You know what I like about this show? It doesn't beat around the bush for 30 minutes asking the guest about their favorite color and childhood and stupid shit like that. The convo starts off balls to the wall and stays that way for the most part until the end.
~ @frankbacon on @defango
I was somewhat traumatized by the video, rent asunder by shame at my failure to understand many of the harmful aspects of birth as practiced in the Rothschild dictated medical protocols.
We had intended, and paid in advance for, a dullah, home birth, etc., for my firstborn. Unaware of the problems of ultrasound, overwhelmed by the inundation of unfamiliar medical terms, and suffering the failure of cultural continuity of giving birth in America, we ended up in an ER for an emergency C-section, and I am deeply impacted by regret.
For this, I thank you sincerely, from the depths of my soul. I am profoundly altered in my understanding, and will not again be herded into such failures of my desire to be beneficial to my children.
You're very kind! And thank you for such unworthy praise.
Just understand that there are many ways to remedy any Dis-Ease
caused to your children and that your awareness is worth 50X
The averaged "Muggled" intentions of many other parents.
Kindest Regards.
That's a crazy video. Good post and upvoted
Thanks Bruv!
You're a magnet for this cathartic detoxing. Stay Blessed!
The worst will be over soon ; )
Stay Frosty!
I hear sheep in the background getting all worked up..
Bubble, bubble,
Toil and Trouble...
Stay tuned this week for more mayhem ; )
edit: removed