Pink Pussy Mad Hatters

It's uncanny how my "thoughts" are similar to hers. Hmmm! Anyway die hard feminists please do not Hash tag "me too" I'm not a victim, hater or a divider, I support peeps and cherish soul connections but I have never joined movements or groups or climbed ladders and men or women to rise to the top of a game. I have been so well cared for and naive I didn't know it was all a High School varsity game. I've been more than okay with being "a real nobody" because I have this uncanny ability to feel soul connected with everyone. I'm not one for throwing out the baby with the bathwater, I'm not an extremist, I seek the third way and the middle ground and I follow the path of least resistance and if that makes me a lazy underachiever or a hypocrite so be it, I'm a sinner living in an extreme SINister reality. I'm not against Oprah or Meryl Streep on a personal level they are holding onto their reality and their power but I have a right to fight for my personal power space and sanity in my own unique way without being bullied into "group think" and "fake beliefs" And just because I'm not as driven or as hungry as Oprah does not mean I should starve or pick through her leftovers and scraps to survive or be kicked to the curb for predators to feast on. And Bill I don't believe I should be homeless either because I don't have a "business on the internet" The wish for Kings and Knights ended when I was 8 years old.


Isn't it wonderful to be so wonderful, sacka? To be as wonderful as the wonderful billionaires...I am overcome with wonderfulness!​

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