To be Frank, THIS is my secret writer business account.
I don't work with strangers. I only work with trusted friends.
It would be good to know how the pain manifests.
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
Kundalini damage is not uncommon amongst those who raise the kundalini when the channels are too laden with dross to allow the rise to be effortless. This results in the kundalini instead of rising up through the sushumna, it is instead diverted off to the nadis. The power of the kundalini damages the nadis which in turn creates pain. The head is the common place. It creates pain that is bizarre in nature, ie pain in the head when bending over. Sadly the medical system can't help as it is looking at a symptom with no basis of knowledge of its cause.

Psychological projection seems a lot like blame transferral to me.