
Reply to See Who Voted For You

The upvote slider is still very crude, I think a two step click setup would be better. What upvota slider of previous apps do you like the best @for91days?

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Happy with the native on Steemit and busy too.

Reply to See Who Voted For You

@for91days: Notification...that's a little bit more advanced but it's in the list of features

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Reply to See Who Voted For You

We will at some point provide gina integrations to tokenbb :)

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Reply to See Who Voted For You

Good point! This will need some reworking but @cryptoctopus can note that down for later :)

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OMG, this amazing, I just realized now how these comments are set up!!!! Woah! So each reply will be pushed into the Blockchain as a comment. It's genius and if I would have thought about it I would have come up with it myself, hehe. Great work guys!

Thanks! Btw if you comment from other platforms, it will not show, that way we filter out bots and spammers :)

Ah, good to know. I was wondering about that.

Reply to See Who Voted For You

Upvoted an entry and that worked fine - I just find that the upvoter is a bit fiddly since I have to go straight up with the mouse and then I can adjust the slider. The whitespace around the slider is a lot I think.

Is it already good to go too to look at the forum from a mobile device, wondering right now how it would work with a touchscreen.

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Reply to See Who Voted For You

Also .. see who responded to you ..I'm just so used now with discord seeing if someone pinged me. Not sure how how or if that's even possible.

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