This is my entry in the V4Vapid Tin Foil Raps 2 - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest (Syrian Edition). It was way harder than I even thought it was going to be! Not real happy with the result but hey, I gave it a whirl, right?
If both sides of the Congress join up in a New York minute
when there's some big shit to bomb and some
big war bucks for them in it
If Tucker Carlson smells himself a Syrian false flag rat
Then Republican voters better follow suit and
second-look that.
If in their "fight" against the right the liberals need to side
with the CIA then maybe their whole view should
zoom out wide
to the bigger space to see the way elites don't really care
about which ideology you favour; profits rules the
ideas there.
That and control, to keep us fighting each other from
division. All the easier to conquer a people
so they easily miss the vision
of a crumbling cabal needing our consent to
status quo. Yet the reality is more and more of us
are in the know.