Figuring it out with FRANK | Report MOBstrike plans leaked | CONsciousness CAFfEine:
Frank Bacon,IS a PRactivist/change agent, victim of satanic trauma based mind control otherwise known as SRA, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Radio Show Host of @steempunkradio & @buildliberty who was a featured speaker at the RED PILL EXPO. As a child he was born into a multi-generational satanic illuminati family. FRANK will discuss all things Illuminati, the Old Religion, Planetary Ecocide, Mass Mind Control, social engineering, and more importantly he will share solutions to these issues that people can do to stop the ongoing torture, enslavement, and extermination of humanity. Also, Jay will share his D I Y Paradigm Shift protocol which delineates how you, too, can join the wave and free yourselves, those you love, and the planet from the powerful misleading propaganda that pollutes the Earth professing to be truth and get a new perspective.
Tip 'HO The Hat to @rwarriorgoddess and @debtmastery for their Stories.
I can't keep up with you Mr. Bacon, but I enjoin your thought-provoking content! Thank you sir.