TITA - A Decentralized Network for Globally Traded Commodities & Finished Goods.
What is TITA?
The TITA Project has brought a unique and the very first of its kind idea. The TITA Project was born in Africa. This project is creating a peer-to-peer decentralized marketplace for globally traded commodities and finished goods and also a decentralized crypto-to-commodities asset exchange as the two main TITA's Ecosystems all of which are powered by the Blockchain Technology to provide Transparency, Security, and Ease of Financial settlement of any trade transaction on the network across national and international borders.
Which problem is TITA solving?
TITA’s team is going to solve a significant problem. In today’s world centralized trade barriers and structures have reduced trade transactions, indirectly limited access to raw commodities, created price manipulation by governing bodies and have painted the commodity market as not risk worthy. This has caused a lot of harm to this market and the problem inadvertently will still continue to grow.
In order to solve such a huge problem, TITA prepared a very interesting solution.
TITA’s solution
The TITA Network - which powered by the Blockchain and the use of Smart contracts. The TITA Network's ecosystem (TITA CENTRE and TITA EXCHANGE) will be driving to Increase the Efficiency of the Supply Chain of finished or unfinished goods, Bridges Asset Investments diversifies risk in the commodity Market and provides enhanced financing for producing communities and sensitize trade hubs.
The TITA Project has a strong value proposition to Commodity Exchanges, Finished goods Market, Manufacturing Organizations, logistic companies, security companies providing services for commodity trade, clearing houses, agents, buyers and sellers alike.
Thereby creating a unique space for users by establishing multifunctional platforms that connect these various players, making trade easier and give them the ability to access a wide range of services.
A Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network.
Applied correctly, the innovation has the potential to boost commodity prices, offer a secure means of exchange of raw materials, open up channels of trade among buyers and sellers that had until now have been perceived as credit risks, and provide more transparency and liquidity to a market that has slowly lost favour among financial institutions. Blockchain can help commodity traders transcend conventional market barriers. It also ensures timely settlement, expedites capital allocation and provides proof of collateral.
Commodity exchange is a meeting place between demand and supply of commodities and derivatives. Sellers and buyers of commodities meet in exchange. In addition to buyers and sellers, there are also brokers known as commissioners and brokers. Commissioners take positions in competitive goods markets, while realtors can not hold positions on certain commodities that enter competitors and non-competitors markets.
Commonly traded commodities are coffee, cocoa, sugar, soybeans, corn, gold, copper, titanium, aluminum, cotton, pepper, wheat, and CPO (crude palm oil, crude palm oil), cotton, milk, nickel) who use commodities as their reference assets.
The TITA network is supported by Ethereum Blockchain through the use of Smart contracts. The TITA project creates a decentralized network, its ecosystem drives to Improve the Efficiency of the Supply Chain of finished or unfinished goods, Bridge Asset Investment, diversifies risks in commodity markets and provides enhanced financing for the production community.
The TITA Project has a strong value proposition for Commodities Exchange, Sofa Markets, Manufacturing Organizations, logistics companies, security companies that provide services for commodity trading, house cleaning, agents, buyers, and sellers. Thus creating a unique space for our users by creating a multifunctional platform that connects these various players, making trading easier and giving them the ability to access various services.
With a Commodity Market capitalization of over $ 50 trillion, the TITA Network empowers everyone to interact, trade and invest seamlessly in one of the world's largest markets.
Symbol:➞ TTN
Hard Cap:➞ 87,500,000TTN
Soft Cap:➞ 5,000,000TTN
Total supply:➞ 250,000,000 TTN
Decimals:➞ 18
Max circulating supply:➞ 87,500,000 TTN
Tokens for sale:➞ 87,400,000 TTN
Token price:➞ $0.1 USD
Technical specifications:➞ ERC20 token
Token sale date:➞ July 27th 2018
Token sale time:➞ 13:00 UTC
Sale duration:➞ 2 months (or once hard cap is reached)
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