in #todaybounty7 years ago


We are a decentralized application,
people can cook and sell food from their
houses as home-based restaurants. Farmers
can use their houses as homebased farmer’s
markets. Consumers can skip the market and
buy fresh and un-processed grocery from the
houses of their local crop/meat farmers,
gardeners, fishers, etcetera. We rely
on a sophisticated stack of technology
including mobile phones, Artificial Intelligence,
high speed data, GPS, Blockchain and APPs
in combination with the Ethereum blockchain
to create a decentralized and tokenized
economy within the food industry.

Bounty Specifics:
Token Allocation: 20,000,000 FEED as total pool

We distributed interest, as follows:
Facebook — 20%
Twitter — 20%
Telegram — 10%
Youtube — 25%
Article — 25%


- Any bounty questions must be posted in Bounty thread.
- Any bounty questions in the telegram chat will result in an immediate ban, DON'T DO IT!
- Bounty Campaign ends when ICO is concluded.
- Allocations will be divided with respect to the campaigns.
- Stakes will be calculated after the ICO.
- **Post your entries in this format:
Telegram Username: <@(username)>
Campaign: <e.g. Facebook>
Bounty Week: <e.g. Aug6-Aug12>
Entries: *must contain link of your entries

Note: Do not create post every time you submit entries, please edit your current post in the thread to input your new entries.

Submit your entries here: https://goo.gl/forms/STvPlcZNmDyz7l4j2
Participation Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tvGwOM_Ksk6wljt34mik_hCdlVKbCEOO35b6DzSOI94/edit?usp=sharing

per Article = 2 Stakes

1. The article must be of high quality and proofread.
2. In an event that we found out you have copied or plagiarized an article, you will be restricted to join any of our campaigns.
3. The article must be published publicly otherwise it would be rejected.
4. The article must include links to our website, bitcointalk thread, official telegram channel and at least 3 of our social media accounts.
5. Eligibility of any article will be at our discretion, and we reserve the rights to reject any article even without reason.

Submit your entries here: https://goo.gl/forms/jJxWOASBGbjN5N6u1
Participation Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tvGwOM_Ksk6wljt34mik_hCdlVKbCEOO35b6DzSOI94/edit?usp=sharing

1. Bounty Hunter must have a Youtube channel only focusing on cryptocurrency to qualify.
2. Each participant is entitle to make at least 5 videos for the whole bounty campaign.
3. Every 500 views would gain 1 stake for the participant.
4. Each video entitles 2 stake for the participant.
2. Each bounty hunter is only entitled of 1 entry for this whole bounty campaign.
3. We will accept videos of other languages as long as they are of good quality.

Submit your entries here: https://goo.gl/forms/CTdhfxhewoF8GQN52
Participation Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tvGwOM_Ksk6wljt34mik_hCdlVKbCEOO35b6DzSOI94/edit?usp=sharing

100 - 500 Friends = 0.25 Stake per Share/Like
501 - 1,000 Friends = 0.50 Stake per Share/Like
1,001 - 2,000 Friends = 1 Stake per Share/Like
2,001 - 3,000 Friends = 2 Stakes per Share/Like
3,001 - 4,000 Friends = 4 Stakes per Share/Like
4,001 - 5,000 Friends = 6 Stakes per Share/Like

1. Bounty Hunters must share and like Feedchain’s posts.
2. Facebook accounts with less than declared friends is an invalid entry.
3. Bounty Hunters who duplicates entry will be disqualified unless you informed us if it was mistakenly posted.
4. We reserve the right to invalidate any of your entries even without reasons.

Submit your entries here: https://goo.gl/forms/OUvk1mYXHLnWgikq2
Participation Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tvGwOM_Ksk6wljt34mik_hCdlVKbCEOO35b6DzSOI94/edit?usp=sharing

TWEETING by tagging #feedchain and @feedchain
100 - 500 Followers = 0.25 Stake per tweet
501 - 1,000 Followers = 0.50 Stake per tweet
1,001 - 2,000 Followers = 1 Stake per tweet
2,001 - 5,000 Followers = 2 Stakes per tweet
5,001 - 10,000 Followers = 3 Stakes per tweet
10,001+ Followers = 4 Stakes per tweet
RT/Like = 1 Stake

1. Bounty Hunters must share and like Feedchain’s posts.
2. Bounty Hunters must follow the Official Twitter Account of Feedchain.
3. We have the right to invalidate entries if a Bounty Hunter duplicated its entry even on different bounty weeks.
4. Tweet must include both @feedchain and #feedchain with unique content.
5. We reserve the rights to invalidate all of your entries even without any reason.

Submit your entries here: https://goo.gl/forms/H8LxFu5YE1nPqA8I2
Participation Sheets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tvGwOM_Ksk6wljt34mik_hCdlVKbCEOO35b6DzSOI94/edit?usp=sharing

Joining Telegram = 1 Stake
Wear Feedchain Avatar = 1 Stake per week
Wearing Feedchain Website on name (www.feedchain.io) = 1 Stake per week

1. Bounty Hunters must be part of our Official Telegram Channel to participate.
2. Bounty Hunters must be with the telegram community until the ICO ends to get the bounty.
3. Stakes are not counted for the whole bounty week when a bounty hunter is caught even once not wearing both Avatar and Website.
4. We reserve the right to disqualify a participant if we find out that he/she was suspicious.

Please use this avatar:


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 84536.99
ETH 2140.12
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.94