RE: Investigating MUSICOIN: This Blockchain Protocol is Trying to Fix Digital Music Monetization. Can They Do It?
Seeing this kind of system on Steem is the best case scenario.
I deleted a more harsh sounding paragraph from this post - basically saying "The problem for Musicoin is that they'll have a hard time being more than a small niche service because the competition is so fierce: Steem, Spotify, Apple, etc - and right now the user interface is so far away from competing with any of them."
Who knows tho - Steem has improved a LOT, it's easy to forget how janky it was. I think Musicoin is worse than Steemit ever looked, but it's possible for them to be in ultra-early design stage and maybe they hire a talented team soon to revamp the whole thing.
I'm not optimistic, but I think there's enough of a chance for Musicoin to do well that I'm willing to spend a few months playing with it.