"Camaraderie" that sense of unspoken closeness.
That unspoken, oft unexpressed connection with
Another person, or even another living ‘being’.
That sense that you have always known the other.
No matter how long you’ve known them, no matter
How long you’ve been apart.
That instant connection;
The feeling of a hand going into a favorite, well worn
These are things that tell you that you have
A “keeper”,
A REAL friend
Who will take everything
You tell them, sift through, and with the calm
Clarity of another perspective,
Keep what is real,
What is important, and with the calm, gentle
Voice of a friend,
Cut to the quick to get rid
Of the chaff and nonsense that YOU are too close to see.
To sit without speaking a word, can at times
Speak volumes.
There are more ways,
More levels of communications
Than verbal,
Than using words.
Unfortunately in our modern existence,
True Camaraderie
Is rather rare.
That is sad,
It is a sad commentary on our world.

Jerry E Smith

These gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited, who I thank very deeply.
good article friend
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good article friend
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