in #time6 years ago

God is eternal. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

This means that your present experience to Him is as current to Him as your past and your future: your past is NOT past to Him and your future is NOT a future thing to Him.

Take this example; God is deliberate in His use of the word “WHEN” to reveal to us the mind of predestination: how He views events in the lives of men.

He says, “WHEN you pass through the waters, I will be with you” (Isaiah 43:2);
“WHEN the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19).

When He uses this language, it does not mean that somewhere in God’s future, you will go through waters, or the enemy will seek to attack you. He is already in that experience and in itself, it is past, present and futuristic to Him.

Time has the limitation [and weakness] of trapping human experiences in a restricted matrix and thus magnifying their consequences to the end that men easily take their eyes off God. Impossibility thrives in the arena of time limitations.

But God wants you to look behind the veil of time.

When you separate the time series of the earth [past, present and future] from the events of your life, that gap is filled by the ultimate experience of God Himself.

You will start to understand that it is Him in the waters, Him in the fire, Him raising a standard when the enemy comes in.

When you read the story of Job, the Bible talks about Job’s end as being the Lord’s (James 5:11).

But understand this: It is not God’s intention that we only look to the end of a matter as carrying the testimony of God but that in the past, present and future experience of any event GOD IS!

This is the mind that causes men never to set their eyes on circumstances because the wisdom of God that numbers days (Psalms 90:12) has taught them to look at life through the lens of eternity.

In any event of your life, you behold Christ, the author and finisher of your faith. (Hebrews 12:2).Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 90:12, Revelation 1:8

GOLDEN NUGGET: When you separate the time series of the earth [past, present and future] from the events of your life, that gap is filled by the ultimate experience of God Himself. You will start to understand that it is Him in the waters, Him in the fire, Him raising a standard when the enemy comes in.

PRAYER: Father I thank you, that today the eyes of my perception are cleansed and I behold this ultimate truth, that all things are infinite. This day God, may I draw from eternal wells, rivers and depths. Your Word says deep calls unto deep. May I dream and look at life past the limitations of time to deeper places in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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