tokugawa Node.png

For 2 Masternodes
Press OK
Now Press Update
2017-11-26 00_21_58-Innova Core - Wallet.png

After that press Start All
Your masternodes are completed

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BTC 98658.14
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SBD 0.62