easy tips to make postings on wordprees
Hello Friend of the steemians, on the occasion of this good I will share how to create postings in wordprees
When you create a blog or website with WordPress, area that will be most often you use is the posting area or Posts that you can go through the Add New Posts» menu. For users of WordPress who are already experienced in the area certainly has been very familiar, but for users of WordPress beginner area certainly would be an area that is still foreign and a little confusing because so many things are shown.
In the article this time I will explain in full on how to create a new post in WordPress and a full explanation of all the features that exist in the area of Posts. For a guide to create pages or page not me explain because it is almost the same with part of the posting and the difference is the absence of a section of Categories, tags.
This section is the most prominent area that you will see when you create a new post in WordPress. The this is what you write will be shown on your site
the first part is the "Post Title", in the box you can write the title of your article.
The second part is the "Permalink", here is the URL to be displayed for articles that you will create. The permalink would make the URL matches the title you created, but you can edit and make your URL to make it more SEO friendly by clicking the edit button.
The third part is the "Add Media", here is the key to get into the media library area of WordPress, you can use the Add button to add a picture or other file types to Your posts.
The fourth part is the "Visual & Text", in this section there are two options, namely the area of visual and text form editors. For visual area will facilitate you in formatting the text area while writing a special showing of pure writing in html format. For this part You are strongly encouraged to select a visual area when he was writing the article.
The fifth part is the "Toolbar Editor", this section displays lots of icon that functions to make it easier to do on the writing or formating your content, for example to make the writing right align, align middle or left and set up the thick writing and much more.
The sixth is "Content Editor", this is the area that most large and in this is Your area to write more posts and insert another media such as images or other files.
In the last part of the footer area is the editor of the content which is "Word Count", in there is information indicating the number of words of your writing.
As I've explained in the section above that there is a button "Add Media" under column title or title. The keys you can use when you want to add an image or other media files into Your posts. When you click the button it will pop up a window pop up for uploading pictures, if you already have pictures in the media Library of WordPress then you can just click the menu tab "Media Library", in the area you can also upload an image or media with drag and drop images from your computer to your WordPress.
With the media library of WordPress, You can also create a photo gallery and an audio playlist from file in upload. In addition WordPress comes with some basic image editing tools
WordPress post editor screen is divided into two columns. Large column on the left contains the post title and content editor. On the right side, you have a different area to configure the settings of mail.
Top meta box in this column is labeled Publish. This is where all the publishing options for your post content managed. The full explanation here:
Draft: Save button to save the post or page you're working on that are not yet ready for you to publish. WordPress also automatically save your writing as you write.
Preview: button to display the preview directly from your post. You can use it to see How Your post will look after the publication.
Status: option to set the status for Your postings. WordPress automatically handle status posts to drafts and posts that are published. Unless you are using a plugin to add a special status, you don't have to worry about with this option.
Visibility: visibility under the first option will allow you to make your post above or keep sticky on the front page. Post sticky in WordPress like the flagship content displayed at the very top of all the other postings. The second option in WordPress posts to protect with a password and the option of private which lets you publish a post on the WordPress site in person. Private posts will be visible to users who have the privilege or role specified user for editing on your site.
Publish: this section displays the time and date options. You can use this option to schedule postings.
Move to Trash: option to delete WordPress posts. The deleted posts will remain at the dumpster or trash, and you can return it within 30 days.
Publish Button: this button serves to publicize your content is live, but if you schedule your writing then the button will be automatically changed to "Scheduled".
You can group Your postings into categories and tags. The box category and tag usually appears in the right column, under publish meta box.
Categories and tags help you organize your content to make it more structured but also makes it easy for users to find your content, it also increases the SEO on your WordPress site.
Featured Image (Image Thumbnails)
Most of the WordPress theme support Featured image or picture of the flagship or can also be referred to as thumbnail images for the article. You will find this section is usually on the last box in the right hand column on the edit post screen.
Simply click on the link "Set featured image", and it will bring up a popup media uploader as it does when you click the Add button of the Media. You can choose an image that is already in the previous uploads or upload a new image from your computer.
Some of the options on the screen by default, WordPress post Editor still hidden, it is aimed at presenting the user experience when opening the screen editor to make it look more clean and simple. This option is not generally used by beginners. However, you may need it later.
Simply click on the button "Screen Options" in the upper right corner of the page. This will display a menu with a checkbox next to the name of the option. There are many options that are not yet in the choice and not turn on nor should you turn on unless you really need it.
Select this check box to add the meta box below Your content editor. You can use this box to add brief summaries or excerpts for your posts
On the blog layout typically will display a summary of the overall posts on the front page and archive pages. While the full articles are only displayed in the one page of posts.
The option Send Trackbacks allow you to tell other blog owner when you have linked to their content.
If the blog owner are also using WordPress, then you do not need to send a trackback to them. WordPress site will automatically send him a ping when you publish a post.
But most feature Trackback abused by spammers so many site owners simply disable it. We have articles about handling spam trackback in WordPress.
This option will display the user interface for the custom field under the post editor. You can use it to insert additional custom information in postings.
Feature discussion below the editor post useful to enable/disable the comment, trackback and pingback to your post.
WordPress automatically generates a post slug URLS and display it as a post just below the title of the posting. You can edit the slug URL by clicking the edit link under the title of the post
You can also enable the option from the Options Screen and the slug edit slug from Your postings there.
WordPress will automatically assign You as the author of the post when you make a posting. However, sometimes you may want to show other users on your WordPress site as its author. Enable the check box of the author allow you to display it from the post edit screen.
If you use the plugin All in One SEO like SEO or SEO by Yoast then automatically there will be options for SEO settings under the posting editor. Usually there are three field blank to fill in the title of the article, the article's description and keywords. All of the fields that will be displayed in the search results.
If you use the plugin All in One SEO like SEO or SEO by Yoast then automatically there will be options for SEO settings under the posting editor. Usually there are three field blank to fill in the title of the article, the article's description and keywords. All of the fields that will be displayed in the search results.
well that is the full explanation about how to make a WordPress Post and a full explanation about the WordPress post editor area and its features. Hopefully this article useful.