Time Machine Writing Contest ~ Watching The Past

in #timetravelcontest7 years ago (edited)


Before I start my time travel endeavors, I would like to ask… If I go back in time, will my whole physical body and conscience leave the present world and walk the past realm? If so, then…

I raised the necklace with a pendant resembling an hourglass. It was a Time-Tuner, a gift from a friend from the Ministry of Magic, Hermion Grange. Having been reminded of how dangerous time traveling, I still wanted to go back.

I took a deep breath and spun the hourglass. As I watched it rotate, my surroundings began to move faster and faster but in a going back manner. Just like putting a video on rewind. At last, it stopped. I expected everything to be in sepia tone though, “I sighed” but nonetheless I am still in the past.

Certainly, I have lots of regrets and mistakes from the past. Most were embarrassingly enough that I don’t want to talk about it but some were hilarious though. Anyway, If I go back in the past I would want to watch myself first before taking any actions that may or may not help me in the present time.

The first period I went to was during my elementary school life. As I watched myself live solitarily during my grade school, I felt heavy-hearted. I wanted to help myself so if I just talk to my little self and encourage him to try to make friends and be friends with everyone then maybe things would be different. Before I could walk to him, I paused and then let out a big sigh. I remembered that during my high school life I was surrounded with friends. And even though I was still socially awkward, those friends accepted and respected me. I think I did a great job improving myself without the help of a time machine or the future me.

Next, I want to go back to watch myself embarrass himself. Especially the times I got drunk and don’t remember everything that had happened after. I just need to fill those empty spaces in my memories. One friend even told me, “Tsk, Rj, I won’t be surprised if one day someone will knock on your door and tells you that you’re the father of her child!” And I don’t want that to happen, do I? Oh, and it may have sounded like I’m a drunkard but I’m not. It’s just that there were a few times, yes a few times, in my life that I’m really troubled, bothered and depressed. Hence, I’m telling you now, alcohol is not a solution to any problem. Please drink moderately.

Anyway, now that I filled the blanks in my memories, I needed to return so I spun the hourglass and just like what happened before, everything went into fast-forward until I was back on my present time. Since I didn’t do much and just watched myself from a safe distant, there weren’t any significant changes that happened. Suddenly, I heard someone knock on the door. My heart started pumping and started to breathe heavily, “Could it be?” I whispered, “Did I missed a time I got drunk?” I went to open the door and was shocked to see Hermione holding a little boy wearing black shorts and a red plaid polo shirt.
“No way?!” I said to myself as I looked at Hermion then to the little boy and back to Hermion. “Silly”, she laughed, “He’s not my child. And definitely not ours.”

“Oh, right.” I stuttered. “No way would that happen.” Ha-ha

This is my official entry to @coderzairos' "If I Have A Time Machine" writing contest.

Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that - but you are the only you. -Neil Gaiman

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May bagong contest si @maverickinvictus..Entry ka parang magaling ka don..haha

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