V4vapid Presents: Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest - Winners Announced!!! [170 + STEEM Prizes]

in #tinfoilraps7 years ago (edited)

Tin-foil-hat @animate.gif

Image by @animate

Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest

I've hosted a number of writing competitions over the last 6 months and I have to say that my fellow Steemians continue to blow me away with the quality of their submissions. You guys really had your tin foil headgear on extraaa tight for this one, going all out.

I think it's safe to say: You went full tin foil...

There were a number of firsts in this contest:

  • Most Official Entries: 45!!
  • First Audio submissions
  • First Video submissions
  • First time I got inspired to enter my own contest (too much fun!)

Thank Yous

First and foremost, I'd like to thank all the participants who put in the extra effort to help make this contest such a success!
Yalls is Awesome!

I'd like to thanks my main man @fortified (@animate) for making another fantastic original gif for this contest at the last minute. One of these days I'll give you advanced notice ;) But I can't thank you enough I love what you do.

Thank you to everyone who resteemed the contest spread the word. I had a lot of entries to read through but it was a ton of fun. Thanks to @teamsteem, @ausbitbank, @canadian-coconut, @lyndsaybowes and many others for their continued support of my contests! You guys are unbelievable!


In the original post, I roughly outlined the contest rules but I think I should have been clearer as to what I had in mind for the TFRs. The main issue that gave people some difficulty was the notion to:

Take two seemingly unrelated conspiracies and wrap them together in rhyme.

Some people understood this easily and others combined a wide spectrum of conspiracies making a gumbo soup of anything conspiratorial. This became apparent early on but I decided that I wouldn't punish or disqualify anyone for this. I also realized, while trying to write my own raps, that this rule made the challenge unnecessarily difficult.

Therefore, all entries for this inaugural TFR contest would be eligible to win.
However, in the future I will make more of a concerted effort to outline what exactly I'm looking for from the participants.

And yes, there will be a TFR 2, no doubt about it.

As always, it was supremely difficult to choose the winners as there were so many worthy entrants. I always try to be as fair as humanly possible and I hope you find my decisions to, at least, be in the ballpark.

So, let's get on with it and announce the winner of the Tin Foil Crowns

The Tin Foil Crowns

tin foil fam 2.png

Overall Best Rhyme Slayer

First Prize / $50 STEEM - Powers That Be


Straight up, @jamesgetsit threw down hard in his verses and went on an all out verbal assault on the status quo. Spitting fire, James recorded his verses on his phone and also found time for some video editing without burning down his set up!
So many killer lines in this one, I could quote half the track. Phenomenal rhymes!

See we’re in a dream, a computer simulation
The world is flat,that’s a fact, we’re just a weird creation
It’s not about the nations, it’s about freemasons
The knowledge given to them in egypt of our formation
FEMA camp creations, guillotine decapitations
2 year old children 26 vaccinations
HARPP machinations, deep state’s lackin patience
But 9/11’s building 7’s never conversation?

Runner Up / $20 STEEM - Starving - The Rise of Disaster Capitalism


Certainly one of the most popular entries into the TFR contest, this rap was an insightful dissection and scathing critique of international disaster capitalism. Drawing from the ideas of Naomi Klein's groundbreaking research, @bulleth comes out swinging, lacing rhymes with bitter political truths and culminating in one of the best lines in the comp.

Got me thinking ...
If I don't get fed; get equal ...
Start eating, rich people.

The Realness

First Place / $20 STEEM - Compartmentalization


This motherfucker can rap with the best of them and is also an amazing researcher and investigative journalist writing for the Activist Post and Coinivore. Setting his sights on the CIA, media manipulation, government criminality and corruption no one is safe from this lyrical whirlwind. Here's a sample of the goods!

Its a comedy, you worried about a so called illuminati and they symbology when bankers are bankrupting the economy monopoly and the CFR thinktanks and CIA's plotting your foreign policy in conspiracy atrocities with real secret societies for commodities for the monarchy with foreign lobbyists and traitors to democracy to call that a theory is hypocrisy and that's honesty

Second Place / $10 STEEM - National Poppy Slay


Why is America still in Afghanistan after 17 years of war? @thoughts-in-time breaks it down for fools who can't see what's really going on behind the facade. The truth as to why NATO soldiers continue to sacrifice life and limb in the Caucasus is revealed in tight compact bundles of rhymes that illuminate the control of the opiate trade and the Monsanto connection to military operations. Raw and uncut.

Two-trillion missin
put me on a mission,
to find out,
where's osama's hide-out?

But he was just a cutout,
Bought and sold for a price,
Body already laid out on ice,

Best Flow

First Prize / $20 STEEM - The Truth is Out There


This is a beautifully crafted piece that flows effortlessly like cascading water. It captures the overwhelming sense of unease that has began to permeate western society where truth is subjective and no longer absolute. @tonyr navigates the current world gone mad where we are constantly questioning everything including our own minds.

Is there really an illuminati?
Were we all made by the annunaki?
And what are they putting in vaccinations?
Are the bad guys really the United Nations?
Is the Bible just a bunch of tall tales?
And what the fuck’s going on with these chemtrails??
Take a look at the world, cast your eyes to the skies
All you have to do is open them wide
Liars telling 'truths' and truthers spreading 'lies'
None of them true of course but the truth says otherwise

Most Creative

First Prize / $20 STEEM Cartoon the Weapon


After some initial issues getting this video entry to play on my end, I finally got it to work and slowly an eerie fairgrounds melody began to bubble to the surface with a shadowy figure swaying back and forth on his heels. The bass drops and a droning beat punches through accompanied by rhymes focused on the weaponization of children's cartoons, breakfast cereals and the obesity epidemic. @maneki-neko has a unique delivery and an artistic flare that comes through loud and clear in this production. Definitely check this out on D-Tube!

Most Humorous

First Place / $20 STEEM Conspiracy Rap


This guy is a true wordsmith, and has the instincts of a seasoned battle rapper creative setups and punchlines galore. This is one of the first submissions I came across and it had me bustin' a gut starting with the awesome tin foil caps for men and felines. There's a fun loving tone to @goldenarms' rhymes that is __ complimented by flashes of lyric brilliance and an expertly measured verses.

I wear tinfoil on my dome, you can't read my thoughts, cover up my third eye like some government plots


There's flouride in the water, all the frogs are gay..and Alex Jones blows my mind just like JFK

I don't believe all I read in a highschool book, I murder kids with these rhymes like its Sandy Hook

Second Place /$10 STEEM Shazam


This one right here, had me questioning reality itself. I have never heard of Shazam but I had seen Shaq's movie (unfortunately) of a similar title Kazaam. This really bugged me out a little as either Shazam was a B-movie that never made it to theatres or this is more evidence of the Madela Effect at play. I really liked @jakemm's old-school Slick Rick style story telling delivery and approach to this subject. Well played!

Bonus @v4vapid Upvotes for Winners

EDIT: As some of the entries are past the 7 day mark, I will be applying a 50% upvote to another one of your posts on your wall :)

Applies to: @bulleth, @goldenarms, @tonyr, @thoughts-in-time, @an0nkn0wledge

Bonus V4vapid Upvotes for Honorable Mentions

Like I said at the beginning, this was an extremely hard contest to judge and there are a lot of entries that I would also like to recognize.


Each of these accounts will receive a bonus upvote. Awesome entries!!
If you haven't given these a look please go and do so now and consider show them a little love.

STEEM Transfers

v4vapid — Steemit(7).png


This contest was a ton of fun and I hope all of you also enjoyed the creative process. Again, I've received a lot of feedback about how much fun it was to accept the challenge and the thrill of the creative process.

There will be a TFR 2, so keep sharping your rhyme skills and come come spit some truth (or disinfo) in the next edition!

Thank you

Lurk Master V

Tin-foil-hat @animate.gif




Thanks to @v4vapid for doing this amazing contest!! I had a lot of fun doing this and I know everyone else did too. I got to find a lot of talented people on here to follow and get inspiration from. Dope, just completely dope.

I can't edit my original post on Busy.org, so I'll post here.

I just have to give a HUGE thanks to everyone showing me some love over at my original post. I'm honestly speechless. I woke up and saw a notification on my phone that I won the competition and automatically that just made me go insane. I mean, INSANE. Posted my thanks on here first, then I go to my original post and couldn't believe it. I literally yelled and ran around my house for a quick second, lmao! Thank you all SOOOOOOOOOOO much, you have no idea how much this means to me and my family thank you thank you!!!!!

This is funny because - THIS - right here is why I love hosting these contests. Bringing people together and giving a platform to other Steemians to showcase their talents. Really happy people are checking out your entry with renewed interest :)

You deserve it man!
That was on hell of a track.
I wrote it 5 days ago on your wall - Fan-Fucking-Tastic!
You have a great voice by the way too, so good that some people asked what kind of distortion you used ;)

Put that shit up on D-Tube and D-sound!

Thanks man, I really appreciate everything. This is huge, like HUGE, for me. I can't express how thankful I am enough.

Yea, everyone always says that about my voice... Like, even in person. I'll be talking and then when I start rapping they look like "Yo, wtf?". LMAO. The only treatment that I use that would affect my voice is basic EQ and a little reverb, I just cut out all lows below around 100-150 hz.

If I upload to D-Tube and D-sound, won't it make a new post for each? Is there a way I can post them on there and it won't make a new blog post for each of them? Just don't want to spam it, lmao.

Yes they will both post to your timeline. I wouldn't see it as spam though personally. I think you should upload to D-Tube and D-sound. Maybe write a little summary about how the track came about and why you are uploading it to the 2 sites.

Another great contest mate, some of the entrants were brilliant.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Congrats to all the winners. That was one of the best contests on steemit in a while by far. I couldn't actually resist winding in a whole bag of conspiracies and as much as I love poetry, there's nothing more satisfying than rhyming sci-fi thriller scenarios, we all know and love. next time, I will abide by the rules. cheers @v4vapid & well hosted, it must have taken ages to judge all the entries :)

Thank you so much for hosting this awesome contest @v4vapid, as soon as I saw the post my mind got racing, just another awesome moment created on steem that I won't soon forget.
Also, it has inspired me to start to host my own contests over the hip hop and trap beats that I produce, but usually can find no outlet for... so what better way than to open it up to the many talented people on here?
Big shout out to all the contestants, great great entries all around, and a good job on the judgement as well, V.
I hope to see some more conspiracy minded and musical contests in the future all over the steem world.

Dude, I loved your entry so fucking much. Had to stop obsessing over it because I for sure thought you were going to win. Your whole take on rap was really cool. Everything was original and exceptionally well produced. Have checked out quite a number of your videos now, you definitely make some good content. Can't wait to see your competitions man!!

Thanks pal. Yeah the video/animation stuff is super fun. Sometimes I just can't help myself.

You are a worthy winner. Well done my friend.

It's all about the contestants!

You all killed it!

I had an amazing time checking out everyone's entries...super difficult decisions and a hell of a lot of entires. Your entry reminded me of the insane clown posse or something, lol.
Fantastic job man! I'm happy to support such creative endeavors.

Don't know when but yes, there will be another TFR contest for sure!

Never in my life did I think someone would compare me to Insane Clown Posse - let alone that I would actually somehow take it as a compliment... Life is strange.

Lol sorry, it was mainly the visuals and the intro distorted-circus theme ;)

It's "When You Wish Upon A Star" - ICP style

Wow, way to go everyone! That was fun for sure. Thanks again @v4vapid for the opportunity to show off my creativity.

Congratulations to the winners, I see that I have underestimated my competition. Make no mistake I'll be bringing the heat in TFR 2.

Thank you very much for the opportunity @v4vapid. Your contest inspired me to get creative, something that can be hard to do in a world of information overload, that red pill can be a motherf#cker. I'm just now reading through the entries of the winners, so many talented people! I'm still hoping I get to hear 'Pizza Related' put to audio/video sometime soon. Had you have made yourself eligible for your own contest with independent judges you'd have won it, hands down!

Lol, I dunno if that's gonna happen... but thanks:)

I think we all OD on the redpills some times and we need to take a time out to refresh and have a little fun with it. Tons of talented entries and I hope it continues for the next TFR down the road:)

Thanks again, @v4vapid, for a great contest, all the fun, the honorable mention, and etc. and etc. - Fantastic! :D



What a fantastic contest! congratulations to the winner, all runners-up, honourable mentions etc etc!! I've honestly been surprised at the wealth of talent and creativity on display here. Everyone deserves some serious kudos for all the effort they've put into this competition, respect!! Looking forward to catching up on all the raps I've missed. Thanks for the rhymes!!!

Oh well... always a bridesmaid, never a bride lol! Congratulations to the winners- GREAT JOB!

hi I am a newbie. please visit and upvote hehe

If you want to get anywhere on Steemit, don't ask for votes- it makes people mad. Everybody you see here worked really hard for what they have and didn't beg for it!

Thanks for the competition, and for the hefty upvote on my entry. I have been thinking about adding a few more verses into my piece and recording it as a proper song. I have been drawing a lot of inspiration from your recent competitions, and it is clear that many others have too.

I hope you will keep doing what you're doing, mate.

Dude, I loved your entries so I had to give you a bonus upvote. You know, some people have suggested that I make an add-on to this contest as well. Like take the winners entries and hold a contest for who can put it to a beat or music the best...I'm seriously considering it.
Glad this contest is bringing out the best in Steemians :)

I like the sound of that a lot. It's a far more difficult task, so I imagine you would get less entries. But, after just checking out the winner's entry, I am curious to see what people can come up with. That was a really fucking great song.

I have some ideas for other potential contests that revolve around conspiracy theories, and that will be able to give artists and other creative types an opportunity to jump on board too. Chances are you have probably imagined some of them already, but if you ever do find yourself stuck on a competition brief, give me a shout and I'm sure I can provide you with something that is likely to bear a lot of fruit. (And because we live in this world, I feel it necessary to mention that fruit in this context refers to powerful entries such as @jamesgetsit's entry to this one. Not money and bitches. Lol.)

Yeah, I agree that it would have less entries but that's okay with me atm ;)

@jamesgetsit freaking killed it! and the video assemblage was really great considering the time constraints.

George Bush clip talking about terrorists and the red arrow next to his head, LoL

While I do have a bunch of contest ideas and several variations, I'm always open to suggestions. If I need some help or I feel stuck I'll definitely take you up on that :)

My problem usually isn't a lack of ideas, it's mainly finding the time to bring them out of the idea stage and into the world.

I agree. That shit was on a completely different level to the other entries that I saw. You definitely picked the right winner, and I doubt anyone disagrees.

My problem usually isn't a lack of ideas, it's mainly finding the time to bring them out of the idea stage and into the world.

This is me right here. I am literally an ideas machine. But, I either lack the time, resources, expertise, or willpower to realise most of them. I have been thinking about starting an open-source creations type project where I just continuously write pilot chapters, or plot summaries for books and short stories and just let those who have the real talent with writing bring the story to life and to completion. Your last competition gave me a really good idea for another story too.

By the way- here's a useful competition brief I was thinking of that you may like. I was thinking you could call it something along the lines of "Sound the Alarm." But, the name isn't important. The goal would be for participants to create something, be it poetry, fiction, art, music or anything else, that can "wake people up." The fruit of such a contest could serve a very useful purpose, at a time when I think the world needs it most. But, I would also look to find a way to get the best entries out there into the world beyond Steemit.

What do you think?

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