To be Frank; The Dark Arts is all in a Day's WORK... END OF DAYS WORK. | @michaeldecon - (EP99 Robert Bruce)
FRANKLY, this is one of the most informative episodes of END OF DAYS with @michaeldecon.
Psychic Self Defense, Fallout, Astral Projection, Demonic Possession
Michael's guest, Robert Bruce has helped thousands of people around the world— who are just like you —learn to enliven their psychic powers and explore their mysticism, through his books, seminars, and his Astral Dynamics Website.
The first hour and a half of this interview is an exceptional, information packed review of the very prolific Robert Bruce and his experience with the "Dark Arts." later, at the 1:29:17 mark, @michaeldecon reintroduces us to HIS WORK and riffs about other Programs for the rest of the show. QUITE Entertaining and Enlightening!
Leave your egos at the door and keep your mind open to all possibilities. ~ACTiON
Was 007 james bond or jim's bong? Realization that ego is just allright with me is a big step into the crypto-fiction genre taking on the science fiction genre. The battle is not with the religios genre, but within ourselves.
Lenny and Bruce ought to be talking too... Robert Bruce.