Great new Tinashe GIF I found to cheer you up in the wake of Neds failure. I still cant register new users in the REAL world instantly, can you?
Oh am I supposed to pretend like this is steem and i have to add some other useless fluff to the blog? Nah fuck this fake UI, Steem blockchain is great but is terrible and im still going to use it to make fun of Ned and ask why he hasnt shown us anything about his personal life?
Operation force Ned out of his Shell, because we did our job, Ned should do his and just use a tiny TINY bit of his upvote power, like 1% votes, on all the people who actually matter, its a real drag that he doesn't participate, so why should we?
There are very few people who actually sit on here and mess with this social network that is dying. Momentum must be restarted with a battery, a jump start, we need 4chan level collective trolling brigades
We need weaponized autism
I still cant even register a new user like I used to be able to do... When I joined over a YEAR ago in march 2017 my account was instant... and here we are October 2018 and it can still take WEEKS to get on steem through the portal? Jesus Christ this is a shit show, only a miracle or an ANGEL investor can save us and fork everything and ditch ned and start over... Seriously doesnt that SEEM like the more WISE thing to do? Would YOU tell someone to invest in steem when we can just wait for the probable disastrous launch of SMTs and just fork everything and start over... I mean seriously the SMT and hf20 shit was supposed to be a big grand opening weve been waiting for and maybe an admission of guilt somewhere, that Ned made a mistake, i mean he hasnt ever admitted to being the cause of our growth stunting..... steem should be at a MUCH higher price, and thats not just me talking shit... steem could have LED the entire crypto revolution, all we were supposed to need was a fucking App and ned still wont explain why SNEAK was PROMISING us an Appp and then scarpped it, i mean sneak destroyed steemit inc that fat fuck just killed us deader than a hammer...honestly Alex Jones has a better chance of saving steem by doing an airdrop fork like Golos did and just get a COMPETENT team of more than just two people, and hire inertia roadscape timcliff to just work on this in their free time, or honestly maybe its time we find new people and admit hiring from within is a mistake... we barely have a sample of the population we cant act like t he current community is in any way accurate to the world at large... why isnt steem at AMERICAN universities... why is Ned only going around KOREAN universities? What is he a Spy? No seriously whats up with Ned why is he so secretive and who does he really work for?
Is this what you want to become?
Or how about this?
Vote brigading. Thats what we have to do and we have to get users from reddit and 4chan to look PAST our FUCKED up registration and show them that we CAN make them accounts if they are WORTH it but I am NOT spending fucking $10 or even $5 to create ONE account fuck that can you imagine how much of a LOSER you have to be, to just literally have NO friends to the point where you are gonna spend FIVE whole DOLLARS on the creation of a SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT that you have NO idea if someone is gonna spend ANY time on? Seriously I guess none of you have ever been in a big city where you can meet 100 people and ask them all to join steem, yeah so im supposed to spend five HUNDRED US dollars creating accounts? No wait last time i checked it costed over 10 dollars so thats THOUSANDS of dollars to create OTHER peoples accounts who you have no idea if they are even going to post???
SOCIAL MEDIA IS A CASUAL THING, THIS SHIT DOESNT WORK, IT DOESNT WORK YOU CANT EXPECT NORMIES TO SETTLE INTO A NERD MAZE TIME VAMPIRE SYSTEM jesus christ... im so pissed at the MEDIOCRITY if this place and how it USED to work GREAT and then people FORGOT to expand the infrastructure like @fyrstikken TRIED to tell the steemit inc Elite to do.... I mean its rediculous how Ned is trying to play these two roles of CEO, and "just another Community member"\
@sircork is not really touching on any of the REAL problems of Ned... how he is lazy and doesnt want to take any risks like actually spending some of his steem on serious shit like a wing at a university where we can TRAIN people for REAL how to run witnesses, how to fork steem, RPC node training, building BIG test nets that you can PAY COLLEGE STUDENTS to actually USE on a DAILY basis for PEANUTS, like 20 bucks for a week of just spending 15 mins a day on a new social media platform? And get paid in GIFT cards? YEAH University students LOVE programs like that! UGGGHHH Do i just have to go BACK to school and just walk around and pretend im in classes? Ive graduated from UC Santa Cruz and so I know how to pretend Im a college student and I mAY as well hangout at SDSU and UCSD here in San Diego and not stop untill I have met every student and told them about steem, and honestly THEY are the ones who will LOVE to make music videos and who will actually make it fun and bring cars full of women to my door, yes the YOUNG college students THEY will use their FAFSA money to invest in steempower, and then create posts with @desmond41 with HIS school and @tj4real and @mcsamm and @girlsfoundation yeah we will actually change the world but in a FUN way with college students, Hip hop parties and music videos paid for using my steempower, and we have to do a party simultaniously so we have to do WORLD BEAT CENTER in San Diego, while we do a party in Ghana at the same time organized by @desmond41 yeah thats how this has to happen
Yes I am going to channel all my anger and rage I have for Ned and his mediocrity, into Hip Hip. I know it sounds corny but Hip Hop will save the world because all we have is youtube and video to channel our creativity, its a huge blessing because in the 20th century it was all network TV and movie studios and centrally controlled now we can do whatever we want if we just spend My money and do it wisely but I know I can pay for everything using steem upvotes, but now adays I cannot get those large upvotes anymore that could actually fund large events, so what i have to do is just make it a marketing event, spend my own steem when steem hits $2, and combine it with the $1300 budget i promised for best rapper in Ghana contest, that contest has to be for @yensesa and I have to just make it primarily a yensesa Event and then the money i spend will be for a good cause, and I can really push this idea at the #World Beat Center, who have a lot of people who I am sure would love for me to spend part of that budget here for the San Diego part of the party, and honestly it has to be a multi part thing, where we have a contest in Ghana, hopefully have world beat center involved, and THEN throw a party. And Honestly AS LONG AS STEEM is over $1 (really id like for $2) but HONESTLY I dont mind spending 1000 or even 1500 steem, as long as its close to $1500 to $2000 I could REALLY throw a great event that can REALLY allow myself to build a VIP area for everyone involved with steem, while replicating it in Ghana, And I think i could do it even cheaper, i just have to see who actually wants this bad enough to make it happen on my budget, but I want something REALLY nice, and so I bet we can see a lot of ideas posted, on the Ghana side, but for my side I want to have @truestory157 help me find the people who can see the REALLY nice cause we have here, to make sure no one takes advantage of the budget in any way, and keep everything so extremely above board that we can post all the details, which is the WHOLE point. I wont do any of this or work with anyone in the San Diego side unless they are willing to let me record and post EVERYTHING and thats the WHOLE POINT of this whole operation, to publicly show off the budget and what we spent it on, and then BOOM everyone sees how easy it is to throw events and we INSPIRE people to make events better than ours!
I know I share the same vision as the world beat center, its basically the same visions you get on San Pedro cactus but also i have all these amazing movie and video game ideas to Really help world peace NOT just between nations but the more PRESSING matter of peace between the Races, because seriously this country is on the verge of a massive race war and we all know the majority side would win in USA but then white sin South Africa for example would be killed in retribution and then Europe would be on fire and the WHOLE world is a ticking time bomb I personally feel responsible for DEfusing, Because I CAN, and its ALL about education. Theres this idea that European males created ALl of western civilization and we pretty much did but theres plenty of things Black people created that we dont give credit for, not in THIS age but in the old anunaki times, and im not talking about the we wuz kangs and sheet stuff, that is plenty funny in this context of the World beat center sure, but we need to hush our minds and respect the ancient extra terrestrials that were all our real ancestors, no White people arent the ONLY aliens, sorry its all of us, were all aliens and racism was given to us by the anunaki and reptillian ancient alien FAKE creator Gods. See WE are the Avatars of the ORIGINAL creator Gods, and the metatronic Anunaki are spreading this idea through the late zecharai sithcin that the ANUNAKI created us as a slave race when thats like saying White people created Black people as a slave race, as if that story would ever be believed by anyone during US slavery times, hah, see its rediculous and its JUST as rediculous as saying some anunaki creator gods CREATED us. no they FOUND us and ENSLAVED us, ALL of us... Both white people and Black people need to grow up to the FACT that they arent teh ONLY slaves, we were ALL slaves... But these seals in our body keep us grounded, the artifical gravity matrix keeps us from flying off into space right? So Im grateful for this cosmic machinery BUT I still want people to know that we shouldnt worship other entities, they dont respect us when we get on our knees like slaves, they respect standing humans... . jehova or YHWH (lyrian word for high commander of wisdom) just wants us to CREATE ... as individuals and i GUESS as a collective, liek an ant colony or like BEES, but yeah anyway I gotta go surf :)
Heresa party at the world beat center
Its the perfect place to promote Steem @wafrica @girlsfoundation @yensesa yeah man
omg u really ranted here...
"Solid SNEAK"? lol
I read half of it and it's like u speak my mind...I don't know why he is holding to innovation ?
I think he wants to monopolize it but then again he already is...
I dont know wtf it is but ...fcuk @NED
I really see it a good ground for steem promotion. Thats good @ackza